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General Duke

President Yusuf meets with PM Tony Blair

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^^^lol. I do like you saxib, Sharif Ahmed and Xasan Dahir where leaders of what nation?


As for GHadafi, not only did he meet Blair after the invasion he gave all his WMD's to him after Saddam was captured...Oh you want proof here it is...



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Originally posted by General Duke:

Sharif Ahmed and Xasan Dahir where leaders of what nation?


As for GHadafi, not only did he meet Blair

What about Omar AL Bashir?

Here is a pic from 2004..

What about the AMIR of the two Mosques?

We are talking about the clan president going to the UK to meet the war criminal. Now, your pictures do not take place in the UK; the war criminal went to Libya and Sudan to meet their leaders. I didn't say king (not AMIR) Abdullah didn't meet the war criminal. As for Sharif Ahmed and Xasan Dahir, they are the legitimate leaders of Somalia.

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^^^I must commend you for that come back, you have style saxib, though if one is honest does it matter where one meets one? If those Muslim leaders never wanted to meet him he would not have been invited in their countries? Ghadafi sold it, even I was disapointed with the timing.


As for Sharif & Xasan Dahir they and their clan courts have lost everything, let alone be leaders of Somalia.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

If those Muslim leaders never wanted to meet him he would not have been invited in their countries? Ghadafi sold it, even I was disapointed with the timing.


As for Sharif & Xasan Dahir they and their clan courts have lost everything, let alone be leaders of Somalia.

There's a difference between meeting Tony Blair at his home and him meeting you at your home. There are diplomatic protocols to follow; you let him come to meet you. Blair wasn't invited to Sudan or Libya; he forced himself on going there or requested permission to go there.


As for Sharif & Xasan Dahir, they are the true leaders of Somalia. Unlike the clan president who was elected by warlords and thugs in a foreign country, those leaders were chosen by those who count; Somalia's citizens.

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^^^Taliban, you are far too clever for that saxib, Yusf was elected by the reps of the Somali people through a peace conference that took two years of difficult discussions. Xasan Dahir and Sharif Ahmed came through the barrel of th gun, no one chosse them, and no one even competed with them, they came through stealth and left much the same way..

You sound like the editor, fairy tale land, Xasan Dahir is noted for his clan occupation of lower Shabbele and Sharif Ahmed was a subordinate of Warlord Mohamed Dheere, but you know that.

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