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Breaking News: Al Shabaab claim responsability for blast that killed 74...

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Somali militants say they carried out deadly Uganda World Cup blastsCommander of al-Shabab, linked to al-Qaida, says group was behind twin explosions that killed 74 in Kampala


A Somali militant group with links to al-Qaida has claimed responsibility for the twin explosions that killed 74 people watching the World Cup final in Kampala last night, and has threatened to carry out attacks "against our enemy" wherever they are.


The blasts came two days after a commander with the group, al-Shabab, urged militants to attack sites in Uganda and Burundi, two countries that contribute troops to the African Union peacekeeping force in Somalia.


Al-Shabab, whose ranks are swelled by militant veterans of the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, has long threatened to strike beyond Somalia's borders, but the bombings late on Sunday are the first time the group has done so.


"We will carry out attacks against our enemy wherever they are," said Sheik Ali Mohamud Rage, a militant spokesman in Mogadishu. "No one will deter us from performing our Islamic duty."


Ugandan officials had said earlier that they suspected the Somali group was involved. One of the targets was an Ethiopian restaurant. The al-Shabab militants despise Ethiopia.


Uganda's president, Yoweri Museveni, toured the blast sites this morning and vowed to catch those responsible.


"We shall go for them wherever they are coming from. We will look for them and get them as we always do," he said.


The US president, Barack Obama, and the British foreign secretary, William Hague, also condemned the attacks as cowardly.


The first bomb detonated at 10.25pm (8.25pm GMT) at the Ethiopian Village restaurant, which is popular with foreigners, killing 15 people. About 50 minutes later twin blasts tore through Lugogo rugby club, where crowds were watching the match on a large television screen, killing 49 people. At least 67 people were wounded.


"We were watching soccer here and then when there were three minutes to the end of the match an explosion came ... and it was so loud," Juma Seiko, who was at the rugby club, told Reuters.


Police said Ethiopian, Indian and Congolese nationals were among those killed and wounded.


An aid group in San Diego, California, said one of its American workers died. Invisible Children, which helps child soldiers, said Nate Henn was killed on the rugby field.


Several Americans from a Pennsylvania church group were wounded in the restaurant attack, including 18-year-old Kris Sledge, from Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania.


"I remember blacking out, hearing people screaming and running," Sledge told the Associated Press from his hospital bed. His right leg was wrapped and he had burns on his face. "I love the place here but I'm wondering why this happened and who did this ... At this point we're just glad to be alive."


The US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, said America would work with the Ugandan government "to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice".

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Al-Shabaab Oo Sheegatay Qaraxyadii Ka Dhacay Magaaladda Kampala


July 12, 20100 comments | leave your own!Xarakadda Al-Shabaab ayaa sheegatay masuuliyadda labo qarax oo habeenimadii xalay ka dhacay magaaladda Kampala ee caasimada dalka Uganda,kaas oo sababay khasaaro dhimasho iyo dhaawac badan.


Afhayeenka Xarakadda Al-Shabaab Sheikh Cali Dheere oo maanta Shir Jiraa’id ku qabtay magaaladda Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in qaraxyadaas ay ugu talagaleen in ay aar gudaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo uu tibaaxay in ay xasuuqeen Ciidanka Uganda ee ku sugan magaaladda Muqdisho.


Wuxuu intaa ku daray in mudo ku siman 12-maalmood ay diyaarinayeen qaraxyadaas isagoo sidoo kale digniin u direy shacabka reer Burundi isla markaana xusay in qaraxyo la beegsan doonaan magaaladda Caasimada ah ee Bujumbura.


Hogaamiyaha Al-Shabaab Axmed Cabdi Godane ayaa dhowaan digniin ujeediyey wadamada Burundi iyo Uganda oo u sheegay in ay la beegsan doonaan weeraro.


Sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan Booliska dalka Uganda oo isagu la hadlay Wakaaladda AP ayaa sheegay in qaraxyadaas ay aaminsanyihiin in ay ka dambeeyaan Al-Shabaab.


Sidoo kale sarkaal ka tirsan xarakada al-shabaab oo magaciisa ku sheegay Shiikh Yusuf Shiikh Ciise ayaa warbaahinta AP u sheegay in ay aad ugu faraxsan yihiin qaraxa, laakiin waxa uu diidey in uu caddeeyo in ay iyagu fuliyeen iyo in kale.


Wararkii ugu dambeeyey ee khasaaraha ka dhashey qaraxyadaas ayaa sheegaaya in ay ku dhinteen dad gaaraya 74-qof,Madaxweynaha dalka Uganda Yoweri Kaguta Museveni ayaa isna booqday goobaha ay qaraxyadu ka dhaceen isagoo ku eedeyey in ay geysteen dad argagaxiiso ah isla markaana wacad ku maray in ay meel weliba kasoo qaban doonaan.


Horseed Media

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Has any main stream media even put two and two together yet?


A.Shabab may be claiming responsibility, and may be behind the attacks.... or not?


Perhaps a proxy terrorist gang would make more sense than Shababies transiting Africa to launch coordinated attacks out of their area of operation? This would be much more difficult to pull off than wiring money through Hawalas to thier friends, the ADF in Uganda. Follow the money.


By Shababies claiming responsibility may lighten the load of an in depth investigation additionally. They claim responsibility, and Uganda Investigators may not look as hard as if they thought it was locals. Paper Tiger....



Allied Democratic Forces


National Army for the Liberation of Uganda (NALU)


The Alliance of Democratic Forces (ADF) is made up of Ugandan opposition forces,

supported by the Government of Sudan, which fought the Government of Uganda.


Insurgent groups in Uganda harass government forces and murder and kidnap civilians

in the north and west. They do not, however, threaten the stability of the

government. A group operating in western Uganda near the Rwenzori Mountains, the

Allied Democratic Forces, emerged as a localized threat in 1996 and has inflicted

substantial suffering on the population in the area. An ADF-affiliated group,

the National Army for the Liberation of Uganda (NALU), also claimed responsibility

for terrorist attacks that resulted in fatalities.


Based in the Ruwenzori mountains of western Uganda, the ADF is a combination of

fundamentalist Tabliq Muslim rebels and remnants of another rebel group, the

National Army for the Liberation of Uganda (NALU). It has claimed responsibility for

a string of bomb blasts that have rocked the country, particularly Kampala, this

year. It also frequently links up with the ex-FAR/Interahamwe militias operating in

the region and is particularly active in the Bundibugyo area of western Uganda.


The ADF rebels, based in the Rwenzori Mountains, reportedly committed atrocities

against the local civilian population, driving them from their homes and farms in

the mountains into lowland towns. As the IDP population in the region grew to

approximately 70,000 people, food became more scarce and the towns became unable to

absorb them.


On 04 April 1998 the US Embassy reported that bombs exploded at two restaurants in

Kampala, killing five persons--including one Swedish and one Rwandan national--and

wounding at least six others. The restaurants, the Nile Grill and the cafe at the

Speke Hotel, are within walking distance of the US Embassy and the Sheraton Hotel. A

Ugandan Government official reported to local press that the AlliedDemocratic Forces

may be responsible.


In the west and southwest, the rebel Allied Democratic Forces significantly

heightened their activities in 1998, which included repeated attacks on civilian

targets, trading centers, and private homes, resulting in hundreds of deaths and

abductions. The ADF continued to plant land mines extensively and increased its

attacks on both rural and urban civilian targets, police outposts, and UPDF

encampments. In February 1998, 30 students were abducted by ADF rebels from Mitandi

Seventh Day Adventist College in Kasese. In April 1998 rebels attacked a woman in

Bundibugyo district and cut off her ears and nose. The ADF forces hacked two

civilian women to death in Kasese district in May. The ADF's deadliest attack of the

year occurred on 08 June 1998, when rebels killed 80 students of the

KichwambaTechnical College in Kabarole district by setting locked dormitories on

fire. An additional 80 students were abducted in the raid. Also in June 1998, ADF

rebels abducted over l00 school children from a school in Hoima district. ADF

conducted dozens of small-scale raids that resulted in hundreds of civilian deaths.

An ADF-affiliated group, the National Army for the Liberation of Uganda claimed

responsibility for three bus bomb attacks in August 1998 that killed 30 persons.


On 09 December 1999 the Allied Democratic Forces began a renewed offensive in the

Fort Portal Town, Kabarole district, and Bundibugyo Town, Bundibugyo district areas.

These actions, which may have been instigated to combat the UPDF offensive

"Operation Mountain Sweep," targeted barracks and a regional prison.

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^^^They have claimed it, thus end of story. The pride that they have shown in this attack indicates it was them..


If some else did and then they claim it, then they are far too ignorant and need to be dealt with.

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Its easy for Al Shabab to claim it, whilst someone else did it for them with their same ideology in mind, their proxy.


You don`t see it as operationally more difficult for A.S. than local Uganda boys?


It would also make sense for A.S. to claim it if they didn't do it, to steer the investigation away from the actual perpetrators, the ADF, while the ADF blends back into the woodwork. It also makes them appear as they have a higher capability to strike internationally also, thus increasing the possibility of their funding.


Terror groups sharing like minds and assisting each other for fun and profit isn't anything new.

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War Deg Deg ah:Alshabaab oo sheegtay Mas'uuliyada Qaraxyadii Kambala.


12. juli 2010


Muqdisho:(Allpuntland)-Dhaqdhaqaaq Diimeedka Alshabaab ayaa goordhaweyd si toos ah u sheegtay Mas'uuliyada Weeraradii bambaano ee xalay gilgilay magaalo madaxda dalka Ugandha,waxaana dhaqdhaqaaqa Alshabaab ay sheegeen in weeraradaas ay geysteen qaarkamid ah Ciidamada Alshabaab ayna u fuliyeen qaabkii loo qorsheeyey oo ahayd inay Qiiq ka kiciyaan magaalada Kambala.


Afhayeenka dhaqdhaqaaqa Alshabaab Sheekh Cali Maxamuud Raage (Cali Dheere) oo goordhaweyd shir jaraa'id khadka Teleefoonada ugu qabtay warbaahinta Muqdisho ayaa xaqiijiyey inay lahaayeen Mas'uuliyada Qaraxyadaas,waxaana uu sheegey inay u aargudayaan dadka Soomaaliyeed ee maalinkasta lagu xasuuqo magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasimada Dalka Soomaaliya.


""Ilaah ayaa mahad leh Mujaahidiintu cadawgii ayay guryahooda ku laayeen, Jazakumullaah ilaah Cimrigiina ha dheereeyo ayaan leenahay Mujaahidiintii fuliyay weerarkii xalay"Ayuu yiri Afhayeenka Alshabaab oo si qiro leh islamarkaasna farxad & deg deg ka muuqdo warbaahinta ula hadlay,waxaana uu intaas ku daray in Qorshaha Qaraxyadani ay waqti badan abaabulayeen.


Sheekh Cali Dheere wuxuu Fariin adag u diray shucuubta wadamada Ugandha & Burundi oo uu sheegey inay qaadan doonaan dhibaatooyin intaas ka badan hadii aysan Wiilashooda kalabixin dalka Soomaaliya,waxaana uu intaas ku faray Afhayeenku in ay jiraan Suurta galnimada weeraro intaas ka badan hadii aan lajoojin waxa uu ugu yeeray Xasuuqa Muqdisho.


"Intii aadan dalka soo gelina ayaan idiin dignay in badan ayaan idinka codsanay in aan Caruurtiina saliibiga ah naga qaadataan, waad ka dhega adaygteen dhiigga shacabka Soomaaliyeed Biya ma ahan dhiigu waa dhiigm burburku waa burbur sidii shacabka Muslimka Soomaliyeed loo laayay ayaan idina laydiin layn"Ayuu yiri Afhayeenka Dhaqdhaqaaqa Alshabaab.


Cabdiqani Xayir


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Al-Shabab claims Uganda bombings


Malcolm Webb reports from Kampala on the deadly

blasts that struck crowds watching World Cup final. At least 74 people have been killed in two near simultaneous bomb explosions, apparently targeting crowds watching the World Cup final, in Uganda's capital, Kampala, police have said.


One blast hit an Ethiopian restaurant in the south of the city, while the other occurred at a rugby sports club in the east of Kampala.


Somalia's al-Shabab, a group which the US says has links to al-Qaeda, has claimed responsibility for the attacks.


"Al-Shabab was behind the two blast in Uganda," Sheik Ali Mohamud Rage, the group's spokesperson, told reporters in Mogadishu, the Somali capital.


"We thank the mujahideens that carried out the attack. We are sending a message to Uganda and Burundi, if they do not take out their AMISOM [African Union Mission in Somalia] troops from Somalia, blasts will continue and it will happen," Rage said.


Uganda and Burundi currently have peacekeepers in Somalia as part of a stabilisation mission supported by the African Union.


These attacks are the first time the group, which has carried out multiple suicide attacks inside Somalia, has struck outside of the country.


Al-Shabab strategy


Both blasts struck at the centre of large crowds watching live coverage of Sunday's World Cup football final between Spain and the Netherlands.


"These bombs were definitely targeting World Cup crowds," Kale Kayihura, the inspector-general of Ugandan police, said.

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Sorry, I do not number one believe proven Liars, and I also do not believe everything that the press conjecture or says, it`s as simple as that.


Osama Bin Laden also said he was behind 9/11, and the U.S. took him at his word, as a confession.


It may surprise you to know that the U.S. has zero hard evidence against him for 9/11. Doesn't slow him down for taking credit though does it?


My take is first Al Shabab feigned surprise, then uncertainty, then collaboration. Seems a bit strange and when you put some of the pieces together, such as a long distance international operation out of their territory and do not have experience at and which they are not known for, it doesn't quite fit with the late confirmation.


Fishy at best...

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This is sad.


Originally posted by Haatu:

I hope this is the beginning of the end for these terrorists.

Me too. The danger is Somalis will feel repercussions in Uganda and from any possible offensive in Xamar. These guys just don't care.

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