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Top Democrat says Bush misled public over Iraq

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I was quite shocked to see this article on one of the news forums as I read in one of the national UK news papers not too long ago that the American nation was content with the justifiability of the war on Iraq. Yet there are whispers coming from the White House such as these below. So then I am wondering is Bush cracking underneath all that TOUGH TALK and Image? I know that Tony Blair and his Parliament are under political and public scrutiny as we speak. I hope the same can be said about Bush and his Jewish dogs soon....Amiin.


"Top Democrat says Bush misled public over Iraq"


A Democratic senator who is seeking his party's nomination to run for the White House has accused the US president, George Bush, of waging war against Iraq on the basis of questionable intelligence.

John Kerry, who fought in Vietnam and backed the Iraq war, said Mr Bush's case had rested on at least two pieces of intelligence which now appear to be wrong - that Iraq sought nuclear material from Africa, and that Saddam Hussein had aerial weapons capable of a biological attack on the US.


"He misled every one of us. That's one reason why I'm running to be president of the United States," he told a crowd in Lebanon, New Hampshire.


"I will not let him off the hook throughout this campaign with respect to America's credibility and credibility to me, because if he lied he lied to me personally."


But Mr Kerry said it was too early to conclude whether or not war with Iraq was justified. There needs to be a congressional investigation into US intelligence on Iraq, he said.


He fielded several questions about Iraq from a small group of antiwar Democrats after he addressed about 250 people in a park.


Mr Kerry, who has criticised the president's diplomatic efforts, said Mr Bush had also alienated US allies in the build-up to war




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LANDER John Kerry

He's been my favourite Democratic Candidate. A true relunctant-warior, decorated veteran.

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