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Heavy Rains Hit Somaliland's Sanag Region (pictures)

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Sanaag is not somaliland. It is 85% makhiri puntland, verify here from demographic count that was done by indepedent research agency (unicef). k/HPG/papers/resourc es/Emergency_Cash_Re lief_Program_ECRP.pd f


So what is left over? 15% and that 15% u must include the sool people that live in sanaag. So really the amount of your clan that live there are 5% only.


Busted again.



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So makhiris live in erigavo and are a majority are they?


they live in cel afwayne as well do they the second largest degan do they?


They also live in dallo, heis and maid do they?


wow, you even use statistics from emergency cash relief to back up your claims, loooooooool !


emergency cash relief, thats just pathetic saxib !


The largest degans in sanag are erigavo which is the capital 90% Somalilander.


The second largest is Cel afweyn, which is 100% somalilander the other villages are Hies and Maid which are also 100% somalilander.


Badhan and dahar are the only villages that have populations and these somalilanders make up like 15 -20% of Sanag. If they were a majority the capital of sanag would be badhan or dahar.


loooool, get better stats.

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loooooool, walahi saxib i didnt say that. If you read my post i said that they were somalilanders who made up a smaller percentage of the population of sanag. These guys amaze me with their day dreams.


emergency cash relief, statistics ! for god low can you go.

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Bro, if i showed u nato statistics u would still say "its just nato" it don't matter. Your living in a fantasy, so continue to do so after-all you are "so-mafi-land"

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Originally posted by Cowke:

Bro, if i showed u nato statistics u would still say "its just nato" it don't matter. Your living in a fantasy, so continue to do so after-all you are "so-mafi-land"

My battered and abused see no one from ``so-mafia-land`` will ever claim you. Let us live in our fantasy land then. Let us be. Why do you sound so worried?

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Garoodi, you oftentimes sound silly with your assertions and claims.

El-Afwayn is the only district the "Somalilanders" settle in an exclusive territory.

The rest of Four official districts such as Badhan, Erigavo Laasqoray and Dhahar are pro-union majority that have nothing to do with the idea of seceding from Somalia.


Btw, the field study posted by Cawke are realistic metrics based on the demographics of the region so that humanitarian work and responses are carried out in an equitable methodology.


Pay attention to the term other clans

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Africaown, who said i am worried? your so-mafi-land is disturbing the peace and not participating in finding peace in the region, even the house committee judge ruled this to be true.


Your somafiland must play by the rules, noone is an exception to the rule. The territorial integrity of somaliya will remain and never change. The amount of lies your ppl have spewed for over 17 years need to be exposed, descrambled, spitted out, and exposed. If u have problem with that then debate it with facts if not sxb tell ur ppl to stop propaganda news.

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Nassir, these ppl are amazing. Their logic is "leave me alone and let me continue to lie" no you will never be allowed to lie and you will be exposed for what you really are and the world will be made to hate you.

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Nasiir ceerigabo is pro somaliland

even badhan and dhahar are pro somaliland now and days maakhir state of somaliland waliga manad maqlin Sultan ali shire was indeed the sultan of somaliland

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Xaaji, Reer burco use somali shilling and are pro somali. SSC are pro somalia/puntland. Awdal pro somalia. You only have hargeisa and berbera left

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