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081106_rahm_obama_297.jpgRahm Emanuel Obama Cheif of staff A tough guy in congress pro Israel.




Robert Gibbs: Obama's Press Secretary The man who humbled Sean Hannity of fox news. ;)

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President-elect to hold presser



From Mike Allen's BlackBerry: After meeting with economic advisers in Chicago tomorrow, Obama will hold his first press conference as president-elect.


He plans a "down" weekend at home, then he and his family will come to Washington to visit President Bush at the White House next week.


Update: A K Street source tells Politico that Obama will not announce key appointments at his press conference. We're continuing to report the story.

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s-AXELROD-large.jpgThe genius David Axelrod.


Former Obama chief strategist David Axelrod has accepted the position of Senior Adviser in the White House, sources tell ABC News.


He will join Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill, who has accepted the position of Obama's White House Chief of Staff.


Axelrod is a sharp political strategist and Emanuel brings a lot of strengths to the office.


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