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The rulers are not only intellectually bankrupt...

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PRESS RELEASE - The rulers are not only intellectually bankrupt but also coward and devoid of any dignity


The Musharraf government has clearly demonstrated that not only is it intellectually bankrupt but it also lacks courage and dignity. One can gauge their intellectual shallowness from the fact that instead of countering Hizb ut-Tahrir’s intellectual struggle with better and stronger thought they are confronting it with arrests, torture and imprisonment. The Musharraf government has been carrying out a string of cowardly and lowly acts to harass Hizb ut-Tahrir.


On 15th September, in Lahore, the government arrested the brother of Ehsan Jigranvi who is a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir. On the same day the elderly father of another member, Asif Iftikhar, was also arrested from Pir Makki. Then on 17th September, around 4:30pm, the police forced their way into Hakim Jagranvi’s house without a legal warrant or lady police officers to accompany them. They abducted the father of Saad Jigranvi, Habib ur-Rahman Jigranvi, who is in his sixties, from his room and took him to an unknown location. Habib ur-Rahman Jigranvi is a heart patient and prays his daily prayers while sitting down. What could be a better proof of the cowardice of the government that they are arresting the elderly fathers and brothers of Hizb members to stop the establishment of Islam though they are not even members of Hizb ut-Tahrir. It is the height of shamelessness that the government didn’t even find it necessary to employ the services of lady police officers while entering a house whose mothers and daughters adhere to the Islamic dress code. The womenfolk of the Jigranvi family, like other Muslim women, hate the type of immoral and shameless culture which Musharraf wants to promote in the country. The government’s response to the war on Iraq and its operations in Wana has already depicted a clear picture as to how sacred the rulers consider Islam and the lives of the Muslims. But the recent incidents have also proven that the rulers give no heed to the honour of our mothers and sisters or the sanctity of Chadar and Chardiwary (home). The fact of the matter is that Musharraf and his cronies consider a pat on the back from the US administration and slavery to the imperialists, the biggest success in this life and the hereafter.


For the last few months Hizb ut-Tahrir has been carrying out public protests throughout the country in which the public interest and participation has terrified the government. The recent raids and arrests are an outcome of the same fear. Hizb ut-Tahrir is the only real opposition in the country who not only wants to get rid of Musharraf but also wants to uproot the Capitalist system in its entirety. It is for this reason that the imperialist powers and their agents are not willing to tolerate Hizb’s peaceful struggle. People are also fed up with the current rotten system, which is the legacy of the British Raj. People’s aversion for the system can be gauged from their lack of interest and participation in the electioneering process. People are impatiently waiting for a new system and leadership; and by the Grace of Allah, Hizb ut-Tahrir has all the capability to fill the vacuum for leadership and alternative system.


We challenge the government to respond to Hizb ut-Tahrir’s political thought with intellectual and rational arguments rather than emotional outbursts or oppression. We challenge the rulers to bring a system better than the Islamic economic system and Islamic ruling system i.e. the Khilafah. We want to inform the government that the work of Hizb ut-Tahrir cannot be stopped by state oppression, torture or imprisonment. The Islamic thought is a light which cannot be extinguished by oppression rather tyranny acts like fuel to fire. Members of Hizb ut-Tahrir, all over the world, are sacrificing their lives and wealth for the establishment of the Khilafah and members here in Pakistan will not shy away to do the same. If the likes of the oppressive Karimov, tyrant Saddam and persecutor Hafiz al-Asad failed to stop Hizb then how can a lowly coward like Pervaiz Musharraf stop Hizb ut-Tahrir. The Khilafah is a reality which Al-Sadiq and Al-Ameen (s.a.a.w) has given us glad tidings of and American agents like Musharraf, Karazi and Allawi cannot belie the Messenger of Allah.



Naveed Butt


Source: The official Spokesman of Hizb ut-Tahrir in Pakistan

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“Pakistan stands for peace, recognising the right of Israel to exist, as also the right of the Palestinians to have their own homeland,†Gen Musharraf said.


I wonder if Musharraf would give rights to somebody who stole his land under the premise that the thief has a right to exist? Under Musharrafs analogy the thief can as long he leaves a nominal amount of land that Musharraf can still call his “ownâ€.


If anything this highlights that Musharraf does not think for himself but is told what to think by his Commander in Chief George W Bush.

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How to Waste time


It seems that in the Muslim world that this has been the perennial problem where constantly time is wasted on discussing, issues that are not issues but help to achieve the agenda of the colonial powers. We had the debate on the what league should the Muslim world have ranging from Islamic to Arabic all of which were conspired by the colonialists to divert the attentions of the Muslims from understanding the real issue and its correct solution.


Since the destruction of the Khilafah state in 1924 the Muslims have been oppressed by there colonially imposed/supported rulers where we have seen the Muslim world rank the worst in everything imaginable from wealth inequality, poverty, corruption etc… for 80 years we have had western solutions thrown at us to solve our problems but they have always been in the interest of the colonial powers never in the interest of the Muslim Ummah.


All these years the Ummah has craved food, shelter and clothing and yet we still find ourselves to be in the lowest of positions a position where our leaders are happy for us to stay because it is what the masters in the West wish.


Little has changed in this millennia where the debate of our time is whether Musharraf should remove his uniform or not. When the real issues are have been diverted by this mind numbing discussion when the Muslims are in a diabolical situation. We find that the policies of Musharraf go unchallenged, his whole agenda is left for him to agree with Washington without the mainstream political parties able to affect this discussion.


The real issue is what is Musharraf about? From his policies we can clearly see that his objective has been to aid the re-election campaign of George W Bush whether this be threatening an internal civil war by killing the Muslims in South Waziristan, allowing a hostile neighbour in the form of the Northern Alliance cover a once friendly border through to privatisation of the key utilities (ask the western populace on their thoughts on privatisation – nothing but a failure). A serious question needs to be asked what has Musharraf actually achieved other than being liked in Washington and London. These are well known enemies of Islam and the Muslims yet here we have our leader being coveted by them. This factor alone should raise the question who is Musharraf looking out for?


This not an issue that requires time to be wasted on it because it is not an issue the Colonialists would like the Muslims to raise therefore the answer is clear for all and is only a discussion for those that would sell themselves for the colonialists. Musharraf has showed his colours to be other than that of the Muslims and therefore must be removed.

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