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Sheikh Hassan Aweis vs. Ahmed Ould Abdullah

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In response to Abdalla's remarks, Aweis had this to day:


"It is a surprise to see Ould-Abdallah destroying Somalia when he, as a Muslim, has an obligation of being honest of what he has to do for Somalis," Aweys said.


"He consistently defends the government policies as if he is the president of this country, and he is not playing his role of engaging every side of the conflict."



Aweis: 2

Abdalla: 0



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Axmed Walad Cabdalle sounds and feels more genuine Soomaali, has far greater concern for the country Soomaaliya than this so-called Soomaali "sheekh," who claims to be in the leadership position.


Ilaa iyo 1991 buu dagaal iyo jihaad aan jirin u taaganyahay. Wax uu ka naxaayo ma jirto ka ahayn kursigaas uu rabo korneelkaan.

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^^^Give us a break old man. This man was part of the group that allowed Kenya to get the Sea. The other was Sharif, Sharmarke & SHarif Xsaan,


Xasan Dahir is an ***** but he did deliver a nice blow to this bigger clown...


Nassir is right 2:0 to Aways..

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I give Aweis his credit for outplaying Mr. Abdalla. He understood the neutral role of the Special Representative and therefore urged him to refrain from taking one side of the conflict.


MMA, you have a point saxib here but the Shariif and his Government are equally culpable if not worse. Several MPs have already called for his resignation.

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Correct, it is 3 - 0 to Hassan Dahir, odagu sometimes hits the nail on the head, and in this case wuxuu u abaaray sheekada as if he knows that Mr Ould Abdalla is the head of this government...

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X. D. Aweys is in search of Islamic validity for the harm he has caused Somalia from '93 to today, marka filo inuu doqonku doqon ku yiraahdo intaadan oran. He really is looking for a way to justice for all the carnage he has unleased with his arrival to Xamar. Kani Soomaalinimo ka dheer, he's a pseudo-religious mercenary, to say the least.


Ahmed Ould Abdullah on the other hand, is a wise, peaceful man thinking of what becomes of Somalia 100 years from now. To be quite honest, the man has shown more Somaliness that any Somali in recent years. He, along with Nur Adde, should be awarded the highest medal of honour (and noble prize) for being genuine and truly wise.

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^Lool, if you think they deserve a medal as you say, then their dear project wouldn't fail this quickly, they were clowns, and now the fool Ould spoke as if he was a direct leader of the Somlai government when he was suppose to be dhex-dhaxaad . Oday Dahir only pointed that out, hence why we think he won this argument...

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Originally posted by Paragon:

X. D. Aweys is in search of Islamic validity for the harm he has caused Somalia from '93 to today, marka filo inuu doqonku doqon ku yiraahdo intaadan oran. He really is looking for a way to justice for all the carnage he has unleased with his arrival to Xamar. Kani Soomaalinimo ka dheer, he's a pseudo-religious mercenary, to say the least.


Ahmed Ould Abdullah on the other hand, is a wise, peaceful man thinking of what becomes of Somalia 100 years from now. To be quite honest, the man has shown more Somaliness that any Somali in recent years. He, along with Nur Adde, should be awarded the highest medal of honour (and noble prize) for being genuine and truly wise.

So wise and peaceful is this old Mauritinian, that he had the nerve to tell Somali media outlets to stop reporting for a month. The reason for this was because Ahmad Abudllah could not believe that SOmali media outlets dare report the amnisom killing of many Somali civilians on a minibus. Somalis had to get slaughtered so he could get the credit for his "peace intiative". Perhaps this was A move inspired by his friend, Mr Nur Cade, double act and fellow "peacemaker", the peacemaker who famously described the slaughter of innocent Tabliqi scholars by Ethiopian warlords as self defense. Getting back to the media story, MR Ahmad Ould Abudllah would rather downplay and completely deny the daylight massacre commited by his fellow African gangs, thus :


quote: The highest-ranking U.N. official for Somalia has angrily denouanced reports of a civilian massacre by African Union peacekeeping troops in Mogadishu, saying the story is designed to distract attention from positive developments in the country. U.N. Special Representative Ahmedou Ould Abdallh is calling for a moratorium on reports written outside Somalia based on information supplied by local Somali journalists. ( end of quote)


Furthermore, according to the wonderful and somalinimo logic of MR Abdullah reporting Amnisom massacres was like inciting ethnic hatred in the Rwanda War:


quote:" What happened is to divert attention from what is going on here, and as usual to use the media to repeat Radio Mille Colline, to repeat the genocide in Rwanda," said Abdallh. "We had a good election. The president had a good welcome. He is trying to work closely with the region". ( end of quote)


Moreover, the wonderful Walad Abdullah instructed Somali media outlets to stop reporting for a month:



quote:"" There is a need to have a truce, one month truce in reporting on Somalia," he said. "There is a need to double check the sources with your correspondent. Because they live under tremendous pressure. I am sure they are professionals. They would like to help their country. But the time has come for one month truce on reporting till there is double, triple checking, because Somalia is exceptional. We have to have exceptional checking of the news." (end of quote)



Lastly, to mr MMI, were you not complaining and objecting to the attrocious and false deal which signed of some Somalis territorial waters to Kenya? In your own words, "it was outrageous". You also described the selling Somali sea shells as the sea side deal in the the harshest terms possible:


" It is sad, beyond sad. It is shockingly and politically immoral, a crime against all Soomaalis with an iota of blood of wadanimo iyo daljecelnimo ku jirto "".


Do you know you the name of the opportunist that orchestrated this " criminal, immoral" deal? Do you think it would be someone with an "iota wadanimo and daljecelnimo"? Do you think such an individual witht the aformentioned characteristics would manipulate poor Somalis in their time of need? Any guesses? It was actually the same guy that you just described, who apparently:


" sounds and feels more genuine Soomaali, has far greater concern for the country Soomaaliya than this so-called Soomaali "sheekh," who claims to be in the leadership position "".



Yes. It was the smiling MaurItinian, who according to you feels and sounds a more genuine Somali and has such a great concern for them: meet Mr Ahmed Ould Abdullah. Here is the description of Mr Abdullah's role in the farce by one western journalist



" As one close observer put it to Inner City Press, “Ould Abdallah started the whole process -- the UN asks Somalia to submit papers and the UN special envoy Ould prepares the papers Somalia is submitting -- why waste time, have the UN and Mr. Ould Abdallah directly handle things instead of abusing the poor colonial era chiefs such as the Transitional Federal Government".


What a marvellous chap this fella has been to the Somali race, eh?

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Originally posted by Al Zeylaci:

quote:Originally posted by Paragon:

X. D. Aweys is in search of Islamic validity for the harm he has caused Somalia from '93 to today, marka filo inuu doqonku doqon ku yiraahdo intaadan oran. He really is looking for a way to justice for all the carnage he has unleased with his arrival to Xamar. Kani Soomaalinimo ka dheer, he's a pseudo-religious mercenary, to say the least.


Ahmed Ould Abdullah on the other hand, is a wise, peaceful man thinking of what becomes of Somalia 100 years from now. To be quite honest, the man has shown more Somaliness that any Somali in recent years. He, along with Nur Adde, should be awarded the highest medal of honour (and noble prize) for being genuine and truly wise.

So wise and peaceful is this old Mauritinian, that he had the nerve to tell Somali media outlets to stop reporting for a month. The reason for this was because Ahmad Abudllah could not believe that SOmali media outlets dare report the amnisom killing of many Somali civilians on a minibus. Somalis had to get slaughtered so he could get the credit for his "peace intiative". Perhaps this was A move inspired by his friend, Mr Nur Cade, double act and fellow "peacemaker", the peacemaker who famously described the slaughter of innocent Tabliqi scholars by Ethiopian warlords as self defense. Getting back to the media story, MR Ahmad Ould Abudllah would rather downplay and completely deny the daylight massacre commited by his fellow African gangs, thus :


The highest-ranking U.N. official for Somalia has angrily denouanced reports of a civilian massacre by African Union peacekeeping troops in Mogadishu, saying the story is designed to distract attention from positive developments in the country. U.N. Special Representative Ahmedou Ould Abdallh is calling for a moratorium on reports written outside Somalia based on information supplied by local Somali journalists. ( end of quote)


Furthermore, according to the wonderful and somalinimo logic of MR Abdullah reporting Amnisom massacres was like inciting ethnic hatred in the Rwanda War:


What happened is to divert attention from what is going on here, and as usual to use the media to repeat Radio Mille Colline, to repeat the genocide in Rwanda," said Abdallh. "We had a good election. The president had a good welcome. He is trying to work closely with the region".
( end of quote)


Moreover, the wonderful Walad Abdullah
Somali media outlets to stop reporting for a month:



There is a need to have a truce, one month truce in reporting on Somalia," he said. "There is a need to double check the sources with your correspondent. Because they live under tremendous pressure. I am sure they are professionals. They would like to help their country. But the time has come for one month truce on reporting till there is double, triple checking, because Somalia is exceptional. We have to have exceptional checking of the news."
(end of quote)



Lastly, to mr MMI, were you not complaining and objecting to the attrocious and false deal which signed of some Somalis territorial waters to Kenya? In your own words, "it was outrageous". You also
the selling Somali sea shells as the sea side deal in the the harshest terms possible:


It is sad, beyond sad. It is shockingly and politically immoral, a crime against all Soomaalis with an iota of blood of wadanimo iyo daljecelnimo ku jirto


Do you know you the name of the opportunist that orchestrated this " criminal, immoral" deal? Do you think it would be someone with an "iota wadanimo and daljecelnimo"? Do you think such an individual witht the aformentioned characteristics would manipulate poor Somalis in their time of need? Any guesses? It was actually the same guy that you just described, who apparently:


sounds and feels more genuine Soomaali, has far greater concern for the country Soomaaliya than this so-called Soomaali "sheekh," who claims to be in the leadership position



Yes. It was the smiling MaurItinian, who according to you feels and sounds a more genuine Somali and has such a great concern for them: meet Mr Ahmed Ould Abdullah. Here is the description of Mr Abdullah's role in the farce by one



As one close observer put it to Inner City Press, “Ould Abdallah started the whole process -- the UN asks Somalia to submit papers and the UN special envoy Ould prepares the papers Somalia is submitting -- why waste time, have the UN and Mr. Ould Abdallah directly handle things instead of abusing the poor colonial era chiefs such as the Transitional Federal Government".


What a marvellous chap this fella has been to the Somali race, eh?
bump.the colonial stooge , Ahmed Ould Abdullah, busted here, caughted red handed, lying

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Give us a break old man. This man was part of the group that allowed Kenya to get the Sea. The other was Sharif, Sharmarke & SHarif Xsaan,


Xasan Dahir is an ***** but he did deliver a nice blow to this bigger clown...


Nassir is right 2:0 to Aways..

You are only mad at him because he engineered the Jabuti Deal that ousted your god-father Abdullahi Yusuf and paved the way for Sharif.

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Originally posted by Paragon:

X. D. Aweys is in search of Islamic validity for the harm he has caused Somalia from '93 to today, marka filo inuu doqonku doqon ku yiraahdo intaadan oran. He really is looking for a way to justice for all the carnage he has unleased with his arrival to Xamar. Kani Soomaalinimo ka dheer, he's a pseudo-religious mercenary, to say the least.


Ahmed Ould Abdullah on the other hand, is a wise, peaceful man thinking of what becomes of Somalia 100 years from now. To be quite honest, the man has shown more Somaliness that any Somali in recent years. He, along with Nur Adde, should be awarded the highest medal of honour (and noble prize) for being genuine and truly wise.

Very well said.


It says a lot about our situation when a Non-Somali is more concerned about the welfare and well-being of Somalia than the Somalis themselves.


Aweys is an ego-ridden arrogant man. He thinks the whole world revolves around him. Hence, "if I am not please, nothing will work talk."

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar:

Axmed Walad Cabdalle sounds and feels more genuine Soomaali, has far greater concern for the country Soomaaliya than this so-called Soomaali "sheekh," who claims to be in the leadership position.


Ilaa iyo 1991 buu dagaal iyo jihaad aan jirin u taaganyahay. Wax uu ka naxaayo ma jirto ka ahayn kursigaas uu rabo korneelkaan.

loool...waxaan la yaabaa siduu isku kala jiijiido when he is giving interviews like inuu yahay the only man oo Soomaali xalkeeda hayo!

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quote: The highest-ranking U.N. official for Somalia has angrily denouanced reports of a civilian massacre by African Union peacekeeping troops in Mogadishu, saying the story is designed to distract attention from positive developments in the country. U.N. Special Representative Ahmedou Ould Abdallh is calling for a moratorium on reports written outside Somalia based on information supplied by local Somali journalists. ( end of quote)

What positive developments have taken place since the Djibouti shamm ya Walad?

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Walad probably though Sharif had the capability of being a president but islaanti uu muqdishu uu diray waxey la noqotay Ya bintal sanduuqa khabaarak fi suuq :D:D:D

Thats happens when you waste time

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