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Somalia –Afghanistan of Africa

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Somalia –Afghanistan of Africa, HASSAN DAHIR AWEYS the Trojan Horse of Issayas Afeworki



Somalia is taking typical style of Afghanistan: The civil war, fight between former Mujahedeen, poverty and lack of public services. It is true that fighting between Sheikh Sharif Ahmed and Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aways reminds the conflict between Taliban leader Mullah Omer and Al-Qaeda in one side, and Ahmed Shah Masood and Northern Alliance in other side.


The disagreements between Mullah Omer and Ahmed Shah Masood triggered over presence of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. Masood demanded expulsion of Al-Qaeda from Afghanistan and Mullah Omer rejected and considered Osama Bin Laden as Super ‘Guest’.


Today, in similar manner, the former Mujahedeen of Islamic Courts Union are fighting over the power and leadership of Somalia: A country devastated by civil war and starvation.


The western countries described Masood as modern Islamist and blacklisted Mullah Omer as wanted terrorist. In Somalia the world accepts Sheikh Sharif Ahmed as moderate and supports his government, and blacklisted Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys. The change of equation in Afghanistan and Somalia is that extremists were in power in Afghanistan, and moderate Islamists are in Somalia.


Al-Qaeda used Afghanistan as save heaven to carry out its terror operations. In similar way, Al-Qaeda planned suicide bombing against U.S. interest in East Africa in 1998. Al-Qaeda trains the Somali terror group linked to Al-Qaeda Al-Shabab to carry out bombing and killing in the region.


The terrorist filtering out of Afghanistan are getting Somalia as alternate save-heaven. There are thousands of foreign – mainly Arabs – fighters with Al-Shabab. The regional countries expressed growing concern over the building muscles of Al-Qaeda inside Somalia.


Al-Shabab is Al-Qaeda’s African wing to carry out its plans in the region. Al-Shabab is recruiting poor and young Somalis in southern Somalia, and trains them as suicide bombers using Al-Qaeda skills. The local residents reported to AFP that foreign (light skinned Arab) fighters are fighting alongside Al-Shabab in Mogadishu, which is sign of Al-Qaeda’s plans to establish strong cell inside Somalia.


In recent weeks, Al-Shabab overpowered the Transitional Government of Somalia (TGS) soldiers and occupied entire southern parts of Mogadishu, the Capital of Somalia. Also, Al-Shabab controls 90% of the southern parts of former Somalia including port city of Kismayo. Such revolution of extremism in Somalia will lead the country into another 20years of instability like Afghanistan, and carry out terrorist operations against U.S. interests in the region.


If Mogadishu City falls in hands of Al-Shabab, Somalia will turn into save-heaven for Al-Qaeda and other World Terrorists. There is high possibility that Al-Qaeda leaders will make shit from Afghanistan-Pakistan Border to Somalia. Al-Qaeda is planning to establish alternate center for its terror plans, in order to split the world exertion into two: Somalia and Afghan-Pakistan Border.


Recently, NATO Forces stated that eliminating Al-Qaeda and Taliban at Afghan-Pakistan Border will take generations, and will not be an easy target. How about defeating it in Somalia? It will be much difficult than Afghanistan because there are millions of Somali youth that can easily join Al-Qaeda training camps due to poverty and Somalia’s geographical structure complexity.


Al-Shabab gets manpower and military training from Al-Itahad Al-Islamiya (terrorist group fighting inside Ethiopia). Al-Itahad supplies new recruits and military training to Al-Shabab. Majority of Al-Shabab senior members were former fighters of Al-Itahad Al-Islamiya.


Al-Shabab militia is overtaking the control of Mogadishu city, after they defeated the militia loyal to TGS President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed. Al-Shabab joined hands with Hizbul Islam, another Islamist group led by Sheikh Dahir Aways, who returned from Asmara, Eritrea recently. It will be very difficult for international community to restore law and order in Somalia, if Al-Shabab overtakes the leadership, and it will be another hideout for Al-Qaeda fugitives.


Al-Qaeda wants to plan attacks against U.S. and western interests in East Africa like 1998 bombing of US Embassies in Nairobi and Darussalam. Al-Qaeda will attack U.S. Military stations in Djibouti. Al-Qaeda in Yemen and Somalia will join hands in operations in East Africa and Yemen, which will cost much international community if not stopped now.


Recently, MPs in Transitional Parliament of Somalia (TPS), who are from northern Somalia, issued statement calling the world to stop Islamists from spreading to other parts of former Somalia like Somaliland and Puntland, because the danger of Al-Shabab, will lead into Taliban-styled government in Somalia.


On 29th Oct 2008, Al-Shabab carried out suicide bombing in Somaliland and Puntland that killed more than thirty people, because Al-Shabab don’t believe in democracy and progress that exist in Somaliland. Al-Shabab suicide bombers targeted UNDP Office, Ethiopian Embassy and Somaliland Presidential Palace in Hargiesa – Capital of Republic of Somaliland.


Three of the seven suicide bombers were Somali-US citizens from Minnesota. FBI identified one of the suicide bombers as Shirwa Ahmed – resident of Minnesota. Even Somaliland authorities sent his body to FBI in U.S.A for further investigation.

Al-Shabab is recruiting Somali youth from across the world including U.S.A and UK. Somaliland arrested another suicide bomber who was on mission to blow himself in Hargiesa. The bomber was UK citizen of Somali origin, and he told Somaliland authorities that he completed training with another 300 new Somali recruits from UK and U.S.A.


Al-Shabab leader Ahmed Gofane (Somali) is former fighters of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and met Osama Bin Laden during Jihad in Afghanistan against the Russians.



HASSAN DAHIR AWEYS: The Trojan Horse of Issayas Afeworki:


A “Trojan Horse is a term used for any trick that causes a target to invite a foe into a securely protected bastion or place. HASSAN DAHIR AWEYS is registered terrorist and wanted in U.S.A and many Western counties.


After International Community succeeded to build another central government for Somalia in neighboring Djibouti on 2007, led by moderate Islamist Sheikh Sharif Ahmed (Former Chairman of Islamic Courts Union 2006) as new President for Somalia, there were plans in Eritrea to fail Ahmed’s government that won. The Eritrean President Issayas Afewarki and Somali extremist terrorist individuals linked to Al-Qaeda led the plans inside Eritrea.


We all believe that moderate Islamist President of Somalia Sheikh Sharif Ahmed opened his hands to all Somalis and called for national reconciliation and peace talks. President Ahmed tried hard to settle difference with Islamist opponents in Somalia. However, Al-Qaeda linked Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys returned to Mogadishu from Asmara, Eritrea with plans to fail the government of Ahmed, and with large quantities weapons. He rejected to recognize the government of Sheikh Sharif Ahmed.


Aweys met former Islamist fighters and convinced them to start Jihad against Ahmed government. Aweys traveled to Kismayo, Marka and Baidao cities in Southern Somalia to put his old militia together against Ahmed government. These cities are controlled by Al-Shabab fighters.


Aweys has foreign plans to overthrow Ahmed government and taking instructions from Eritrean dictator Issayas Afewarki at the cost of Somali people. More than hundred people died in recent fighting between Aweys fighters and government soldiers in Mogadishu.



The Solution


The world should recognize Somaliland as an independent state out of former Somalia, and impose UN Trusteeship of Southern Somalia (Ex-Italian Somalia). U.S. Forces in Djibouti should destroy pirate bases in “Puntland” and international community should support Sheikh Sharif Ahmed government in Mogadishu.


Somaliland was former British Protectorate and gained independence on 26th June 1960. More than 34 countries including UK recognized Somaliland as an independent and sovereign state. Unfortunately, after four days on 1st July 1960 Somaliland united with Italian Somalia (Southern Somalia) to form Somali Republic on 1st July 1960.


Within the first three months of the unity, Somalilanders regretted but it was too late to withdraw from the unity. The people of Somaliland faced harsh treatment from Italian Somalis (Southern Somalia) even Government of Somalia used artilleries and air-bombing against the civilians in Somaliland in 1988.


Former Military Leader of Republic of Somalia General Mohamed Siyad Barre led the genocide in Somaliland. U.S. State Department named General Barre “The Man Killing His Own People”.


On 18th May 1991, Somaliland people defeated Siyad Barre army and restored former British Somaliland as an independent state (today’s Republic of Somaliland). However, international community remains silent witness to Somaliland, and no country recognized it diplomatically. The World should accept Somaliland, which encourage democracy and eliminate terrorism and extremism in horn of Africa.


The UN, EU, AU, Arab League and USA are holding Somaliland hostage until Somalia recovers from current anarchy and civil war! Somalia was in civil war in last 20 years and no signs of quick recovery.. The question lingering in every mind is: How long the world will force Somaliland to wait the recovery of Somalia? If Somalia fails to recover, will the world still force Somaliland? Somaliland met conditions of statehood including currency, flag, anthem, military, cabinet, democracy, multiparty system, free elections, police…etc.


Meanwhile, the U.S. Forces stationed in Djibouti should carry out air-bombing on Al-Shabab locations inside Somalia, and destroy the save-heavens of pirates in Eyl, Haradheere and any other places. The terrorists can use ransom money to purchase weapons and pay their fighters.


U.S. Navy in Djibouti should strongly monitor the Somali Sea because eyewitness said that Al-Shabab is funneling heavy weaponry into Mogadishu via Port City of Kismayo in preparation for major assault on TGS and UN Peacekeepers from African Union. Also, the weapons will intensify their military muscles. Al-Shabab is importing weapons while the world is talking about piracy.


The United Nation and International Community should consider imposing UN Trusteeship on Southern Somalia (Ex-Italian Somalia). Southern Somalia was under UN Trusteeship from 1950 until 1960, because they failed to manage their country and violence irrupted in Mogadishu.



By: Abdulaziz Al-Mutairi

Email: az.almutairi@yahoo.c om

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He has exactly the same clipped non-sequitur delivery of something that J.B would write.

Every thing can be solved by the recognition of somaliland, and every shameful act will be done in search of that recognition.


Indeed I also think it is J.B

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Somalia is gonna be worse than Afghanistan. The Taliban delusional they might have been, at least had a very basic understanding of the way the world works. These anarchists think that they can bring "the light of Islam" to Alaska and Japan.

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Not only recognize SL but some more wishful thinking, here it is


Originally posted by JB:

The Solution


The world should recognize Somaliland as an independent state out of former Somalia, and impose UN Trusteeship of Southern Somalia (Ex-Italian Somalia). U.S. Forces in Djibouti should destroy pirate bases in “Puntland”

What an amazing solution, recognize SL, the UN should colonize Mogadishu and bomb Puntland, hahaha pure secessionist lad, very original

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I mean it is so delusional, C'mon fess up J.B your special flavor of reasoning is written all over that post...

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Originally posted by Kamakace Limited:

I think it is JB himself.

Magacaa idile...Could he be Xaaji though I think Xaaji is Duke :D


I had my suspicions. His reasoning and style of writing does resemble someone on those boards :D

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Originally posted by Emperor:

What an amazing solution, recognize SL, the UN should colonize Mogadishu and bomb Puntland, hahaha pure secessionist lad, very original

That could be Mintid's solution though he's little more diplomatic in his approach.

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