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Petulant Faroole wants the liver as well as the white meat

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It is manly to come forward and say I am off and need nothing from Somalia. In this case, one will go the way of Somaliland and be clear to all. It is another thing to live by the existing laws of the land, as enshrined by the exisitng constitution (flawed as it is) until Somali's come togather and decide what type of governance they want.


The recent utterances of Mr. Faroole are rooted in a clever-by-quarter machination that he will keep his own loot (via pirates included) and will ask for some share of the 'national cake' more appropriately the 'national shame' as the TFG gets some alms.


Faroole is abusing the concept of Federalism. Federalism doesn't mean there will be two Presidents in the land.


When I look into the make-up and dealings of Mr. Faroole, it is increasingly becoming clear that this man is after money. His only real objective is to amass wealth as done by his predecessor. He is also a clanish goon who pays lip-service to the rebirth of Somalia. He needs to be stopped. Ina-Abdirashid must be empowered and should bring Puntland onboard.

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He needs to be stopped. Ina-Abdirashid must be empowered and should bring Puntland onboard.

Do you know what you are talking about in your rambles?


Wasn't it Ina Abdirashid who OKed the deal? Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid agreed with everything and went to Gaalkayo to put it in writing. He is onboard!


Then you said President Faroole wants money, just like his predecessor, we know what you think of Col Abdullahi Yusuf. Which futher proves that you have had an issue with all of Puntlands leaders and no matter who takes the helm and tries to put forward Puntland interest (which anyone who is running a state would), you'll be against them. I am certain no matter who is in charge, people with your mentality will always have something negative to say.

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