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Breaking news: Ethiopians vacate Mogadishu!

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Toure, the TFG is not gonna change and the old days of clan militias ruling Mogadishu/South are over.

Duke my Friend like Northerner said the old days of Isbaaro and warlord fiefdom ended in the summer of 2006 when the TFG backed warlords Qanyaare and co was ousted.


You had an organisation that was willing to work with a legitimate government and was willing to even incorporate their soldiers into the Somali armed force unfortunately the TFG leadership (Yey and Gheedi) had other sinister plans for our country.

When the Ethiopians leave a shackle free TFG will be restructured and candidates who serve the interest of Somalia will be installed, the armed forces will not only consist of a homogenous clan from the North-East but men born and breed in Mogadishu will serve their own streets, thus facilitating Non border preferably Islamic peace keepers to help the nation through a period of recovery and reconciliation.


So saxiib you have an option, support your clan interest and the Ethiopian incursion, or agree to an Ethiopia free Somalia where elderly and politician come to a consensus serving the people.



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Adeer the warlords/clancourts/looters and all other groups that occupied large parts of Somalia in the name of clan are over. We have a government in place now.


The Ethiopians will leave, so will the AU, but Indacade, Sharif Ahmed and their clan occupations of lower Shabbele will not return.


TFG is on its way to perminent power.

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How can you say such a thing.. when the same criminals that held the country hostage e.g warlords are now back but in the form of mayors and head of plice after they were ousted.


Your Contradictory fairytale stories are getting annoying sxb.

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perminent power.

I agree, "perminent" is the way for adeerkaa, CARABLAAWE YAHOW.


BTW, did you figure out Che's asalkiisa?


You seem way too occupied with what che is and what he isn't, ee is dagi, waxa uu yahay, asaga aa isku eh and just because he disagrees with you, it shouldn't matter to you.


talk about "I am disappointed with u"? You want him to agree and be like you, as hateful as ever.


Dude, I am sick of you talking about my clan this and that. CLANKA AAD SHEEGTO, ANAA HABEEN WALBO KU DHUUSO.


ps:It seems dhuusadeyda kuligood ayey gaartaa(corner to corner), so that clan isn't as big as you described it to be. :eek: :eek: :eek:

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lol. at the girl, I think you need to take the sisters advice. As for Che, he is a man and should be able to defend himself.


Galbayte: Adeer the warlords era is over, occupaying peoples homes and lands are over. The days when a single clan claimed the capital because of arms is over.


We are not a collection of clans, we are a single united Somalia and Moogadishu belongs to all.


Thats the TFG promise, and Nur Cade is doing a fine job so far.

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For everytime you post something here, you seem to loose track of your argument.


Warlords were removed and it was not TFG that did what seemed to be an impossible job. Your yet to endorse that very fact by stating “warlord era is over”.. …when even an insane one can see it was over before Ethiopian era began and now they back as police chiefs and mayors, mps.


So what’s clear here is that..your not at war with warlordism and corruption etc because their the same once your trying to force upon innocent Somalis with of curs Ethiopian military power but what your indeed fighting is a clan and its influential prominence and undisputed dominance in Somalia namingly the capital.


I keep catching you of guard sxb and I’m starting to get bored. You’re doing the impossible by defending Ethiopian occupation. I keep stressing this and I’ll do it again… hiding behind the governmental banner is not going to fool anyone

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Nephy, eedo boqol iyo shanmar aan ku dhahay, I am well aware of my gabarnimo.


Hadaan run uhadleyno, I don't think you are in a position to bring up xushmonimo. After all, you are the same islaan oo mar mar kuntiinadeeda tuurto, oo buufis ku dhoco in this very same section.


Adigi aaba xishood aqoon, see advise kaaga uqaadanaa? icon_razz.gificon_razz.gificon_razz.gif


PS:Xushmo waxaa latusaa, kuma dadka xushmeeyo. But Generaalka wasaqnimo oo meesha keenay countless times, and each time oo keeno, waa sida level-kiisa la tuso.

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TFG's press release.






Wararka Maanta- Arbaco, Jan 30, 2008




Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo ka hadashay Ciidamo Itoobiyaan iyo Soomaali ah oo ka baxay Fariisimo ay Muqdisho ku lahaayeen


Arbaco, January 30, 2008(HOL): Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Muuse Nuur Amiin oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay Magaalada Baydhabo ee Gobolka Bay ayaa shaaca ka qaaday sababta Ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka iyo kuwa Itoobiya looga saaray fariisimo ay ku sugnaayeen oo Muqdisho ku yaala.


Wasiirka waxaa uu sheegay in sababta Ciidamadaas looga saaray xeryihii ay ku jireen ay tahay sida uu u yiri u daneynta bulshada, si ay dadka u helaan xoriyad ay ku socdaan, wuxuuna carrabka ku dhuftay in Ciidamadaas la geynayo xeryo gaar ah oo uusan xusin halka ay ku yaaliin.


“Sida aad la socoteen Ciidamada waxay deganaayeen meelo magaalada dhexdeeda ah oo ay dad deganaayeen, marka waxaa lagama maarmaan noqotay in dadka culeyska laga qaado”ayuu yiri Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Muuse Nuur Amiin oo shacabkana dhankiisa ugu baaqay in ay Nabadgelyada kala shaqeeyaan Dowladda, isla markaana ay sheegaan dadka nabadeglyo-darrada wada.


Wasiirka oo wax laga weydiiyay goorta ay Ciidamada ku harsan gudaha magaalada ay ka bixi doonaan waxaa uu sheegay in Ciidamadaas laga maarmi doono marka nabadgelyada la sugo. “Ciidamada sida lagu yaqiinay waxay howlgeli doonaan marka ay yimaadaan wax weyn inta ka horeysana waxaa howsha nabadgelyada sugi doona Ciidamada Booliska, mana jiri doono culeys dambe oo ay Dadka ku qabi doonaan Ciidamada degan xeryaha ku yaala magaalada gudaheeda”ayuu yiri Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha oo intaas ku daray in la furi doono guud ahaan Waddooyinka Muqdisho.


Hadalka Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo shalay iyo xalay ay Ciidamo Soomaali iyo Itoobiyaan isugu jira ay ka baxeen fariisimo ay ku lahaayeen Magaalada Muqdisho, gaar ahaan Degmada Hodan, inkastoo ay jiraan Ciidamo weli ku sugan xeryo ku yaala gudaha Magaalada Muqdisho.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

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Galbaite, the duke as you can guess is a busy figure in SOL, and one has to answer all the questions from the fans. Thus not every response was to you, just go and reread those addressed to yourself.


TFG is doing well and we are here to stay people.

I also like the secessionist now pasting TFG press releases, wonders never stop.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Thats the TFG promise, and Nur Cade is doing a fine job so far.

"so far"....that tells a lot doesnt it?

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Originally posted by Dabshid:

Nuur Cadde is doing a good job,

What has he done apart from releasing an old man from prison? Surely when Ethiopians leave will dependant upon their own national interests and say so?

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