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SOL Editorial?

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An editorial is usually the opinion of the editor of a news medium. It usually reflects the position and political stance of that news medium. Are you left wing, right wing or centre left, centre right, etc?


Seeing that SOL is a discussion forum and NOT a news medium, it is almost impossible to have such an editorial. In fact, I oppose such a move. Being a contributor to the site I may run the risk of agreeing to the overall goal and stance of such editorials.


Still, if it must be done, why not do it in the form of articles that members post to a section named 'SOL Editorial'. The management would have no input or control of the content (unless it is something that breaks the golden rules of course) and the opinions posted would range from violent Islamists to lily-livered turncoats, and everything in between.


Of course, the catch here is that every time an editorial is posted people would want to comment on it and may start a new thread in the political section to talk about it! Would that not defeat the whole purpose? This, of course, begs the question: why do we need an editorial in the first place?


I insist that we should leave things as they are, and, if people must have an editorial of sorts, they should just go and read any of my guru's posts. He usually has ten of those in each post of his (all entertaining and, mostly, to the point). :D



Leave Nur alone, the brother likes to post his own political 'editorials' in the Islamic Section. Xaajiga masaajidkiisa yan laga saarin. :D

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Originally posted by Laba_Xiniinyood:

I Nominate:







Is this based on the 4.5 Formula, if thats the case I think you missed reer Muqdisho and Baydhabo, also the half bit...



If one thinks of the Somali politics in SOL Duke comes to mind, he should be in that list too, any Somali political news or Editorial board that doesn't include a TFG supporter would raise suspecious.

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^Adeer Nur ii qor horta! Liqaayena ii qor.


Kolbaa kuwaa murmi doonee, Sophistana ii qor..


edit: sadexdaa iisii qabo.

We need -- should this idea be implemented, that is -- we need regular participants in this particular section; also dad regularly comment ka sameeyo too. Dadkaa magacowday dad saas ah ma'aha. Sophist sometimes ugu dhow, and knowing and having met the brother personally, wuu u qalmaa being a member of that said Editorial Board, waaba haddii la sameeyo.


I do also agree with Che, too, that sister Lois Lane be a member as well.

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Both Xiin and MMA are thanked for their consideration of this idea.


First, though I do take note of Ngone's thoughts on the matter, however, I think this could potentially be an interesting addition to SOL's offerings-- SOL has intelligent audience that are hungry for such service; they currently get their dose from hiiraan wardheernews, awdalnews etc..... The practicality and how this could be executed should of course be discussed at length; no doubt there will be some compellingly enthralling suggestions which the management of course will lend its ear to.


Myself, I follow up with MMA observation; for this work there needs to be a continual commitment of which I am happy to grant from my part. Of course, I will hope Noor and Xiin et all will have to be recruited for this enterprise. Without such said individuals, this might struggle to take off.





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Originally posted by NGONGE:

An editorial is usually the opinion of the editor of a news medium. It usually reflects the position and political stance of that news medium. Are you left wing, right wing or centre left, centre right, etc?


Seeing that SOL is a discussion forum and NOT a news medium, it is almost impossible to have such an editorial. In fact, I oppose such a move. Being a contributor to the site I may run the risk of agreeing to the overall goal and stance of such editorials.


Still, if it must be done, why not do it in the form of articles that members post to a section named 'SOL Editorial'. The management would have no input or control of the content (unless it is something that breaks the golden rules of course) and the opinions posted would range from violent Islamists to lily-livered turncoats, and everything in between.


Of course, the catch here is that every time an editorial is posted people would want to comment on it and may start a new thread in the political section to talk about it! Would that not defeat the whole purpose? This, of course, begs the question: why do we need an editorial in the first place?


I insist that we should leave things as they are, and, if people must have an editorial of sorts, they should just go and read any of my guru's posts. He usually has ten of those in each post of his (all entertaining and, mostly, to the point).



Leave Nur alone, the brother likes to post his own political 'editorials' in the Islamic Section. Xaajiga masaajidkiisa yan laga saarin.

I was gonna say that: Nur baad ka daysan! u know once write an editorial boqolal ba ku ku habarya!


ps. I think the poster ^^ is trying to volunteer himself :D

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Who cares whatever one writes on the Cyber world, Editorial or no editorial will make no different, this site will not have more importance or influence over the other Somali websites, what is writen on here isn't more concrete or truthful than the rest. Let's for sake of argument say that the proposed idea is implemented and materialised, how will it influence others or what will the impact be?

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Lois Lane

Ngonge(A reasonable secessionist unlike his peers)

Caamir ( A reasonable pro TFG unlike his peers)


I would have nominated some few others too but unfortunately i think all the rest politiking Nomads are emotion ridden and hardly is there any objective reasonable and yet a maintained individual.

Court Supporters --->Crying yaa murdads,yaa peaceniks everyday.


TFG supporters---->Crying yaa Terrorists everyday.


Secessionists ----> Crying 1988 and Somaliland everyday.Relax brothers no one is taking anything from you.

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If a sensible and consensual brother like Nur is the chief Editor, then this would have great credibility and others could be selected to assist him as a unified voice for all reasonable Somalis, a kind of think-tank that can serve as a lobbying/PR platform as well, is badly needed.


Probably, it is hard for anyone except the most pious to be objective, the rest could only deepen the existing mistrust and our collective tragedy...

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I agree, Xiin. But I think the transformation could be done through posting better articles (written by the Nomads rather than the perpetual deluge of stuff from other websites).


No offence, but I'd rather have ownership of my own views and defend them rather than compromise them for the sake of an editorial.


Still, if this is your way of telling us that our standards have dropped I'll be the first to admit that it's been a long time since I've been serious in anything I wrote. In fact, maybe that's where that ennui is coming from! Maybe I should start fully wading in again.

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The reason readers choose to certain newspapers and magazines over others is because they generally agree with the publication's "editorial". That's why nomads copy and paste "editorials" from sites that represent their thinking (or lack of it). Trying retrospectively start an editorial or this attempt to find individuals to who can represent SOL's political section's contributors is an impossible task. Any EDITORIAL might be wrongly by perceived by some as a general political view of SOL members. If there will be an SOL EDITORIAL let it be accompanied with a suitable disclaimer.


PS - Spare me the juvenile response "..this is a privately owned site ...."

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