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It's all over......hands up we lost it folks.....Victory to the courts........

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I'm asking you personally. Does it bother YOU that there are Somali Muslims slaughter for political greed fuel by power hungry yaxaasyo…?



Don't crown your self don't represent either party. You're just another fadhi ku dirir individual in SOL.

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^^It bothers me that my nation is divided and have been throught my whole life.


It is the single greatest dilema I have faced. Having no country and being in exile most of my life.


Also ask the aggressor, who are attacking, why?

Ask the likes of Red Sea, who have been praying for a war in the south, while defedning their clan feifdom in the North west.


Saxib, dont act like you have the moral high ground. After all you are a scesionist noh?

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Thats just a silly question. You need to ask that to both parties and not me.

Sxk you are weakening Wallahi. Why both parties? There is only one party which is offensive here, there is only one party that has spilt the Somalia blood (which he is so mauch concerned with) from Banderedley to Kismayo and still doing on daily basis in that area, there is only one party that is geared to destroy the Somali National government, and that party is the ICU> They should answer that question.,

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^It bothers me that my nation is divided and have been throught my whole life.


It is the single greatest dilema I have faced. Having no country and being in exile most of my life.


Also ask the aggressor, who are attacking, why?

Ask the likes of Red Sea, who have been praying for a war in the south, while defedning their clan feifdom in the North west.


Saxib, dont act like you have the moral high ground. After all you are a scesionist noh?

I'm sectionist so we don't have to be massacred again. If being apart is saving lives than I will take that road. I tried the union and it didn’t work. Intelligent person would look for the alternative. Would it make you happy if I was in the middle of the hell fire that you're advocating for?


Don't change that subject dawg. I asked you a simple question and you giving me pages of explanation. You posting million of articles of who is killing whom. If you care for your "country" and your “people” you wouldn't be talking like the way you talk.

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^^^Shame on you, if you belive your fellow Muslim brothers and kinsmen want to massacre you.


Thus you defeat your own argument,

I'm asking you personally. Does it bother YOU that there are Somali Muslims slaughter for political greed fuel by power hungry yaxaasyo…?

Thus do some inner reflecting, I know where I stand.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Shame on you, if you belive your fellow Muslim brothers and kinsmen want to massacre you.


I think you should look at the mirror. Maxaad Muslinimo ka taqaanaa maxaadse kinsmen ka taqaanaa markaa xabashi soo hor cararayso.



You have the worst imagination in SOL. All you do is cut and paste BS articles and advocate war among Somalis. I’ve never seen you expressing your own thoughts regardless of the issue. .


Qofkii ugu horeeyay ee iyadhaa Dhiiga daadanayaad ku farax sahanay ayaad tahay. I never thought any one could stood that low. GED gaa kugui khasaara ah…intaada irbad suna soo qaadato isku mud.


I could care less about TFG or ICU but I care about the average happy go lucky Somali boy who is being killed in this unjustified war fueled by your uncle Yey and his kind.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^lol. I have said it before, do not ask me how I feel, refelct on your position.

Aren't you the Duke who used to open threads begging to be asked questions about Yey's Warlordship in Baidoa? Why try distance yourself this evening?



Originally posted by General Duke:

[qb] ^^^Shame on you, if you belive your fellow Muslim brothers and kinsmen want to massacre you.

Dear oh dear Duke. What about the Ethios? ;)

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^^^When one secsionist runs out of breath another one takes over.


Ayoub, look at my latest posts, my stance is the same as ever that the TFG is the only credible NATIONAL entity in Somalia, my support for it is 100%.


Thus what you are implyinng is nosical, as for Ethiopia, they are our allies, as much as they are yours. Thus dont get all Red Sea with me..

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Calm down Duke, calm down. You're the one who came up with "Muslim brothers and kinsmen". Just wondered if the Ethios were brought to do what " fellow Muslim brothers and kinsmen" couldn't possibly do. ;)

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Although Aw yusuf’s defection hardly proves anything, yet it may serve as a strong inference that one can’t, without the clannish emotions, rationally defend the current policies of the TFG. Evidently disappointment will be the destined fate for those who believe foreign intervention will smooth their way to govern.


As for the reported clashes, I think some parties are greatly exaggerating it and I hope that nothing that could impede the proposed talks happened.


[edit]Oh Ayoub don’t be duplicitous now. A man who charts the demise of the territorial integrity of his nation can hardly be taken serious in wanting a positive outcome from the south. It hurts. Truth is.

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^^^Ayoub, aagain you say nothing new. The Ethiopians you speak of are in Berbera and Hargaysa and their influance is as strong on Somaliland as it is in Baidoa.


Time for talking is finished and the Clan Courts will take the blame, it is them who atatcked the TFG and not the other way, as for Xaji indaCade tryinng to prove a point and we will see where that takes him.


The TFG has yet to attack, but I doubt it will wait much longer.


indacdae commenting on clahses

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Like Jaylaani said; it's a good thing SL opted out of all this. The costs out-weigh the benefits significantly. As for what I wish for the South; may the Lord end the troubles and suffering of the innocent people.

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