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General Duke

SOL/Politics section key players for dummies

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Originally posted by Castro:

^^^^ You two are in the clown group. I'm in the "bewildered" group. Oodweyne is simultaneously in the "Defeated" and "Secessionist" groups. The good general is in the "Expectant" group. I wonder which trimester he's in. LOL.


Rumour has it the dad is an Ethio soldier. ;)

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Oh those envious group who 'may be related to Puntland by blood ties' but hide behind the Mogadishu mob, shame on you, shame on you!


How can you betray the big 'Dhii' blood tie and support the enemy tribe? Sellouts, you hear, you sell out Paragon!


Paragon: Urm, are you finished cousin?

Blood cousin: Yeah, I am! Traitor!

Paragon: (ala Austin Powers' style) Err, Thank you very much! ;) Err make my order a cup of Somali nationism! Much obliged cousin smile.gif ...

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Rumour has it the dad is an Ethio soldier

We dont need rumours here some say. That you room with this fellow. Peter%20Tatchell.jpg


One must do his all to get recognition hay :D

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^^^lool. Adeer I dont need Mr Thatchel or his likes for help for recognition, my country is internationally known. Its flag flies in the UN and its head of state is in Sharm Al Sheikh right now in the AU summit.


Anyhow I hope you stop asking for these folks support.

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Duke seems very irritable today. He usually ignores all the sniping and carries on with his TFG spin. talo maxa ku dhacay?


Is he a fan of Xasan Adan? :D

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The best objective, rationally calculated observation I have seen on the net in a long time. I almost share with you on this great observation.


I know some of us here are chuckling in agreement but would otherwise choose to feign ignorance.

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Originally posted by General Duke:


The nefarious secessionists
: They use the religious oath of Islam on their flag while trying to dismember the unity of the Somali’s who are not only their kin by blood but also brothers in faith.

Why are you attached to SL only?


What about:



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My goodness:


Lets start with the objective fellows here, Camir thanks brother.


To Paragon, adeer why are you putting yourself in a box, no need for it lad.


Secessionists or Peter Thatchells friends


Ayoub, stay away from Thatchel dear lad, and let me tell you another thing, the queen is not your mother, and a child in Addis is not closer to you than one born in Mogadishu. Just trying educate you lad.


Africa own, read the whole post, I know the truth of the secessionist section has a gravity pull of its own.


Ngoon, adeer Duke is irritate only by the pretentious nonsense of the likes of Oodweyne, the dude writes a great deal and says nothing. For example look at this line pure Hogwash.



But, then, again, what does Mr. Duke knows the meaning of things in the first place;-



How old is this fellow? To compound everything his own signature on the avatar highlights his mental state he claims to be from.

Burco -Togdheer - Republic Of Somaliland.



Can you kindly wake this man up or at least give him some strong coffee. There is no Republic of Somaliland, one must be able to differentiate between simple fact and fiction. Somalia republic is a fact, Somaliland republic :D a mere delusion in the minds of the confused folks like Oodweyne.


General Duke.

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Originally posted by Caamir:

The best objective, rationally calculated observation I have seen on the net in a long time. I almost share with you on this great observation.


I know some of us here are chuckling in agreement but would otherwise choose to feign ignorance.

You are lost as always ninyow. What makes no sense to most seems to be wonderfully scripted with you. Hmm you are the ultimate cheerleader.

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Duke, Old man you are trashing the secessionists maanta, I thought you would be more interested in the fake-sheikhs and looter inco. but this thread got me laughing honestly.


Secessionists or Peter Thatchells friends



Wax waalan dheh.

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