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Xilbeeg: Congratulating the Security forces of Puntland

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War Saxaafadeed: Bogaadin Hawlaglka Amni ee Ciidanka Booliska Boosaaso, 10-ka Janaayo 2008.

10. januar 2008







Ardaa Bulsheed Dan Bida Tan Guud.




War Saxaafadeed: Bogaadin Hawlaglka Amni ee Ciidanka Booliska Boosaaso, 10-ka Janaayo 2008.



Annaga oo tixraacayna iska-horimaadkii hubaysnaa ee maanta oo ay taariikhdu tahay 10-ka Janaayo 2008 ka dhacay Bosaaso, waxaan hambalyo u direynaa ciidamada booliska magaalada Boosaaso oo maanta fuliyey hawlgal nabadgelyo oo lagula dagaalamayo burcad waayadan falal damabiyeed isku dhafan afduub iyo dhac u geystay ajaanibta martida u ah Puntland ee ka shaqeeya hawlaha samafalka.



Sidoo kale, waxaan tacsi u direynaa xubnaha ciidanka booliska ah ee ku geeriyoodey, kuna dhaawacmey hawlgalkan. Ciidamada boolisku waa naftood hurayaal bulshadu ay ku laddo, una taagan badbaadinta bulshada markii iyo halkii loo baahdo, sidaa darteedna ay mudan yihiin ixtiraam iyo gacansiin buuxda.



Waxaan sidoo kale tacsi u diraynaa ehelada dadkii rayadka ahaa ee dhibaatadu ka soo gaartay dhacdadan.



Waxaanu ku taageeraynaa, kuna boorinaynaa dawlada Puntland in si degdeg ah loo dhameystiro hawlgalkan lagu sugayo amniga, gacan bir ah lagu qabto amniga, lagana hortago cid kasta oo wax u dhimeysa nabadgelyada Puntland. Bulshada ku nool Puntland waa dad dhaqan u leh nabad jacayl, balse marnaba aan u dulqaadanayn isku day wax u dhima nabadda Puntland.



Waxaan ugu baaqeynaa hay'adaha caalamiga ah, iyo kuwa Qaramada Midoobey in ay maamulka Puntland kala shaqeeyaan sugitaanka amniga, sidaas darteedana ay si degdeg ah dib ugu bilaabaan hawlaha samafalka ah ee ay baahida darani u hayso bulshada inteeda nugul.









*** XILBEEG waa urur bulsheed u taagan toosinta galdaloolooyinka maamul, goobana horumarka fog ee Puntland, lehna aragti siyaasadeed u nugul danta guud.



"Cindi laawe, Ha Cawarine, Caymi" Hal kudhegga XILBEEG.



Guddiga Xiriirka Bulsho ee XILBEEG

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A much needed endeveour by the Puntland admin. Cadde Muuse needs to toughen up and continue with such operations. Puntland needs to eliminate and hunt down all those small elements within that are deemed to be a security threat.


A tighten up security and a quick resolution/conclusion to the security operations is much hoped and disered for.


Puntlanders all over the world are in support of this security operations and are one hundred percent behind their admin and their security forces.

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The operation wss actually very successful and all the people in Bosaso are untied in capturing these kidnappers. The latest news is that those kidnappers will be brought to justice.


Yes, we support the Cade admin 100% for this action and other actions that are in the interest of the people in Puntland.

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No, I do not. Is there any leader who in today's world get support in everything he does?. They have no justification whatsoever in restoring to criminality and it will not be tolerated. The admin was very patient for a long time but now they are doing their job and what do they get, stab in the back.


Go and pay a visit their and you will see that things are not so bad as they appear.

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