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General Duke

SOL/Politics section key players for dummies

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SOL/Politics section key players for dummies



For anyone interested in a frank picture of the main SOL members in the political section there here is your chance.

My long membership and participation in the site has led me to categorize my fellow members in the following political brackets.

Now with all due respect to individuals names will not be named here, nor is the aim to point fingers.


Here is a small break down of the main political groupings in SOL.


110px- 1. The expectant group, members of this group are pro law and order, respectful of human rights, mindful of international law, globalization and its effects on Somalia. . They tend to support national unity; they are sober in outlook, realistic in their aims for a restoration of governance for Somalia. Individuals in this group tend to use logic and reason its members are confident, above all hopeful about the future and aware of the present.

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Peter%20Tatchell.jpgReligion & this dude dont mix


2. The nefarious secessionists: members of this group are pro law and order, respectful of human rights and dignity of their own sub-clans no one elses rights matters. They are quite ignorant with regards to how the world works and delude themselves that they have a special status and that history accords them some rights that only they can see. The name of the country they want to create and its main symbols contradict what they stand for. They profess they want to create a Somaliland while damning the name Somalia. They use the religious oath of Islam on their flag while trying to dismember the unity of the Somali’s who are not only their kin by blood but also brothers in faith. Thus this group live in contradictions, lately they have come out in support of continuing the war in the south, to an individual they are “anti Ethiopia” yet their leader prostitute themselves to the “Amhar” at any given time. Members of this fraternity suffer from a deep seated inferiority complex. A renowned leader of theirs stated a while back that “ The child born in Addis Ababa is closer to me than the child born in Mogadishu”. This group crave peace in their regions and blood in other parts.

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3. The defeated This group is made up of many individuals of various clans, some while anti “occupation” were cheerleaders and gave moral succor to warlords who occupied, Barava, Kismayu, and other regions. They always pretend that when their hero’s killing and pillaging it was for a moral godly cause, however when their hero’s militias are on the defensive it’s a heinous crime against humanity. This group is quite retarded and using that term I do not want to insult the sufferers of that medical condition by associating them with such fellows. Cyber warriors par excellence, blood, murder and killings they boast off, mindless violence, barbarity is their way, hypocrisy and simple emotive arguments their mainstay. Their “innocent hero’s” have occupied, looted, and raped people and land. They dug up graves for profit, they send women and children to their death, they behead prisoners and danced on corpses. Their actions have uprooted thousands of civilians whose homes they used as military barracks, adult bodies as shields and children as canon fodder while they hid in safety in foreign lands. The remarkable thing is while they are the root cause for the war they declared, the defeats in battle they led and the misery they caused. The supporters in SOL want more, they want to “liberate” the land vengeful and angry at everyone and anyone but the men who led them. This group unlike number two have no hope.

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1. The bewildered group: It is not easy to title this desperate bunch as a group, they are a collection of confused individuals, who have lost their bearings, some hold unnecessary clan based guilt, and others just hate a certain clan. They do not hold a clear ideology, romantics who have lost their way. Others gullible fellows who just follow the mob. For anyone to believe that the “insurgents” or leaders of the third group are “religious” is not mentally competent. They usually crave attention, seek praise and believe they hold the keys to paradise the answers, the confused lot think they are “smarter” than the rest. However they tend to flip flop, make unnecessary predictions wholly unrealistic resulting in them further confusing themselves. These individuals one has much sympathy for, for they do not know what they do. Usually those fortunate enough will fall into the above groups and get out of the wilderness.


Thus my friends this is a true reflection of SOL, with much sorrow and no woo I will depart from this topic.

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^^^^ You two are in the clown group. I'm in the "bewildered" group. Oodweyne is simultaneously in the "Defeated" and "Secessionist" groups. The good general is in the "Expectant" group. I wonder which trimester he's in. LOL.


Originally posted by General Duke:

The expectant group
, members of this group is pro law and order, respectful of human rights, mindful of international law, globalization and its effects on Somalia. . They tend to support national unity; they are sober in outlook, realistic in their aims for a restoration of governance for Somalia. Individuals in this group tend to use logic and reason its members are confident, above all hopeful about the future and aware of the present.

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After you find out which group you fit in I want you all to go to Barnes and Nobles bookstore and pick up a book by Kay Redfield called An Unquiet Mind .Since all of you suffer increase feeling of Euphoria and maniac episodes :D



PS General aka Captain thanks for the Laugh...

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Envious gang: not an ideological group, with little impact on the debate itself. This block of blowhard just hate a certain clan from the North East of Somalia. The clan of Yeey for they suffer from severe bout inferiority complex.


They don't belong to Mogadishu clans, yet cheer for them to keep dying, they, may even be close to Puntlanders in terms of blood ties but they hide behind Mogadishu, genocide, ethiopia and such emotive nonsense. They do not care about the people; they just want to prove a point and to follow the mob led by the defeatet lot obediently. They have mental amnesia and impotence of character and purpose.

They are not defeated because they have never been part of any war.

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