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Afgaduud whisked to Baidoa?

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Horn I can't listen to the audio because I am in school. However it's quite funny that all your sources are isbaheysiga dooxda jubboyinka related. :D

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Col Abdi Mahdi


Abaan Duule Ku Xigeenka Arrimaha Taakuleynta Ciidamada Dowlada Federaalka Somalia Col. Cabdi Mahdi ayaa ka waramaya qaabka uu dhacay Qaraxii daraad Kismaayo ka dhacay, iyo khilaafka la sheegay inuu ka dhex taagan yahay Saraakiisha DF isla markaana sababay sida la sheegay Bankii ka dhacay Kismaayo.

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Af-guduud left before the grenade was tossed, right after he made his speech, he was quite anxious and quickly wanted to leave; how can Col. leave when a Gen. who has a bigger authority and all his other comrades are still sitting. However, before the event started there was a fiasco, a war or words in the beginning, which soon resulted in microphones and wires being and what not by a certain clan who claimed there are the "owners" of the city and will be in charge of everything in the city. Then the grenade came and was tossed directly below the seat of Col.fartaag.



The incident is said to be a plot by reer puntland, not just af-guduud.

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Af-guduud left before the grenade was tossed, right after he made his speech, he was quite anxious and quickly wanted to leave; how can Col. leave when a Gen. who has a bigger authority and all his other comrades are still sitting.

Any Officer has the right to leave or do what he wants after his official jobb is done.In this case,as u said,Afgadud left after his speech and thus he has a right to do so.As for the other Officers,should there be any grudge between themselves,its the defense secretary that should clear this mess using the Military codes of law, so again,it comes down to Lt.Hiraale or Col Hiraale as many would have want him to be addressed.All the same,Afgadud shouldn't be intimidated by this however much they want to frame him.Maybe this is the accusers deeds.

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Warar hoose oo sheegay in Col C/risaaq Afguduud loo qaaday Baydhabo,kadib shaki ka yimid qarixii

Warkii 14-Feb-2007 iyo Qormadii: afnugaalnews


ka dib markii looga shakiyey in uu ka danbeeyey Bombadii Doraad ku qaraxday KIsmaayo ayaa Warar aanu ka helayno Ilo xog ogaal ah ayaa sheegaya in deg deg loogu qaaday Magaalada Baydhabo Col C/risdaaq Afguduud ahaa Talihii Guutada Koowaad ee Jubooyinka ka dib markii looga shakiyey in uu ka danbeeye Bomkii lagi qarxiyey Saraakiil doora oo Kismaayo Joogtay.


Col Afguduud ahaa ahaa Sarkaalka keliya ee ka badbaaday Bomkii lagu qarxiyey beerta xoriyada ee Magaalada Kismaayo, taas oo keentay in ay shaki geliso Saraakiishii kale ee Dawlada oo awelba uu ka dhexeeyey Khilaaf dhanka Awooda ah. yeedhida looga yeedhay Ina Afguduud Magaalada Baydhabo ayaa loo fasiran karaa labo arimood.


Waa ta hore in laga cabsi qabo in ay timaado gacan ka hadal ku dhexmara Ciidanka ina afguud iyo kuwa Col Fartaag oo isagu ah Sarkaalka ugu dhaawaca xun, iyo in baadhis lagu samayn doono arinta dhacday.


Sidoo kale dad ka dega magaalada Kisamaayo beelo kamida ayaa ku eedeeyay qaraxii kadhacay halkaa iyagoo ay ku dhaawacmeen saraakiil ay ubadan yihiim laba beeleed oo kamida beelaha dega magaalada kismaayo sidaa daraadeedna loogu eedeeyay inuu kadanbeeyay qaraxii.


afguduud ayaa ilaa iyo maalintii uu tgay magaalada Kismaayo waxaa kasoo baxayay warar badan oo ku saab san khilaafka kataagan magaalada kismaayo oo noqday mid si way ugu caan garooba khilaafkaasi magaalooyinka jubooyinka.


Sidaa daraadeed qaraxii ayaa waxa uu keenay kala qaybsanaan wayn oo ka dhex taagan beelaha dega magaalada Kismaayo oo hada laga cabsi qabo in uu ku timaado dagaal sokeeye oo kadhaca magaalada iyadoo hada magaaladu laciirciirayso tuhun iyo kala shaki beelaha wada dega magaalada dhexdeeda ah.





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