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''China Invests in Somalia Despite Instability''

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''China Invests in Somalia Despite Instability''


The Financial Times reported on July 13 that the Chinese National Offshore Oil Corporation (C.N.O.o.C.) has signed a deal with Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf to explore the northern Puntland region for oil. The initial agreement was signed last May, and it was endorsed at the China-Africa summit held in Beijing last November. [see: Upcoming Summit Highlights Africa's Importance to China]


A meeting between C.N.O.o.C. and Somali officials was held on June 24 to finalize the deal. The terms indicate that the Somali government would retain 51 percent of the oil revenues under a production-sharing arrangement. Further reporting from the Financial Times, however, revealed that Somali Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi was not aware of the contract, suggesting that the oil deal remains vulnerable to political infighting.


China's willingness to invest in Somalia -- before the Transitional Federal Government (T.F.G.) completes work on a national oil law and as the security situation continues to deteriorate -- shows that Beijing has not been deterred by the growing backlash across Africa at Chinese policies and remains willing to take on political risks that Western firms will not tolerate.


Threats to China in Africa


Chinese investments have come under attack in recent months, and a general wariness about closer ties with Beijing has become part of the political dialogue in most African countries where China does business. Days after the June meeting in Somalia, a Chinese mining executive was kidnapped in Niger. The incident followed the killing of nine Chinese workers in Ethiopia, near the border with Somalia, in April. Chinese workers have also come under attack in Nigeria in recent months.


Politically, Chinese investments have become a touchy subject. Michael Sata's opposition campaign in Zambia received strong backing after he attacked Chinese investments and threatened to renew ties with Taiwan. He ultimately failed in his bid for the presidency, however, after China threatened retaliatory measures if he was elected. Similar complaints have been raised in Nigeria and South Africa.


China began to address the growing unease in Africa toward its investments earlier this year. Chinese President Hu Jintao visited Zambia and South Africa in February where he pledged further investments and a greater focus on community development plans. China has also publicly used its leverage in Sudan to press Khartoum to accept the terms of last year's U.N. Security Council resolution on the Darfur crisis. [see: "China Adjusts its Approach in Africa" and China Claims Success on Darfur]


Nevertheless, China's fundamental goals in Africa have not changed. In Africa, China is looking to secure access to the natural resources it needs to keep its economic expansion humming, as well as support for its policies at the United Nations. The C.N.O.o.C. deal in Somalia is evidence that China's risk appetite has not decreased as it pursues these goals in Africa.


Investing in Somalia


Somalia has no proven oil reserves, and only 200 billion cubic feet of proven natural gas reserves. Companies including Agip, Shell (Pecten), Conoco and Phillips (now merged), and Amoco (now part of BP) spent over US$150 million on onshore exploration in the 1980s and early 1990s, but no oil reserves were discovered. Still Range Resources, a small Australian-based oil firm with close contacts to the government in Puntland, estimates that the region could hold 5 to 10 billion barrels of oil based on an analysis of the previous exploration reports.


The Puntland province claims autonomy from the government in Mogadishu, but not independence like Somaliland. The region has been relatively calm compared to central and southern Somalia since 1991, but the political situation remains uncertain. President Yusuf was certainly involved in the negotiations with the Chinese firm, as he hails from the Puntland province and maintains close ties with the local leadership, but the prime minister of the T.F.G. was left out of the loop.


The fact that Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi was kept out of the negotiations suggests that the terms of the deal are not beneficial to the T.F.G. or Somalia's other provinces. This could exacerbate already strained ties between the prime minister and the president. [see: Somalia Continues its Political Collapse]


The prime minister appears to have led an effort within the T.F.G. to pass a national oil law that would allow Western firms to return to Somalia under production-sharing agreements, which require oil firms to share their production with the government after initial costs are covered. He told the Dow Jones Newswire in April that a national oil law would be passed within two months, a deadline that has slipped. The oil law in question seems to be similar to the one pushed in Iraq by the United States, which has also not been passed. China may have wished to sign the deal for exploration rights in Puntland before the law was passed, in order to avoid competition with Western majors, but the emergence of a national oil law could threaten the investment. [see: Sectarian Fighting Overshadows Oil Law Debate in Iraq]


The fact that China would enter into an agreement in such an uncertain legal and political environment, to say nothing of the security concerns, shows that it is still willing to take on risks that the Western oil majors cannot tolerate. This remains the main competitive advantage for China in the race to secure natural resources around the world -- while Chinese firms do not have the technology to drill in some of the conditions that Western firms can, they do not have the same political and financial constraints that prevent them from investing in regions considered off limits to Western firms.


Last month, for example, China National Petroleum Corporation (C.N.P.C.) signed a deal to co-develop an offshore block in Sudan, where China has been the dominant player in the oil sector after sanctions caused Western firms to suspend their operations or pull out completely. Sudan now supplies up to ten percent of China's oil imports. In Angola, China provided $2 billion in soft loans to the government that allowed it to avoid implementing reforms requested by Western donors. In return, Angola ensured that it would provide continuous oil supplies to Beijing. [see: China and Angola Strengthen Bilateral Relationship]


C.N.O.o.C. said earlier this year that it would boost output to 78 million tons from 40.3 million tons last year. In order to maintain growth rates near this level, Beijing will need to continue to help its oil companies invest in regions where Western firms cannot. This means that China will fund infrastructure projects in countries under Western sanctions, such as Sudan, or where security concerns dissuade Western firms from investing more, such as Nigeria.


The decision to invest in Somalia's Puntland region is part of this strategy. Only a small firm, such as Range Resources, would be able to take on a similar risk level, and that firm has spent several years courting the local government officials there. With the financial and political backing of the Chinese government, C.N.O.o.C. and C.N.P.C. have a distinct advantage over the smaller Western firms.




China's move into Somalia's oil industry is a further example of its strategy for securing access to natural resources around the world. Rather than purchasing oil on the global markets, as the United States does for the most part, China prefers to secure control of the resources it needs at the source. However, because China's oil firms lack the technical capabilities and political clout of the Western majors, Beijing prefers to deal with regions that are out of reach to the competition.


This practice has sparked a growing backlash across Africa to China's policies. Many locals see Beijing's actions as protecting corrupt and often dictatorial leaders. Beijing has attempted to counter this perception recently by investing in infrastructure projects in regions where the backlash is strongest, leaking reports of its unhappiness with the most controversial leaders, and granting local businesses better access to China's markets in some industries.


The investment in Somalia's Puntland province still looks risky, even by Chinese standards. The deal appears to have been struck with the local officials in the province that claims autonomy from the transitional, central government. However, the president of the T.F.G., who is from the region, was involved in the deal. The prime minister of the T.F.G. appears to prefer another model to attract investments, passing a national oil law that will clarify the legal questions that prevent Western firms from returning to Somalia. The Chinese deal may well fall victim to the political infighting that is likely to follow.


Still, the T.F.G.'s claim to control Puntland appears to be weakening as the central government remains frozen in a state of political collapse. Two days after the Financial Times first reported about the Chinese oil deal, the much awaited national reconciliation conference had to be delayed because security for the meeting could not be guaranteed in Mogadishu. Given the T.F.G.'s uncertainty, Beijing's decision to work with the local representatives in Puntland may well prove to be enough, and China could soon be pumping Somali oil, if it even exists.


Report Drafted By:

Adam Wolfe

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I dont get this deal. Isnt Somalia already divided into Chevron, Conoco Philips et al. How could such a deal be struck when the Chinese already know Somalia is 'reserved' for Americans companies?

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The majors got their own blocks, there are many parts of the country that can be allocated by for AY.


The Chinese are disadvantaged, the Ameicans already got the Ethiopians in their pockets, who will protect Chinese interests?


The majors got their game tight at the moment all thats between them and robbing us silly is that oil law now.


I wonder whether the Americans will tolerate the Chinee in Somalia. The Chinese are late-commers, while the Americans have worked for this moment.

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I thought the whole country was sold?


51% for the govnt is just ridiculous!


Where are the TFG's consultants on this? Is it just a case of rob me blind?

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Its a robbery, the majors will prolly renegotiate the deals they got with old Siyad. AY is a better 'negotiating' partner.


Does the TFG have consultants? I don't think they can afford to hire any or that they want to hire any. AY will sign any document for few pennies.

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Contractual negotiations should be a piece of cake with the right people consulting. Pit these companies up against each other and choose the one with the lowest share of the national oil company. You dont sign a contract with the first interested party.

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You should keep the situaton of AY and TFG in mind, they are weak and desperate for cash, recognition. But even then they should have done better. I don't know much about oil deals, but I know when I am being robbed. Northerner why don't you and Sophist sett up an independant consultancy firm?

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I'm already dealing with Chevron and CP on other contracts but would the TFG allow me to work for them?


going home, have nice day

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Its up to you sxb, don't limit yourself because of politics. The TFG got nothing on you if you have the right contacts. Its about money. Play the game, talk to people. I see enough bright hungry heads in this place alone...iskaba daa Dubai.

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chinese-ku waa waashen xitaa maku quusan waayeen wixii kilinka 5aad ka qabsaday? Xitaa inay dhulka Soomaalida ee Itoobiyaanku hore u haysteen ka shaqeeyaan ayaa khatarteeda lahayd iskaba daa inay the main Somalia ka shaqeeyaan wakhtiga la joogo.

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Northerner,its all about"show me the money", when it comes to selling the country,its beyond qabiil,dont you see that in Dubai,where the fat cats resides..,when it comes to deals,they all have each others back,but ofcourse fool the peasants,sell them some crappy qabiil ideology while you rob them blind..

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^^they tend have advisors/consultants ensuring they dont get ripped off. The TFG doesnt hence why they are willing to give 49% of the national oil company,,,,,getting ripped off

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China could do so much for Somalia......and for the rest of the world. But you have to be careful, because they always have a long strategic interest.

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I'd rather deal with Chinese companies than American companies. Unfortunately I don't think Somali officials are qualified to deal with the more sophisticated western and Chinese negotiators. I hope we study the UAE model and improve on it, I used to live in the UAE and ADNOC is a national company with investments from all the major oil companies.

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