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Galkacyu: President Faroole names a new governor hope for change

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Gaalkacyo: Madaxweyne Faroole oo xilkii ka qaaday G. gobalka Mudug & Gudoomiyaha oo ka jawaabay.

11. august 2009 


Gaalkacyo(AllPuntlan d)- Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland ee Soomaaliya C/rixmaan Maxamed Maxamuud ayaa shaqadii ka cayriyey gudoomiyaha gobalka Mudug Cabdi-Nuur Maxamed Diiriye (Geeseey), isagoo mudooyinkii ugu dambeeyey lugu eedaynayay in uu ku lug ku lahaa Mashaakilaad ka dhacay gobalka Mudug.


Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland ayaa ku sababeeyey xilka qaadistan in uu Geeseey maalmihii ugu dambeeyey ku jiray falal ka soo horjeeda dowladdiisa, wuxuuna cadeeyey in lugu eedeeyey gudoomiyaha gobalka Mudug in uu ka dambeyeey falal kala gedisan oo ku aadan hurinta colaad.


Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa shaqada Gudoomiye-nimo si KMG ah ugu wareejiyey gudoomiye kuxigeenka koowaad ee gobalkaMudug Beyxaani Axmed Barre, isagoo ku amray in deg deg uu qabto shaqooyinka dowladda.


Dhinaca kalena Gudoomiyaha shaqada laga qaaday C/Nuur Maxamed Diiriye ayaa soo dhaweeyey xil ka qaadista lugu sameeyey, isagoo beeniyey in uu wax lug ah ku leeyahay arintii lugu dilay Wasiirkii Warfaafinta ee dowladda Puntland Warsame Cabdi Shirwac oo ay Arbacadii Maleeshiyo hubeysan ku toogteen gudaha magaalada Gaalkacyo.


F. C. Maxamed


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It's in the hands of the security forces. What's important is the root cause of the problem and that's the insecurity and the corruption of the admin. Faroole has started well he needs to do more.

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The city of Galkacyu, the second city of Puntland and a city on the tactonic plates of Somali politics.


The fact that a minister was killed [a first] in the 11 year history of Puntland. The fact that the government had to answer this attack has meant that Faroole has to be fair and firm, its not enough that the former governor is sacked, he needs to answer a number of vital questions.


How things have been

Galkacyu has seen a decade of peace and a transformation in its growth, sadly it has not had the government it deserves, however things are changing. Even before the death of Seefta-Bananka those who love Galkacyu and its main staekeholders are working to bring about change.


It has always been the power base of Yusuf Yey, his family hold a great deal of power in terms of numbers, guns and business and thus it was always his fortress in Puntland state.

The peace agreement signed in 1993 by the two communities of Mudug has held without any war and thus far both clans are willing to move forward.


Progress thus far


Faroole has made a nice move, his minister and ally in the region has been killed, its up to the admin to respond and not the clan. Thus far he has responded, but we need more and insha Allah hope he brings it. After alll he is the leader of the whole state and not just Garowe.

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looooooooooooooooooo l....blind follower...faroole this...foroole that...cade musse thiis.....cade muse that.....puntland this.....puntland that....looooooooooo ooooooool !


walahi Duke you are one funny guy, a small 2 state entity has taken over your life, you live to defend it, you live to glorify it... ! its all Gods land in the end, its nothing special, the only thing that is of any reak relevance of any nation are its people and its history.

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This is gonna be a bullsh1t move by Faroole, if he makes this appointment permanent. This appointment is nonsense and will only back fire on him in the long run. The president should insist on local elections be held. He must ensure a free fair vote to elect both the Gaalkacyo Mayor and Mudug governer, and thus ensure legitimacy in the eye of the public. For that matter, this must ALSO be done for ALL the districts and provinces in Puntland.

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The governor has always been appointed by the President local elections will be held when thr new multiple party laws come into play. The only problem one holds is that they have not made arrests yet.

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I doubt an arrest will be made. They are most likely offering the family of the slain minister a significant amount of blood money. This was not some random attack from a bunch of thugs; they were merely following orders that were given to them by people higher up. If they were going to turn over the killers, it would have been done much sooner. I hope peace prevails.

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I wish peace prevails in Galkacayo and else where but replacing a governor is just the tip of the iceberg as long as assassins are at large, unfortunately we’ve nothing to talk about.

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Somalia: Galkaio the toughest security challenge for the Puntland administration?


Somalia: Galkaio the toughest security challenge for the Puntland administration? | read this item By: Mohamed Osman

Horseed Media Editorial


On 5th of August 2009, Warsame Abdi Shirwa, the information minister of Puntland State (Northeastern Somalia), was gunned down in central Galkaio, by four gunmen in broad daylight, none of the assailants were captured, is this a wake up call for the Puntland administration ? or it is just too little too late to save Mudug region from self-destruction ?


What did shock me however was the pathetic reactions of the security services in Galkaio, while the minister lies dead in a pool of blood in front of a café Federal, down town Galkaio, the police and other security forces were busy dispersing the curious onlookers, rather than tracking down the killers, who were known and identified by many eyewitnesses on the scene.


It is utterly shocking, to see the first Puntland Minister killed in such a barbaric manner in his home town, but more shockingly, many people in Mudug, in particular Galkaio city, were not even surprised!


Over the past few months, Galkaio have seen increasing violence and pre-planned assassinations on prominent figures, the Puntland governments similar to the previous administration, seems unable to find any lasting solution for this upsurge of killings in the second largest city of Puntland State.


The death of the minister appears to be just another statistic of the long list of unsolved assassinations in Galkaio city.


Short History!


Just to recap some of the assassinations on prominent people in Galkaio, since the new Puntland administration of Dr.Abdirahman Farole came to power, in January 2009.


- In February, Abdi Ka’an a well known traditional leader was killed in Galkaio.


- Again in March, Sheikh Ali Afyare a prominent cleric in the city, was on his way home from the mosque, when armed gunmen shot him dead.


- On 30th of April, Col.Yassin Ahmed Abdulle, the head of Puntland intelligence service (PIS) in Mudug region, was killed in a car bomb attack.


- Just few days later, on 3rd of May, Hirsi Nur Ali, a well known businessman was killed by men dressed in military uniform, in the southern part of Galkaio.


- On 19th of July, two armed gangs exchanged fire in Galkaio, killing 2 and wounding others.


- Five days later on 25th of July, two police officers guarding the governor of Mudug, were killed by armed militia at an illegal checkpoint, North of Galkaio.


- On 5th of August 2009, Warsame Abdi Shirwa, the information minister of Puntland was killed, when four armed men wearing the military uniform opened fire on his car. This was an apparent retaliation for the death of the two police officers killed on 25th of July, at Agaran checkpoint, North of Galkaio.


What is next?


For many people it will seem strange, that a minister is murdered over the death of police officers. But you will understand, once you are able grasp the basics of complex clan rivalry in Mudug region.


Many analysts in Puntland, agree that the assassination of the information minister, was to avenge the killing of the two bodyguards of Abdinur Gesey, the governor of Mudug, who were killed by armed militia from the minister’s tribe, on 25th of July.


The men who carried out the assassination of Warsame Abdi Shirwa, the information Minister of Puntland, were identified by eyewitnesses, as the relatives of governor Abdinur Gessey. The governor denies any involvement in Minister Shirwa’s killing.


Sadly but truly, no one is so far apprehended for these assassinations, which originates from; long standing clan feuds, organized crime, terrorism and a dysfunctional security force in the region, which are poorly trained, under equipped and divided by clan.


The death of Warsame Abdi Shirwa, sums up all of the failings of the government in the region, which have led to the increasing violence, caused by; clan divisions, weak security forces, unqualified leaders and clueless administration.


How ironic, Warsame Abdi Shirwa, was part of a team of Ministers and MPs, who were trying to address the insecurity in the city, yet he himself became the latest victim of the violence.


Now, the President and over half of his cabinet are in Galkaio, trying to finish what Warsame and his colleagues could not achieve in the region.


The way out!


Still there is hope, that is if the President takes the right decisions to quell the old hostilities between the tribes in the region and appoints capable leaders, who can galvanize the support of the community.


Even with strong leaders in Mudug, without well trained and well equipped police force, who can serve and protect the people, it will be difficult to secure Galkaio, which is the largest city, that borders between Puntland State and chaotic southern regions of Somalia.


Horseed Media



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Somalia: Puntland leader 'fires' two governors

11 Aug 11, 2009 - 12:01:17 PM


GALKAYO, Somalia Aug 11 (Garowe Online) - The president of Somalia's Puntland State government has reportedly fired two regional governors, according to government sources.


Dr. Abdirahman Mohamed "Farole," Puntland's president, has been in the town of Galkayo leading a heavy government delegation after the assassination of Puntland Information Minister Warsame Abdi "Sefta Bananka."


Preliminary reports reaching Garowe Online say President Farole has issued a decree removing the governors of Mudug and Ayn regions from office.


The governor of Mudug, where Galkayo is located, has not been seen in public since the Information Minister's assassination last week. Widespread speculation has linked his sudden disappearance to the minister's assassination.


Puntland is located in northeastern Somalia and considers itself as a state within a future federal Somalia.


Source: Garowe Online

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