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Silanyo: Somaliland’s Mandela

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On 13th of June Mr Ahmed Mohamed Mohamud (Silanyo) arrived in Stockhom and right away gave an inspiring speech to hundreds of Somalilanders that were waiting for his arrival to Sweden.


Before he held his speech, there were some people in the audience that delivered some emotional and touching speeches in front of the chairman, Mr Silyano.


The speech that touched my heart was when Amina Weris [wife of Silanyo] held a short speech about the status of women in somaliland and how they struggle both outside and inside the home.


What she said was that they are the ones that providing the economy and nourishment for the children of the family, at the same time they are the backbone and the support and especially the assistance given by the somaliland women in the diaspora. She added that their efforts and work are often underestimated and sometimes not appreciated.


Amina Weris’s speech almost made me fall in tears because it explains how strong were our mothers and sisters through all these difficulties and constraints and how they struggles to survive under these harsh conditions.


Thanks to Amina Weris for her great speech as many of us (women in the diaspora) are eager to hear more about plight and life conditions of women in Somaliland.


They were the audience who all of a sudden gathered in the hall and listened to the speech of the chairman of kulmiye party, Mr Ahmed Mohamud Silanyo. He spoke about the struggle and history of liberating Somaliland as well as what it had achieved for the last 20 years without international assistance. It was a great speech. I tried to see and analyse the expressions of the people in the hall and how his speech touched them. Immediately I felt it had a great impact on them as everyone listened to him silently.


Mr Ahmed Mohamed Silanyo explained in details the problems facing the nation today; both economical as socially and how the current weak government functions today. The chairman emphasized how it is essential to make a change in Somaliland in order to build a bright future for younger generations.


I believe that we need a change for the sake of our needy people. We have to cooperate and unite our resources both inside and outside the country and I deeply believe a change of system is vital for us to move ahead.


Mr Silanyo’s leadership through negotiations, as well as his relationship with the people of Somaliland make him the Mandela of Mandeeq [somaliland].



by: Hodan Keyse Hassan,


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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

There's no one like Mandela!!!


Does she even understand or know what Mandela has been through and achieved?


silly comparisons

Yes she does. That's why she said: Mr Silanyo’s leadership through negotiations, as well as his relationship with the people of Somaliland make him the Mandela of Mandeeq [somaliland].


As fair as fair can be. But I hope he does not win.

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Hodan Kayse waxaad ku tiraahdaan, Siilaanyo Mandella maaha waase oday soomaaliyeed. Bilaha soo socdaa la ogaanayyaa bal inuu dadka intaa u sheego


Xidigtii dagaaroo dantay iyo zukhroo aad u dananaysaa

Daruurihii horoo guray iyo kuwa cusub oo wada darrooraayya

Dabkii ina riyaaloo :D baqtiyey iyo keennii oo dagalka nuuraayyaa

Intaa haddii aan daawadoo layna daaliciyey

Illeen dunidu way moogantee maan dadka u sheego


u sheeg yaa Siilaanyo al Suumaali, dadka u sheeg :D

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War waan saxay oo waa kii Maxamed Dheeg (tolow ma noolyahay?). I heard it in my 9th grade welina waan xasuustaa


Siilaanyo wuu garan :D

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Dalka waa lakala leeyahay iyo dawlada illeene

Ninba degelka daantuu lahaa maan dadka u sheego


Dayfkii martiyey reerka ee daacaduna soortay

Ee goortuu dibiray xoolihii reerka kula dooday

Ileen kama duwana tan u wadaa [Jacaylbarow dhammaystir] :D


Gabaygaan Siilaanyo tiriyey :D

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Ee goortuu dibiray xoolihii reerka kula dooday


Kix kix kix it really sums up the whole issue in just one line. :D

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