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Somaliland: President Siilaanyo Meets with Mayors

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War niyow danyeerkan yaa iga qabta. tolow Suldaankii Awal Bari ma u yeera, oo aan xal ka qaado.


mise habartii libaaxa ayaan u yeeraa, danyeerkan ha karbaashtee.

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Which reminds JB oo why do you keep deleting me. Just because wasaqnimad ayan kuu magag unlike your brainless followers, maraba waad ii deletgarisa!


I went to message you this morning, and wax la igu yidi, JB is not in your friends network, would you like to send a request!!!




Archdemos did you see JB 1993 females friends aye iska iyo 5 friends deex boodan and you thought I better add him icon_razz.gif:D


P.s. JB I know you keep deleting me because FB only allows 2000 friends, so marab married ones iyo kuwa useka baadan baad delet garesy till lineku kale yaranayo! :D

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yeah the somali version of Robbie. LOL :D


to be honest i dont think he has that many friends. maybe i got the wrong JB.


anyway i need facebook buddies, I'm kinda sad like that :rolleyes:


I'd like to put a face on some of you wondeful SOL characters.


I'll send out my ID link on a PM and add me people, you should be honoured i chose you. :D


I'll start with you Ibtisam, since JB is being difficult these days.

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Archdemos, I would strongly advise you against adding any of the cool SOLers on FB, they are freaks and bullies in real life. :D(I say this as someone who has them all on my account)


P.s. Err I swear you or someone pretending to be you is already on my FB (he has your picture)

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ha ha from the radio :D:D . That isnt me, those are my co-hosts.


so far its JB, yourself, Norf, NinBrown and Deleted. The the chosen few :D


The unmasking of Archdemos is going to happen @ 14:00 GMT

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YOU CANNOT PUT A FOX TO BE THE GUARD OF A SHEEP COOP,IF YOU WANT TO HAVE ANY SHEEP LEFT.!! SIILAANYO AND Dr.GABOOSE, And all other expected up coming Goverment members. Conducting a dangerous, Failure to maintain law and order while they are in a power before, failure to protect the rights of somaliland poeple,Deceiving the poeple and own opinion by uttering gross lies, Ignoring the over whelming public opinion of the Somaliland population against the power abuse and corruption.if you look back old days Muse Biihi was a minister,Siilanyo was a minister not one time, Gaboose was a minister,Mahamed hashi was a minister.

You cannot put a fox to be the guard of a cheep coop,if you want to have any chicken left! The evils that men do will forever live after them! Who killed his military leader ? how did Siilanyo run into wealth ? Siilanyo crime of annulling the 1995 confilect,is even enough to disqualify him from ever standing for any political office in the country.Not only did he throw the country into a political uncertainty,he also brought about the criminal regime of Siad bare when he refuse to support Abdirahman Tuur's goverment. Siilaanyo should wake up daily and ask for forgiveness for all his evil deeds.He was responsible for all lost lives and shattered hopes that resulted from the civil war nullification. I register my voice to say, hell no, to Siilaanyo and his aspiration to rule Somaliland! As we all know the man has too many rotten stinking skeletons to be a leader. Lisen and look those who are close associates of Siilaanyo are not his true friends.A true friend is one who tells you the honest truth, when the rest of the world tells you what you want to hear.A true friend is one that will never let a friend's name be soil in a stain of shame due to lying.


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