General Duke Posted June 17, 2009 pics Sawiradan Waa Dhalinyaro uu Madfac Ku Haleelay Xaafada KPP waxaana ku dhintay 6 ruux oo dhamaantood ah wiilalasha xaafada degan oo uu madfac ay soo tuureen ciidamada Amisom ku geeriyooday. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted June 17, 2009 The folly of the caravan and its foolish architec ts What now Walad Abdalla ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted June 17, 2009 122,000-qof oo Muqdisho ka qaxay 17 Jun 17, 2009 - 2:36:51 PM Hay'adda UNHCR ayaa warbixin ay kasoo saartay xafiiskeeda Nairobi ku sheegtay in tirada dadkii ka barokacay dagaalada Muqdisho ee u dhexeeya dowlada iyo mucaaradka ay tiradoodu gaartay 122,000-qof. UNHCR, waxay ka codsatay dhinacyada dagaalamaya inay xushmeeyaan shacabka, iyadoo dadkii ka qaxay dagaaladii bilowday [May 07] ay ku dacdareysan yihiin daafaha Magaalada, ayna dhb ku qabaan helitaanka raashin ay cunaan. "Dagaalada u dhexeeya dowlada iyo kooxaha diidan waxay sababeen inay guryahooda ka cararaan dadkii ugu tiro badnaa abid" ayuu yiri afhayeenka xafiiska UNHCR ee Nairobi Mr. Roberta Russo. Mas'uulkan, wuxuu sheegay in hay'addu ay aad uga walaacsan tahay kororka dagaalada awooda ku saleysan ee ka socda Muqdisho; iyadoo dagaal walba uu sababayo inay kumanaan kun oo qof guryahooda cabsi awgeed uga cararaan. Hay'adda UNCHR waxay sheegtay inay hakad-gelisay gargaar ay ugu talogashay 30,000-qof oo dhanka koonfureed ee Muqdisho u qaxay, sababo la xiriira rasaasta weli wiifaysa wadooyinka Muqdisho. "Isbitaaladu waxay qarka u saaran yihiin in la xiro, sababo la xiriira dhaawacyada gaaraya oo aad u fara batay iyo dawooyinka oo yaraaday" ayuu warbixintiisa ku yiri afhayeenka haya'dda qoxootiga aduunka ee UNCHR Mr. Roberta Russo. Wakiilka hay'adda UNHCR ee Somalai Mr. Guillermo Bettocchi ayaa isaguna ku booriyay kooxaha ay dagaaladu u dhexeeyaan inay qadariyaan xaqa dadka shacabka ah ee Soomaaliyeed; gaar ahaan Dumarka, Caruurta iyo Waayeelka. Haweeney 21-jir ah oo xambaarsan wiil yar oo ay dhashay ayaa u sheegay qaar ka mid ah shaqaalaha hay'adaha xiriirka la leh UNHCR ee Muqdisho ku sugan in si bareer ah loo toogtay ninkeedii, ayna go'aansatay inay u qaxdo dalka Yemen. Dagaaladii ka dhacay Muqdisho ee u dhexeeyay dowlada iyo kooxaha diidan ayaa waxaa ku dhintay inta la ogyahay 200-qof, iyadoo ay ku dhaawacmeen 700-qof, kuwaasoo lagu daweynayo Isbitaalada ay maamulaan hay'adaha gargaarka. GAROWE ONLINE Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MoonLight1 Posted June 17, 2009 War waxan yaa umada ka qabta, slaughtered just like sheeps. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted June 17, 2009 The broadening of the battle for Mogadishu into the regions, the return of the warlords, and the active intervention of frontline states is clear evidence of a building civil war. Taken together, the developments in the regions show that any pretense of reconciliation has been abandoned by the T.F.G. and its domestic and foreign supporters. Pushed against the wall, the desperate Sh. Sharif and Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke seem willing to welcome anyone into their fold on an expedient basis, or at least to acquiesce in their initiatives. In Mogadishu, the pattern is the same. The despised warlord and former governor of the Banadir region, Mohammed Dheere, has returned to the city to mobilize his Mudolud sub-clan to support his former enemy and fellow clansman, Sh. Sharif. In response, other sub-clans of the ****** clan family, ranged under the Tradition and Unity Council (T.U.C.), which had been attempting to mediate between the T.F.G. and the armed opposition, denounced Sh. Sharif for playing clan politics and Al-Shabaab for sending fighters from southern clans into Mogadishu. The other presumptive mediator – the Islamic Clerics Council – has not been heard from. A source on the ground reports that Sh. Sharif has become increasingly dependent on narrow clan support :rolleyes: . On the military front, a counter-offensive by I.C.U. militias in Mogadishu on May 22 appeared at first to have made headway, but then stalled and was reversed. Since then, the “bloody stalemate” described by Jopson has prevailed, with the T.F.G.’s survival in Mogadishu dependent on AMISOM. source Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted June 17, 2009 Ganacsigii Suuqa weyn ee Bakaaraha oo Maanta ah mid gabi ahaanba istaagay. Muqdisho,(WNT):-Waxa a Maanta Hakad xoogan laga dareemayaa ganacsigii suuqa weyn ee bakaaraha ee magaalada Muqdisho. Iyada oo arintaasi lagu Macneeyay dagaalo xoogan oo ka socanaya hareeraha wadooyinka suuqa soo gala. Markii aad dhex istaagto suuqa bakaaraha ayaa waxaa ku arkeysaa oo kali ah yiro ganacsato ah oo hor taagan goobahoodii ganacsiga iyga oo aan furin sababo dagaalada socda la xiriira. Mid ka mid ah ganacsatada suuqaasi oo saakay la kulanay ayaa inoo sheegay in sababaha uu u furan la'yahay goobtiisa ganacsi ugu wacan tahay in suuqa aysan wax dad ah soo gali karin kana bixi karo taasi oo ugu wacan dagaalada ka horcaya qeybo ka mid ah wadooyinka suuqa soo gala. "runtii waad u jeedaa saakay ganaci socda ma jirto maxaa yeelay wax dad ah oo suuqa soo gali kara ma jiraan lagamana bixi karo iskaba daa goobtaada ganacsi oo aad furatee naftaada ayaad uga baqaysaa in dhibaato kaa soo gaarto madaafiicda dhacaysa"ayuu yiri ganacsadahaani. Suuqa weyn ee bakaaraha ayaa inta badan ah goob ay saameyn xoogan ku yeelato dagaalada dhex mara ciidamada dowlada KMG ah ee Somalia iyo xoogaga ka horjeeda oo isku hor fadhiya qeybo ka mid ah wadooyinka suuqa soo gala. Xafiiska Wararka,Muqdisho . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted June 17, 2009 Police Chief Killed as Clashes Continue in Somali Capital. By Derek Kilner The police chief in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, has been killed as fighting continues to wrack the city. At least seven others were killed in clashes between Islamist insurgents and pro-government forces in the south of the city. Fighting returned to Mogadishu a day after clashes in the north of the capital killed at least six people, Islamist insurgents traded mortar and machine-gun fire with government soldiers and allied militia members in the city's south. Mogadishu Police Chief Ali Said Hassan and a number of civilians were reported killed. A spokesman for the Somali military said government soldiers responded after insurgents attacked government bases. But a spokesman for the Hizbul Islam militia, Muse Abdi Arale, said the government attacked first. He said pro-government forces and African Union peacekeepers attacked his militia's bases. He claimed AU peacekeepers fired mortars and heavy artillery, killing civilians. More than 250 people have been killed since insurgents launched an offensive in the capital early last month, and the United Nations says 22,000 have been displaced. The insurgents, including the al-Shabab and Hizbul Islam militias, say the internationally-back ed government of President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed is not committed to an Islamist state, despite its efforts to introduce Islamic law in the country. The insurgents also say the government is too close to Ethiopia and the United States. The government has control over only a limited area of the capital. With the help of 4,300 AU peacekeepers from Uganda and Burundi, the government still controls the main port and airport. The government has accused Eritrea of arming the insurgents, which include a number of foreign fighters, and the African Union has called for sanctions to be imposed on Eritrea. The struggle between insurgents and pro-government forces continues to disrupt aid efforts southern and central Somalia. The aid agency Doctors Without Borders says it is ending its operations in the Bakool region of central Somalia due to security concerns. Two of its staff members were abducted in the region in April. They were released, but the group's Coordinator of Operations for Somalia, David Michalski says the security threat in the area remains too high. "They were held for 10 days and released. We still do not know who the perpetrators were or what their motivations were and this of course causes us some unease," he said. "We are willing to take risks as an organization, but we feel that it has stepped above the threshold of acceptable risk." This is the fourth project Doctors Without Borders has had to close in Somalia in the past 14 months. Meanwhile, the U.N. children's agency says al-Shabab continues to occupy the UNICEF compound in Jowhar, preventing the distribution of aid to women and children in the area. Source: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paragon Posted June 17, 2009 What did you expect? That this is a toy war? Consequences my friends, consequences. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted June 17, 2009 Paragon: You are too smart to live in ignorance adeer.Sharif hotel led a Jihad that killed and maimed thousands. The main reasoning was that if the Ethiopians and the dreaded old man leave then things will be dandy. The architects of the caravan of darkness , dismantled the old security forces, allowed the clan warlords like Ahmed Diriye free room and allowd Al Shabaab and others access to the country. The promise was that once Sharif Ahmed is crowned king in Djibouti all will be well. After all he enjoys a great deal of support from the population and is from a large clan with a huge base they argued. Six months later, we have a huge tragedy, a government that controls only where AMSIOM fighters are located. The rest of the south under the control of crazed Jihadi’s who want to liberate Alaska and think killing and maiming civilians is the sixth prescribed daily prayer. The warlords have returned from Hiiraale to Qaynyare, and we have the Sufi’s being armed to the teeth. All of them outside the control of Sharif Hotel and his ever insignificant group. Paragon adeer, the caravan has made a bad situation into a nightmare and has brought the forces of darkness the vampires to feast on what remains of reer Mogadishu. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paragon Posted June 17, 2009 Give it time, Duke. All will end up well. Not ingorance but patience and determination to make this one work for once and all. We somehow have to grow up and deal with the real need for governance. 20 years of war is enough. One either wants peaceful Somalis or settling cheap factional points. What needs doing will be done even if bitter to secure the future existence of Somalis and Somalia. Study what Japan did. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted June 17, 2009 Paragon: adeer I agree with you that we need to be patient and work harder to achieve our goals of the restoration of the state. The point that’s too obvious is that Sharif Ahmed, Walid Abdalla and Al Shabaab are the main problem and obstacle to this. The sooner we realize it the better. The solution is to strengthen the hand of the Northern states, we can not be held hostage to Mogadishu and the ignorance of the past 40 years. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted June 17, 2009 Taliye Cali Siciid iyo 10 askarta Booliska kamid ah oo ku nafweysay dagaal saaka ka dhacay Muqdisho. Taliyihi Ciidamada Booliska Gobolka Banaadir General Cali Siciid Sheekh Xasan ayaa saaka ku geeriyooday dagaallo culus oo ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho,kuwaasi oo ciiamada dawladda ay kusoo qaadeen fariismayaalka xoogaga islaamiga. Ilo wareedyo kamid ah Booliska Somaliya ayaa xaqiijiyay geerida General Calin Siciid waxaana ay intaasi ku dareen in uu ku dhintay agagaarka degmada Hodon gaar ahan isgoyska Tarabuunka halkaasi oo dagaallo culus saaka ay ka dhaceen. Wararku waxay sheegayaan in taliyaha iyo ku dhawaad 15 askari oo la socotay in ay go’doon ku galeen meel ku dhaw Isgoyska Tarabuunka halkaasi oo markii dagaalku adkaaday ay soo duqeeyeen Cidamada AMISOM, waxana laga baqayaa in ay dishay madaafiicdii AMISOM. Saraakiil katirsan Ciidamada Booliska ayaa sheegay in uu dhaawac marki hore kusoo gaaray dagaalka isla markaana loola cararay Cusbitaalka Madiina halkaasina uu ku geeriyooday, mana jiraan wali wax war ah oo si rasmi ah kaga soo baxay dhanka Dawladda KMG ah ee Somaliya.,Muqdi sho Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fabregas Posted June 18, 2009 Sherrif, the peace man, launches attacks, loses and then gets Amnisom to destroy the civilians= peace caravan :confused: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Daandurreey Posted June 18, 2009 sheeq shareef waa u dhamaateey. maskiin. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted June 18, 2009 Madaxweyne Shariif oo markii u horeysay adeegsaday Erayga argagixiso, kuna tilmaamay kooxaha Mucaaradka Alqaacido dalka ku soo duushey. (18-06-2009)Madaxwey naha Soomaaliya Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed oo maanta shir jaraa'id ku qabtay Xarunta Madaxtooyada Villa Soomaaliya oo uu degan yahay, ayaa tacsi u diray qoyskii iyo qaraabadii uu ka geeriyooday Wasiirkii Amniga Qaranka Col. Cumar Xaashi iyo Safiirkii hore ee Dowladda soomaaliya u fadhiyay Magaalada Addis Ababa C/kariin Faarax Laqanyo. Madaxweynuhu ayaa ugu horeyn weerarkaas is qarxinta ku eedeeyay inay ka dambeeyaan Ururka Al-qaacida,waxaana uu ugu baaqay shacabka inay ka hortagaan dhibaatooyin uu sheegay inay kaga imaanayaan waxa uu ugu yeeray argagixiso ku soo duushay. Ereyaga Argagixiso ee uu adeegsaday madaxweynaha ayaa ah markii ugu horeysey oo afkiisa laga maqlo tan iyo markii xilka madaxweynaha uu qabtay,waxaana uu ku eedeeyay kooxaha ka soo horjeeda dowladda in aanay cidna dhaafeyn oo cid walba ay dilayaan, xataa dadkii ay qabtaan sida uu hadalka u dhigay. "Waa Argagixiso dalkaan ku soo duushay iyo Al-Qaacida dooneyso inay dalkaan dano ku fushado oo ay ka dhigato gambaad, taasna waxaa u sheegayaa shacabka inay ka hortagaan dadkaas cid ay dhaafayaan ma jirto, hadey yihiin muslim iyo gaalaba"ayuu si kulul u yiri madaxweyne shiikh shariif. Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegay in Ururka Al-Qaacida ay ka soo horjeedaan jiritaanka dalka soomaaliyeed,waxaana uu tusaale u soo qaatay goobaha ay la wareegaan kooxaha ka soo horjeeda in laga suro calan mado,iyadoo la dajiyo calanka soomaaliyed. "Sidaad ogtihiin meelaha ay nimankaan qabsadaan calan madow ayay ka taagaan, calankii soomaaliyana wey ka dajinayaan, iyagoo diidan jiritaanka soomaaliya"ayuu mar kale ku celiyay Madaxweyne shariif oo ku dheeraaday dhiira gelinta shacabka oo uu u jeediyay inay difaacaan qaranimada soomaaliya. Waxaa uu kaloo sheegay Madaxweynaha in ay iska difaacayaan waxa uu ugu yeeray argagixiso ku soo duushay, caalamkana ay u sheegayaan in ay gacan ka geystaan la dagaalanka lagula jiro sida uu hadalka u dhigaye. Hadalka ka soo yeeray Madaxweyne Shariif oo ahaa kii ugu kululaa oo warbaahinta ka sii daayo, isla markaana uu adeegsado erayga Argagixiso, ayaa ku soo beegmaya xilli Wasiirkiisii Amniga oo gacanta midig u ahaa uu ku geeriyooday qaraxii ismiidaaminta,iyadoo dilka sarkaalkan uu yahay mid dhabar jab ku ah Dowladda Kmg ee Soomaaliya. Muqdisho Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites