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Somali opposition accuses France of 'kidnapping' pirates

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I agree with Hussein Aideed on the part of the lack of formal extradition treaty between Somalia and France, but the French government said it would ask permission from Somali government to put these men on trial for taking hostage of the French yacht.

A little illegal game being played here by France.

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There may be a legal case here but I highly doubt if Ina Caydiid is the right man. Hal bacaad lagu lisay. Soomaali ayaa ba'day.


Last week, France and the United States presented a text before the UN Security Council seeking to authorise states to send warships into Somalia's territorial waters to combat piracy.

Hoodi dalakh iga dheh. You gotta love the UN.

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^Related to this news


Spanish intelligence agency paid off Somali pirates: newspaper

MADRID, May 5, 2008 (AFP) -


The ransom paid to Somali pirates to secure the release a Spanish trawler and its crew of 26 last month was delivered by six Spanish intelligence service agents, a newspaper reported Monday.


The money -- put at 1.2 million dollars (778,000 euros) by a Kenyan maritime assistance group -- came from Pevasa, the firm that owns the trawler and did not come from government coffers, El Pais reported citing government sources.


"The government charged CNI (intelligence agency) with ensuring the ransom was delivered in the face of the demands from the pirates that it be delivered in Somalia and the inability of the shipowner to do so by its own means," the newspaper said.


The 76-meter (250-foot) Playa de Bakio and its crew of 13 Spaniards and 13 Africans was released on April 26, six days after it was seized by pirates armed with grenade launchers as it was fishing off the coast of Somalia.


Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's government has repeatedly denied paying money to secure the release of the boat and its crew although it has suggested that the owners of the ship paid a ransom.


The newspaper said the Spanish intelligence service agents met in Djibouti with French counterparts who had delivered a ransom of 1.3 million euros to Somali pirates holding a French yacht earlier in the month.


After Le Ponant and its crew of 30 were released on April 11, French security forces pursued some of the suspected pirates and captured six who were than taken to France where they were charged by a Paris court.


The Spanish government ruled out a similar operation, particularly because it lacked the military means which France has in the region thanks to its military base in Djibouti, El Pais reported.



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^Saaxib, its fact piracy, chaos and murder, street suicide bombing and threats against other nations only benefits the oppositions groups...


The TFG needs peace, trinquality and the return of law and order... that's what Somali needs and benefits the Somali government.

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Piracy was almost eradicated during the brief rule of the ICU. It returned, along with checkpointism, looting and daylight rapes, since the Ethiopian tanks brought the T.F.G to Muqdisho.


In any case, France has no right to take these pirates and try them in our Paris, even though are criminals! No amount of hastily signed deal with the colonial, Sarkozy, can hide this fact!

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Norf, If you can't get to that level you gota laoth it miyaa? I understand....


The TFG is making a stand on the international level and calling the shots back home, what have you? Your protest of latest visit is getting silly, all noted, indeed noted very well

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LoL bread crumbs saxib. This thing is all about 'inakaa wadankii haysana' miya? Sheekadaa waa la'iska ogyahay saxib,,,,

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^Since when did you join the opposition group? Before you voted against them in SL or for them in Moqdisho?

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