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Are Somali’s genetically backward

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Somali’s genetically backward…


As ethnic Somali who grew up outside Somali, I just can’t bring myself to understand why Somali’s seem to be so prone to focus to parochial issues. Initially I thought this probably stems from lack of education and exposure but then I read this forum and others, I can’t help but conclude that it probably can be genetically sourced!


If you visit refugee camps in Kenya, Yemen, Uganda etc you will see how much suffering and humiliation we have inflicted ourselves. For those in Diaspora rather than working towards reforming and building a decent Somali society that is forward looking, you’ve all become mini-fascists and use the education and articulation you have gained abroad to further the same old tired disastrous divisions and small mindedness.


Have we not inflected enough pain by what we have done to ourselves,??,, most of you do not have to live in stinky, flighty, flee ridden tents that most of Somali women and children call home in Daadab or Kakuma refugee camps… I urge you all to go and see what we have done to ourselves go to Kenyan refugee camps.. then u may start to appreciate the consequences of tribalism and small mindedness…


What do you offer with all the education western tax payers have affored you?? The same western people one of us tried to thank them by attempting to blow them up in London (thankfully the ***** failed)!!!


What do you offer to your people or to Africa… apart from pedantic arguments and the same old tired clannish thinking?


I say if we are not careful our generation will join the last failed generation that has turned us all into refugees..


Reading this site I cannot help but say the future for Somalia and Somalis is bleak!!!


i hope and pray i am wrong!!

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Bokero has a point Abu-Geeljire. It has to be some form of genetic defection that forces somalis to be backward thinking collectively. Few of us ever benefit from their education and give up the clan servitude. Can you explain a PHD holder supporting a warlord who can't write?





Welcome, may be you can become a moderating force and talk some sense into all of us :D

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Originally posted by Xoogsade:

Can you explain a PHD holder supporting a warlord who can't write?

The explanation is simple; it has to do with secularism. And yes, tribalism or clanism is a form of secularism. The cure is within grasp. In fact, Somalis have recently enjoyed the cure for a period of about six months.

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I am sorry but it has to be said; uneducated, reactionary, medieval, anti-science, shieks do not have answers to long-term Somali problem...


I am strong believer of the separation of religion and state.. Imposing uniform religious laws is not answer... I am not into going back to 7th century banning TV, football games etc


The answer may lay in moderation, respect of difference and the provision of platforms to air differences without killing each other...


Ending the current quagmire is only the start of a bigger the challenge facing our people.. how to overcome poverty, and underdevelopment... how to provide schools and medical care, how to create a conducive environment for business to flourish, how to deal with environmental challenges and desertification, how to protect our coral reefs, how to trade with our neighbors, etc etc etc… while the rest of Africa have started to deal with such issues we are messianically wasting our energy on things that are so 12th century

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before you ask this question ,,, may be it is better to ask:





That explains everything i guess

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I think the problem is psyco-social and it can be remidied, you [and many others] are proof. smile.gif


But wait, what's this;


Originally posted by Bokero:



I am sorry but it has to be said; uneducated, reactionary, medieval, anti-science, shieks do not have answers to long-term Somali problem...


I am strong believer of the separation of religion and state.. Imposing uniform religious laws is not answer... I am not into going back to 7th century banning TV, football games etc


Gulp, Jumps of Bokeros' boat. Aaah, it was good while it lasted but nevermind, welcome to SOL. smile.gif

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^^ You jumped off instead of helping him/her off as well? Tsk, tsk. :D


Are Somali’s genetically backward

What does 'genetically backward' mean? Surely you don't mean their genes are assembled the wrong way. Being a researcher yourself, you ought to know then such generalizations are always false. icon_razz.gif


Have we not inflected enough pain by what we have done to ourselves,??,, most of you do not have to live in stinky, flighty, flee ridden tents that most of Somali women and children call home in Daadab or Kakuma refugee camps… I urge you all to go and see what we have done to ourselves go to Kenyan refugee camps.. then u may start to appreciate the consequences of tribalism and small mindedness…

This is hardly unique to Somalis and it involves factors that go beyond clan, race, religion, or nationality. To name a few, it involves power, the pursuit of ever more scarce resources (oil, water, land, cheap labor, etc..), the desire to dominate these resources, the hastily drawn colonial borders encouraging ethnic and racial strife, and many other factors.


Somalia's 'civil' unrest is no different from Lebanon, Congo, Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Cambodia, and many more nation-states who have suffered and continue to suffer through these things for years and decades. In terms of the number of refugees, Somalia pales in comparison to many other countries. And while that is not something to be entirely proud of, it is certainly not something to wail about either. Some Palestinian refugees have been living in 'camps' for almost 6 decades (well into the third generation) and still talk of returning home. We may get there but we're not there just yet.


I just can’t bring myself to understand why Somali’s seem to be so prone to focus to parochial issues.

I think you'd be hard pressed to find any peoples who are less prone to focus on parochial issues. Nomadic lifestyle is fairly unique but most nation-states are comprised of groups of little parishes of clan, religious denomination, social class, race, ethnicity and so on. Somalis are no more prone to focus on parochial issues than say Christian Evangelicals or Latino undocumented workers. The numbers vary but the focus is the same.


What do you offer with all the education western tax payers have affored you?? The same western people one of us tried to thank them by attempting to blow them up in London (thankfully the ***** failed)!!!

Well that's not fair is it? An education neither ensures enlightenment nor does it guarantee wisdom. It works much the same here, there and every where. Ignorance, as you may find out one day, has many layers only a few of which are removed by formal education. Furthermore, why would you put 'western tax payer afforded' education and the bombing in London in the same sentence? Your statement and earlier references to '7th' and '12th' century wreak of Fox News like cynicism (if not using the same words) and you should spend sometime pondering why you hold these beliefs. Is this the education you encourage others to acquire?


With a little reading of contemporary and ancient history along with some critical analysis of current events in context of the factors that shape them, you will come to understand (and hopefully ease your mind about) the mess Somalia is in. Come on, use that 'western tax payer' educated mind of yours. ;)

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Originally posted by Bokero:

I am sorry but it has to be said; uneducated, reactionary, medieval, anti-science, shieks do not have answers to long-term Somali problem...


I am strong believer of the separation of religion and state.. Imposing uniform religious laws is not answer... I am not into going back to 7th century banning TV, football games etc

Are you saying our sheikhs are uneducated, reactionary and anti-science just like the sheikhs of the medieval era? And did they really ban TV, football games etc in the 7th century?

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You jumped off instead of helping him/her off as well? Tsk, tsk.

I saw you coming adeer ;) besides I'm kinda alergic to folks who repeat media propaganda about Islam. S/He has potential though, cashuur baa ku maqan [ icon_razz.gif ]. Mentor her/him intaanu Taliban cunaha ku dhegin :D




just like the sheikhs of the medieval era?

Something is wrong with this.

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Originally posted by Kimiya:

I saw you coming adeer
besides I'm kinda alergic to folks who repeat media propaganda about Islam. S/He has potential though, cashuur baa ku maqan [
]. Mentor her/him intaanu Taliban cunaha ku dhegin

LOOOL. I think it's too late for Bokero. Taliban has him in his cross hairs already.


P.S. After reading that 'cunaha ku dhegin' I realized who you were. Signature Kimiya indeed. The name through me off though. Chemistry, is that it? What the ...? Good to see you in this dungeon.

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^lol! Good to see to you adeer, how come you don't post much these days?


Al-Chemy, they're supposed to be able to make gold from nothing, apparently. Dubai has me going gaga over the darn thing....

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How come I don't post much these days? Since the last week of December 2006 to date, I have 660 posts. Mostly rubbish, as usual, but a few contain nuggets ;) of wisdom.


I believe you already have all the real gold that you need. Dubai, as with many with other things that glitter, is not gold. (I'm just hating coz I can't find a job there. :( )

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As ethnic Somali who grew up outside Somali, I just can’t bring myself to understand why Somali’s seem to be so prone to focus to parochial issues.

Where did you grow up?


Oh well it doesnt matter anyway,You said you grew outside of Somalia ; That in itself disqualifies you from coming to a conclusion. If you havent grown up among somalis ,Then how would you come to the conclusion that "Somalis are prone to disucss parochial issues"?


Give me an example of a parochial issue that somalis dwell to warant it as chronic?

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