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IGAD Expresses Appreciation to Gov't for Ensuring Horn, Somali Peace

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IGAD Expresses Appreciation to Gov't for Ensuring Horn, Somali Peace


April 14, 2007


The Inter-governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Ministerial Meeting expressed appreciation to the sacrifices paid by the Ethiopian Government to help the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia attain its objectives and ensure peace and stability in the Horn of Africa, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.


The 26th IGAD Foreign Ministers Session held in Nairobi on April 13, 2007 renewed their confidence in the TFG while condemning the subversive activities bent on weakening TFG, the Ministry said in its statement sent to ENA yesterday.


The ministers had confirmed that the instability that prevailed recently was due to the subversive activities perpetrated by terrorists and extremists, the statement said.


The session also praised the Ugandan government for its contribution made toward ensuring peace in Somalia and urged other nations to contribute their share.



It also underlined that the instability in Somalia would have a negative impact not only in the Horn of Africa but also in the world.


The Ministerial meeting has also called upon the international community to extend financial, logistical and material support to TFG in accordance with its pledge.


All the above recommendations passed by the session were endorsed by all IGAD member states save Eritrea, which has reservation.




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The ministers had confirmed that the instability that prevailed recently was due to the subversive activities perpetrated by terrorists and extremists

I was just reading this in the daily nation & i couldnt help but laugh. There was a heated argument about this whole process, And evenetually this "Vote" came down to the numbers. As you can see from this breakdown, I am sure you can see why these stooges endorsed the TFG.


Lets see who is comprised of this IGAD.


1.DJbouti: This is the country whose soil was used by the Americans to Kill Somalis

2.Eritria: No Comment

3.Ethiopia : This is the country that got outsourcing job to capture terrorists.

4.Kenya: This is the country that Artificially insiminated this whole TFG.

5.Somalia: No Comment

6.Sudan : Has not fully endorsed this TFG

7.Uganda: The only country to send troops.

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Saxib your drawings does not put the objective reality on the ground and it rests on a false propaganda fomented by individuals who do not want to see peace in Somalia.

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Originally posted by Caamir:

Saxib your drawings does not put the objective reality on the ground and
it rests on a false propaganda fomented by individuals who do not want to see peace in Somalia.

What individuals? Elucidate adeer!


Look at the composition of this organization, with the exception of Kenya(Whose image has been tainted badly),the rest of these nations are powerless,poor & boast of poor leaders called dictators.


IGAD was always run by MOI & with the exit of MOI,its influence now solely rests on the western Donors who fund this dictatorial regimes.The new regime in Kenya has tainted kenya's history of being impartial & non partisan of Somali issues. It is not like that of the Former President Daniel Arap Moi(Founder father of Igadd)who respected & championed for Peace.


My question to you is, suppose the USA would have endorsed the UIC instead of the TFG,what would IGAD's stance be? HUH?

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Originally posted by Faarax-Brown:


My question to you is, suppose the USA would have endorsed the UIC instead of the TFG,what would IGAD's stance be? HUH? [/QB]

Let me venture a guess: NO football team to the world cup from Somalis?


Becaus that seems more important to Some pple than the current death and rape and displacement IGAD, sorry, I mean Addeer Meles is exacting on innocent little Somalis...while we debate on a NABADGELYO that's expected to come from the loss of a whole nation.... 'PEACE' how tragic!!!

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"My question to you is, suppose the USA would have endorsed the UIC instead of the TFG,what would IGAD's stance be? HUH?"


I would have supported and IGAD would have supported ICU hadn't they make grave political miscalculation as well as both divisional and functional structure in exclusion of all Somalis except them. They futhermore were steeped in both organizational and technical flaws. I had commented on their many shortcomings before they were defeated. Check on my records, brother.

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