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ICU: Ethiopia using excessive force - tanks

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Originally posted by Taliban:

You have to understand the TFG and Ethiopia will not be fighting a conventional army (in the ICU); they will be fighting an Islamic insurgency with the help, experience and expertise of the global Islamic insurgency.


Please leave us ethiopians out of this. The ICU will also meet unconventional insurgency in the territory that its holding. They have already closed schools, they are terrorizing the all indications they are afraid of an uprising in the territory they are holding.


Ethiopia has nothing to do with it. ICU will have to face and recognize its own Somali brother and its own Somali moslem brother.


Peace and brotherhood starts at home, before ICU goes and declares Jihad on moslems.

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hypocite why dont you share power with your Amara brethren or sign peace treaty with your hamaseen cousins.

why waste most of your time on somali forums.

Every body knows of woyane corpses in somalia.

So welcome to hell

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No comparison, Iraq, Afghanistan or any other nation, this is Somalia and I guess these courts have been watching way to much Al-Jazeera..



Taliban, in each case the insurgencies have the support of local governemnt and a well armed forces. The Taliban had an army with tanks and even airoplanes, and had the direct support of the powerful ISI of Pakistan.


The Hizbulah, has the support of Iran and the local power Syria.


These movements are also led by real clerics who have the support of the locals, not the likes of IndaCade and Xasan dahir, can they be compared to Nazrallah, Omar or Shiekh Harith al-Dari?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

However what I dont get is, how come this intellegence did not tell them to expect the tanks and thus not compensate for it?

Perhaps it wasn't even about telling them what to expect in order to compensate. If this was an incidence that has occurred a number of times, then I would understand your persistent question. These are the initial stages of many battles to come. It's testing stages meant to test the strengths and achilles heels of each other.


Iraq insurgency is based on the fight of the 5 million Sunni's who amde up 90% of Sadams 400,000 well trained and battle hardened troops.

I have been following Iraq's news since the first Gulf war, and have never heard or read 90% of the Iraqi insurgency is compromised of Saddam's 400,000 well trained and battle hardened troops. This is a test of the integrity and accuracy of your topics, comments, claims, allegations, iwm: Do you care to back up (a link or two) your allegation of what 90% of the Iraqi insurgency is compromised of?


Originally posted by Ahmed_Guree:

Taliban, Ethio soilders are just conscripts and are more of mercenaries and bounty hunters with no discipline or trainning

Coz of the sense of pride they have on their number.

tahts why they were defeated by Eritreans.

Good analysis. I concur.

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^^^Taliban, thus you know nothing about what you speak of. Saxib, I said that Iraq's insurgency is made up of the Sunni's correct? Well who made up the army 400,000 strong that was disbanded? a mistake the US admin admits now. These same soldiers went back to their villages and cities which is in the Sunni triangle. This includes the area known as AL-Anbar province.


A simple research will back up the argument and the act that the Bush adminstration always blamed outsiders and not the 5 million Sunni for the insurgency.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Taliban, thus you know nothing about what you speak of. Saxib, I said that Iraq's insurgency is made up of the Sunni's correct?

Incorrect. You didn't mention "Sunni" and you don't need to mention it.


Well who made up the army 400,000 strong that was disbanded? a mistake the US admin admits now. These same soldiers went back to their villages and cities which is in the Sunni triangle. This includes the area known as AL-Anbar province.

Sir, we aren't talking about the disbanding of the 400,000 Iraqi army, the US's mistake, the Sunni triangle, Anbar province, iwm. We are talking about your percentage, 90%, the composition of the Iraqi insurgency.


A simple research will back up the argument and the act that the Bush adminstration always blamed outsiders and not the 5 million Sunni for the insurgency.

Again, we are not talking about a research, the Bush administration's blamings, iwm. Sir, stick to your allegation. This is what you alleged:


Iraq insurgency is based on the fight of the 5 million Sunni's who amde up 90% of Sadams 400,000 well trained and battle hardened troops.

Please, no more of things that don't relate to your allegation. Simply back up your allegation. A simple link (or two) will do.

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^^^Saxib, to be honest I neither have the time not even know what type of link would satisfy you? Are you looking for me to provide any old link on the net, maybe from FOX, BBC, CNN or ALjazeera. or are you looking for me to dig deeper and get some peer assesed academic/journals?


My suggestion is that you could do the honour of disproving me, hence saving me allot of time.


I have out to you that the insurgency of Iraq is home grown and has nothing to do with global "Jihadist" and what not.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

My suggestion is that you could do the honour of disproving me, hence saving me allot of time.

Sir, do you understand what you are asking for? You are asking me to do your homework. You are asking to disprove the integrity and accuracy of your topics, comments, claims, allegations, iwm. The onus is on you to back up your allegations and claims. You do not have to make an allegation or claim that has no basis or that's not true. It's totally unnecessary, unprofessional and waste of time. If you want to make a statement that includes numbers or statistics, there are many easy sites that you can consult. Two of those sites are CIA Factbook and Wikipedia. Sir, please don't waste our time and stick to professionalism. Thank you.

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Originally posted by Taliban:


Originally posted by Ahmed_Guree:

Taliban, Ethio soilders are just conscripts and are more of mercenaries and bounty hunters with no discipline or trainning

Coz of the sense of pride they have on their number.

tahts why they were defeated by Eritreans.

Good analysis. I concur.

How hungry do you have to be for any words against ethiopia to satisfy you and fall for it, even if they are just white lie, not even a stretch of truth or exaggeration, but just lie?


Ethiopia since 1991 of integration of EPRDF, Afar, WSLF, fighters were either joined the armed forces or went to civilian life, has never had any conscription.

Ethiopia has a population of close to 80 million, but by any world fact books on defence you will find that ethiopia spends 3-4% of GDP and has between 120-150 thousand armed forces.


Eritrea on the other hand, you will find that it spends 17%GDP on defence and in addition to its regular army has 300,000 (17-50 year olds compulsary) in service that have no limited time and no pay. It has been like that since 1999.



If signing 25km deep over 1000km of ones own country off is considered victory (25000 sq km is almost a third of eritrea) you think about it.


Let me give you a hint:

Eritrea has 1000km border with ethiopia. Eritrea will not allow a fly or mosquito from eritrea fly to ethiopia, afraid of what will come as a result. So Eritrea transports OLF and its own soldiers to Mugadishu for ICU use and in the faint hope that they might do damage to ethiopia by using somali.

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