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It's all over......hands up we lost it folks.....Victory to the courts........

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Courts say, that they have captured the main military camp just 20 km outside of Baidoa called Dayuunay, they also captured the last miliatary camp called Manaas and are now heading towards Baidoa!


I expect them by late tonight or at last tommarrow itself to fully control Baidoa itself!


The Ethios have all died or have committed suicide at Idaale, which also the courts captured today!


All in all it's a pretty mess speaking from the governments point of view! Courts have been truelly underestimated not by the government and the Ethios but by man Soler's themselves.


Well I guess there's nothing left for me and join the ICU for good afterall 'if you can' beat them join em'!


Good on the courts and their supporters as I've to be a 'gracious' looser if such thing exists!


Congratulations to the Courts and all their supporters here in Sol!


The government today took a hell of a beating!

Well that's life it has loosers and winners and I'm on the unfortunate side that has lost and I admitt it, I was wrong and you were right!


Courts all the way! Victory to the good sheikhs and the islamists inshallaah!


Baidoa will be soon yours, stay patient!

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^^Ha..! Wuxuu uu salaxa adiga oo kale oo indha la'an shabaqa kuso dhex dhacaya. Wa hadi aad af-soomaigeyga fahantey.

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Originally posted by Fanisha:

^Ma wax aynaan ogayn ayuu og yahey.

Waa Pre-emptive hadal tuur baa la dhahaa. Hada wuxuu ku mushquulsanyahay somali websites for any signs of "Guul ku dhawaaq" from the wadaads,Markaas buu rabaa inuu meeshan soo ban dhigo. Kasoo qabo lacala hadee run noqoto oo wadaadada ee dhagaha ka qaraacan Xabashada,he will proclaim:"so hor igu ma sheegin"?

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Dagaaladii maanta ka dhacay Baydhabo ayaa waxaa la sheegaya in uu hada iskii u istaagay, inkastoo ay sheeganayaan guulo farabadan in ay gaareen dhinaca Maxaakiimta Islaanka ee iyagu ka soo duullay dhinaca magaaladda Muqdisho.


Dagaalka ayaa waxaa la sheegaya in ay markii hore ku gacan sareeyeen dhinaca DFKMG ah balse markii dambe lagu soo rogaal celiyeen Ciidamadda DFKMG ah taasina ay sababtay in dhinaca Ciidamadda DFKMG ahi ay dib u gurasho xeelad dagaal ah sameeyaan.


Wakaaladaha wararka fidiya ee Caalamigga ah ayaa sheegaya in ay Ciidamadda Maxaakiimtu hada u jiraan 9 Mile oo kaliya Magaaladda Baydhabo, isla markaana ay ku dhinteen dagaalkii maanta ilaa sadex iyo toban qof oo Soomaali ah labada dhinacba.


Wararku waxay intaa ku darayaan in Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ahi ay ka feer dirirayaan kuwa DFKMG ah kuwaas oo tiradooda lagu qiyaasey 200 oo Askari oo wata 13 gadiidka dagaalka ah.


Ugu dambeyntii wararku waxa ay sheegayaan in dhinaca Baardheere ay ka jiraan dhaqdhaqaaq Ciidan oo lagu doonayo sidii la iskaga caabin lahaa Xoogagga Maxaakiimta Islaanka oo la sheegay in ay ku soo fooleeyihiin G/Gedo maalmaha soo socda, taaso dhib ku ah shacabka reer Gedo ee abaaruha iyo daadadku aafeeyen tan iyo 14-kii bilood ee la soo dhaafay.

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this is some funny ish. you are surrendering in an online forum?

both the puntland president and the Somali president were just sipping tea with eu officials, we are long, long way from either side surrendering, trust me. By the way, you should have known by now of the courts endless lies about capturing this or that. Don't believe the hype tell they show some pictures and take journalist.

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^^^NN, the good Sheikh Fiqqikhayre, is playing mind games with people. As for the news, the news, it was meant as some consilation for their 7 day Jihad threat. Yusuf IndaCade had to wipe the eggs from his face some how.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Thats just a silly question. You need to ask that to both parties and not me.

You havent answered the question General flu(ke).

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