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In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.


Dear brothers and sisters,


The previous topic I posted relating to remindings of steadfastness in religion, is by virtue, relative to life in this world, universal and timeless in nature. This means that trials, afflictions and temptations are indiscriminate to one’s situation and position in society. As any person of understanding would explain to you with regards to the workings of Allah’s Sunnan Al-Kawni, that you are either way tested, because that is the reason Allah created us in the first place, and sent us prophets and messengers to teach and show us how to pass these tests.


Having accepted that fact, there is one more crucial aspect missing from the writing of the Sheekh (may Allah reward him generously for his efforts), which I have described as universal and timeless in nature due to its continuous validity of one’s lifetime. This other aspect however is not always valid and has no universality and timelessness in its application, but when it becomes valid; it is WAJIB and may have priority over all the other aspects of steadfastness in religion listed in that particular writing. This important aspect is known as HIJRAH, which is the migration from the lands and places of disbelief, fitnah, fasahaad, oppression and everything else that compromises your Diin or forms an obstacle between you and your Lord.


Reasons for making Hijrah include:


1) To stand, remain and secure our firmness on The Straight Path.


If there is a lesson that can be taken from the Qur’aan and Sunnah is that, to believe alone is not enough. The lesson here is to believe, and then act accordingly to remain and stand firm in that belief, by doing all that is necessary to maintain that “fire of faith†burning and to protect it from all the dangers or tribulations that could extinguish that fire. Hence Hijrah becomes sometimes obligatory upon you, and if you ignore that important obligation, then know you are a “daalimun li-nafsihâ€! (daliil available on request if in doubt about the point)


2) To avoid Disbelievers having authority over Believers.


Allah made us His vicegerents on earth, chose for us Islam as our religion and gave us the Shariicah to rule and do justice among ourselves. Is it then not disgrace to place ourselves in a position where there is a power other than that of Allah ruling over us?


Allah says:


“And obey not him whose heart We have made neglectful of Our remembrance, and who follows his desires, and whose every affair has turned into excess.†(Suuratul-Kahf 28)


“And obey not the commandments of those who exceed their bounds-those who spread corruption on earth, and set not things right.†(Suuratul-Shuuraa 151-152)


We all understand that a degree of sacrifice would be needed to submit ourselves to these Commandments of Allah, but Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, in His Bounty always rewards those who believe and obey in both worlds. We have been promised the gardens of bliss in the hereafter, and in this life Allah promised us victory, saying:


“Faint not, neither sorrow, for you shall be dominant if you are (truly) Believers.†(Suuratul-Cimraan)


“God has promised those of you who believe and do good deeds that He will surely make them gain power on earth, even as He made those gain power who were before them and that He will surely firmly establish their Way for them that He has approved for them, and that He will replace their state of fear with peace; let them serve Me alone and take no gods beside Me.†(Suuratul-Nuur 55)


3) To associate oneself with the Ummah.


The foundational building blocks of this Ummah has been started by few men and women who, by fulfilling their noble obligation of Hijrah, has sacrificed so much of their lives and Allah caused these Muhajiroon to become the light of this Ummah. To associate oneself with the Ummah of Prophet Muxammad (peace and blessings be upon him), it is obvious that one should fulfil the necessary conditions (besides believing) to be part of this Ummah. He (peace and blessings be upon him) said:


“I am not responsible for any Muslim who stays among polytheistsâ€


He (peace and blessings be upon him) also said:


“Whoever joins the disbelievers and lives amongst them is one of themâ€


4) To disassociate oneself from the disbelievers.


Here is to be understood that there always should be a clear psychological, practical and ideological divisions between the believers and disbelievers.


Allah says:


“The believers shall not take the disbelievers as allies instead of believers, and whoever does that shall never be helped by Allah in any way, except if you fear a danger from them. And Allah warns you against Himself, and to Allah is the final return.†(Suuratul-Cimraan 28)


“O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and Christians as protectors, they are protectors of one another, whoever takes them as protectors is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those who are the wrongdoers.†(Suuratul-Maa’idah 51)


“Those who have believed, but have not migrated- you have no (duties of) friendship to them till they migrate.†(Suuratul-Anfaal 72)


5) To get closer to Allah.


First of all, making a Hijrah is to follow the footsteps of our beloved Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), and the following of his Sunnah, is The Way to get closer to Allah (swt). There is actually much deeper meaning to this form of Hijrah, which is not merely the physical movement between two places, but there is more important spiritual journey to be travelled. This is a journey which transcends almost everything else in this world, when done for the love of Allah and his Prophet, will also create love between believers, for no reason other than for the sake of Allah. As narrated from our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) that:


“Allah will say on the day of resurrection: Where are those who loved each other for My Glory? Today I shall shade them with My Shade on a day where there is no shade except My Shade.â€


Allah bestows that invaluable ideological growth within the religious-self only upon the few favoured ones. This is one of the ultimate symbols of obedience, and has not always to do with actual movements of the body, but includes all intentional divorce from the material world to gain the pleasure of Allah. Have you yet thought about the secret of Ibraahiim (cs), and how and why he became such a close friend of Allah? What is the meaning when he says; “I am going to my Lord, He shall guide me†and “I will emigrate for the sake of my Lord�


There can be found only one other spiritual journey which is higher is status in Allah’s Sight and Love, and that is only bestowed upon the martyrs of “fii sabiili-Laah†whose journeys is not merely between two places in this world, but between worlds!



6) To be rewarded by Allah in this life and the hereafter.


Allah says in the Qur’aan:


“They who believe, and those who migrate and strive hard in Allah’s way- it is they who hope for Allah’s mercy.†(Suuratul-Baqarah 216)


“He who emigrates for the sake of Allah, will find on earth many dwelling places and plenty to live by. And whosoever leaves his home as an emigrant unto Allah and His Messenger, and death overtakes him, his reward is then surely incumbent upon Allah. And Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.†(Suuratul-Nisaa 100)


“Those who emigrated for the sake of Allah after having suffered prosecution shall be settled in comfort in this world, but indeed the reward in the hereafter will be greater, if they but knew! (they are) those who were steadfast and put their trust in their Lord.†(Suuratul-Naxl 41-42)


“Those who believe and who migrated and who struggled in the Path of Allah, and those who gave shelter and aid, these are the true believers. Forgiveness and bountiful provisions are theirs.†(Suuratul-Anfaal 74)


7) To avoid Allah’s punishments.


Surely, no explanations are needed here, for only a fool would believe in Allah and the Day of Judgement, and yet not fear His punishments! The way to recognise whether an individual truly fears Allah, is when he stays away from what is prohibited and dutifully obeys what is commanded. There are no secrets as Allah made us clear the consequences of our failure to comply with His Divine guidance, and hence all the possible excuses which may be used or could be blamed for one’s failure to comply with His commandments are removed.


Allah informs us in His Qur’aan:


“Verily! As for those whom the Angels have taken (in death) while they are wronging themselves (as they stayed among the disbelievers even though emigration was obligatory upon them), they (angels) ask them, ‘In what condition were you?’ They reply, ‘We were weak and oppressed on earth.’ The Angels ask, ‘Was not the earth of Allah spacious enough for you to migrate therein?’ Such men will find their abode in Hell- what an evil destination!†(Suuratul-Nisaa 97)


“Say, If your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your kinsmen, the wealth which you have acquired, the commerce in which you fear a decline, or the dwellings in which you delight- if these are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and striving hard and fighting in His cause, then wait until Allah brings about His Decision (Torment). Allah does not guide those who are disobedient to Allah.†(Suuratul-Tawbah 24)


There are more reasons for making Hijrah of which I am ignorant of at the present moment, but trust upon other SOL nomads to enlighten me with their insight.


My intention for starting this thread is not to convince anyone by what I write (I wouldn’t mind though), but to create understanding and awareness of the matter, so that we can escape from the ignorance that is blinding us to see our priorities in proportions. Once we open our eyes, the biggest obstacle that is preventing us to act and struggle drastically in the Way of Allah, becomes irrelevant and very easy. Therefore this thread is related to the first step (if we assume that there are only two steps in life, knowledge and action, of which knowledge is the first step) and hope we all could understand the importance of this issue, then come to a conclusion we all agree upon.


Useful methods and sources of understanding before one can come to conclusions may be:


a) The Qur’aan and Sunnah, by reflecting upon their meaning and your life in midst of disbelief. When Allah says to you: “they will not stop fighting you until they turn you away from your religion, if they are able†(2:217), and yet you remain ignorant of the meaning of that verse, does it mean that you are given immunity by either party?


b) Refer back to great scholars and men of letters who absolutely understood the meaning of that particular verse, and reflected on the Qur’aan and Sunnah for many years in their quest for Allah’s pleasures, who have come to the following conclutions;


“the state of a place reflects the state of a person…..Thus, a person becomes like the place of his abode. The migration of a person from a land of disbelief and profanity to one of faith and probity is an expression of repentance and of his turning away from disobedience and perversion to belief and obedience. This is so until the Day of Resurrection.†(Ibn Taymiyyah)


“Those who would emigrate to non-Muslim lands in search of wealth or prosperity to live under their protection, while they were able to go to live amongst the Muslims in their own land, but still do not withdraw themselves from the disbelievers; such people are not far from the fold of disbelief, and we can find no excuse for them, so we ask Allah’s forgiveness.†(Ibn Xazm)


c) Or you can observe the behaviour of the society you find yourself, and study them in a scientific and objective manner in a sociological or psychological perspective to come up with facts that could help you, like others before you to conclude:


“In a minority-dominant group approach, the ideology behind the concepts of ‘assimilation’, ‘absorption’ or ‘integration’ reflect the ideology of the dominant group and, therefore, is usually considered to upset the equalisation of social relations in the society.†(Dr. Muxammad Anwar)


d) Common sense and logic will also show you, without having any knowledge about the Ghayb, that one can make educated guesses about the future of Muslim communities in the west. Even though it was ignorance that brought us here in the first place and most of us on SOL came here with their parents not knowing anything, we are now beginning to wake up and understand bit by bit, and it has become all too obvious that our religious existence is severely damaged and undermined solely due to our presence here. Just think about those who, in their delusion, used to advocate in favour of the religious freedoms we had here compared to some of other Muslim countries, they too realise now the inevitability of a doomsday as the dark clouds are already starting to gather above us.


I would suggest to my brothers and sisters on this forum, in order to safeguard our children and religious existence, it’s obligatory upon us to migrate from this increasingly and actively hostile lands, to lands where we can fulfil our obligations to our Lord; the Lord of the worlds!


I apologise for all the mistakes I made, it was from shaydaan, and may Allah guide us all to His Strait Path.




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Brother Shams, Jazakallah Akhi.


When departure nears and they are certain

That the bond of proximity is about to loosen,

There's only a last stand for final farewell:

now for allah are the eyes that swell.

and for Allah are the heavy hearts that turn

Beautiful Signature!!

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Thanks sis, Taqwa, may your name reflect your heart.


These lines are an extract from the translation of Ibn Al-Qayyim’s poem, which has been given the title, “The Journey of Love"

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