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ICU: Ethiopia using excessive force - tanks

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1. Ethiopia doesn't make tanks, so how do they know the tanks are ethiopian and not TFG. Is there any proof?


2. As many somalis can pilot/drive tanks as ethiopians. Does ICU know for sure the tanks are being operated by ethiopians and not somalis?

N.B. Somali here means from Somalia republic


“How can we stop fighting for our religion and country when Ethiopia is clearly provoking us?” Janakow asked, adding that Ethiopian troops used “execessive force” in ongoing battles, including tanks and attack helicopters.

Garowe Online News

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Originally posted by Somali_Friend:

1. Ethiopia doesn't make tanks, so how do they know the tanks are ethiopian and not TFG. Is there any proof?

That's not a smart question. No one implied Ethiopia manufactures tanks. What's more, no Eastern African country manufactures tanks; it's imported or acquired, and it's a fact known as the sun rising from the East every day. The tanks are Ethiopian, not TFG. What is the purpose of providing any proof? It's too late; Ethiopia underestimated the ICU, it wants war and the ICU will give it more than war.


2. As many somalis can pilot/drive tanks as ethiopians. Does ICU know for sure the tanks are being operated by ethiopians and not somalis?

First, a tank isn't piloted; it's aircrafts or warplanes that are piloted. Yes, the ICU knows for sure the tanks are being operated by Ethiopians and not Somalis. Are you kidding? You think the ICU lacks its own intelligence agency (CIA/KGB)?

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^^Saxib stop the personal attacks on the dude.


SF. You made agreat point, there are many Somali officers who can operate tanks and who used them before.


adding that Ethiopian troops used “execessive force” in ongoing battles, including tanks and attack helicopters


Are these people serious, this is war, what did they think they would only face the rag tag warlord millitia of before?

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Taliban, if they do not even know what war is and that there is no such thing as “execessive force” force in war. How could they know who or what is operating these tanks?

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Originally posted by Taliban:

The tanks are Ethiopian, not TFG. What is the purpose of providing any proof?


Is that how you proof in circular way in Mugadishu version of your nick?


I hope soon the TFG Armed Forces show those opearating the Tanks and make them available for interviews.

I would like to see all of those (very few in number)who are telling untruth here and calling the religion at the same time, repent for the misuse of Islam. What you answer in the after is your own, but you also need to answer to your brothers for giving Islam a bad name, by using it as cover for telling untruth about us ethiopians.

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Originally posted by Somali_Friend:

repent for the misuse of Islam.

How can you call for that when you are secular?


you also need to answer to your brothers for giving Islam a bad name

You do not understand Islam. No one can harm Islam. Islam is protected by Allah. No amount of badmouthing or smearing Islam will harm it. Those that badmouth or smear it only harm themselves. Islam is a religion when you badmouth or smear it, it attracts more converts. Islam isn't a human product; it's divine.

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I urge you to abandon the orthodox cult and join the milder sects of christianity like the Pentes or even catholics.

then you can start lecturing about Islam.

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Originally posted by Taliban:

quote:Originally posted by Somali_Friend:

repent for the misuse of Islam.

How can you call for that when you are secular?
Does it mean you would do it if I got you in touch with a teacher, a cleric, an Immam, a Shiek (respected one not self appointed)..etc.


You know that you have to do it yourself, if you already know and accept the error. Its for possible errors you need clarification from more knowledgeable or leaders and elders...


All I am saying is simple:

You can tell untruth about ethiopians, but please tell it in your name, your own name, and not in the name of Islam or Allah(SWT).

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Also when preaching hatred dont preach it in the name of Jesus.

But in the name of your mischivious cult.

christianity a beautiful religion soiled by Ethopian orthodoxy responsible for the massacre of Muslims, Jews from time immemorial

and currently the protestants.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Taliban, why did that intelligence not tell them there where tanks there in the first place and thus to expect excessive force?

I don't get your obsession with "excessive force." It's not about expecting Ethiopia's excessive force; it's about knowing what Ethiopia's excessive force is about. Ethiopia's excessive force doesn't differ from the Shock and Awe debacle of Iraq. It's only meant for the initial stages. You have to understand the TFG and Ethiopia will not be fighting a conventional army (in the ICU); they will be fighting an Islamic insurgency with the help, experience and expertise of the global Islamic insurgency.


Originally posted by Somali_Friend:

Does it mean you would do it if I got you in touch with a teacher, a cleric, an Immam, a Shiek (respected one not self appointed)..etc.

No, it doesn't mean if you got me in touch with with a teacher, a cleric, an Immam, a Shiek, etc. It means if you are one of those, or a practicing Muslim.

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^^^Taliban, a great come back indeed. However what I dont get is, how come this intellegence did not tell them to expect the tanks and thus not compensate for it?


As for the comparison to Iraq, its baseless. Iraq insurgency is based on the fight of the 5 million Sunni's who amde up 90% of Sadams 400,000 well trained and battle hardened troops.


No comparison, Iraq, Afghanistan or any other nation, this is Somalia and I guess these courts have been watching way to much Al-Jazeera..

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Taliban, Ethio soilders are just conscripts and are more of mercenaries and bounty hunters with no discipline or trainning

Coz of the sense of pride they have on their number.

tahts why they were defeated by Eritreans.

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