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Aideed Jr.

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Perhaps we should not bother mentioning a man like aideed who last went to the seat of his nominal power in 2001. And we have to let us take all that is said in his honour of Yeey with a pinch of salt.


Just my contribution to keeping this board on mother earth.


Xuseen Ceydiid oo sheegay in uu Muqdisho imaanayo, uuna taageersan yahay dedaalada ay Muqdisho ka wadaan xubanaha labada gole




Ku-xigeenka ra’isul wasaaraha ahna wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Xuseen Max’ed Ceydiid ayaa sheegay in uu soo dhoweynayo isla markaana uu taageersan yahay dedaalada nabadeynta ah & maleeshiyo xareynta ee ka soconaya caasimada Muqdisho, wuxuuna sheegay in marka ay soo dhammaato daadgureynta ergooyinka ka qeybgalay shirkii Kenya uu isagu noqonayo qofka ugu dambeeye uuna ka soo degayo Muqdisho.


“Anigu Muqdisho ayaan imaanayaa, maleeshiyooyinkeygana waxaan ku xareynayaa xerooyinka†ayuu yiri Xuseen Ceydiid oo ay Muqdisho ugu dambeysay horaantii 2001.


Xuseen Ceydiid wuxuu sheegay in ay qalad tahay in la eedeeyo dowladda Talyaaniga, wuxuuna ku ammaanay dowladaasi in ay ka mid tahay dowladdaha safka hore uga jira yagleelida dowladdii lagu soo dhisay dalka Kenya.



Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan Dayniile,Muqdisho

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