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Children used for the Bombings in Mogadishu

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Caruur Yar-yar Oo Loo Adeegsado Qaraxa Muqdisho




Muqdisho( 19-May-2007


Qaraxyada magaalada Muqdisho laga geysto oo badankood loo adeegsado bamboyinka gacanta ayaa waxaa iminka soo ifbaxaya warar sheegaya in loo soo dhiibo caruurta iyagoo lagu amrayo in ey soo dhigaan ama ku tuuraan meelaha loo cayimo ama ey usoo sheegaan cida usoo dhiibta.


Kadib baaritaano ey ku sameeyeen arintan wariyayaasha ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxa ey xiriir la sameeyeen masuuliyiinta gobolka Banaadir iyo gudiga amniga magaalada Muqdisho iyo saldhigyada Boliska.


Gudiga Amniga Muqdisho ayaa u xaqiijiyay shabakadda in ey arintan wax ka jiraan eyna gacanta ku hayaan ilaa dhowr caruur ah oo da`doodu u dhexeyso 11-13-jiro kuwaasoo si kala gooni gooni ah ciidamada amnigu usoo qab-qabteen iyagoo sida waxyaalaha qarxa.


Gudiga ayaa sidoo kale u xaqiijiyay shabakadda calanka kadib su`aalo isdaba joog ah oo ey maalmihii ugu danbeeyay weydiiyeen caruurtan in ey sidoo kale gacanta kusoo dhigeen qaar ka mid ah nimankii usoo dhiibay bamboyinka oo ey tilmaantoodu baxsheen caruurtan.


Waxaa sidoo kale naloo xaqiijiyay in weeraradii ugu danbeeyay ee bamka gacanta ahaa ee lala beegsaday Khamiistii kolonyo baabuur ah oo galbinayay ra`iisal wasaare Geedi ey ka danbeeyeen 2-caruur ah oo 13-jiro ah kuwaasoo mid ka mid ah ey bolisku iminka gacanta ku hayaan.


Ilaa iyo iminka macada sababta caruurta loo adeegsado oo loogu dhiibo bamboyinka iyo miinooyinkaba iyagoo loo tilmaamayo goobaha ey geynayaan dabadeedna isaga tagayaan, waxaana gudiga amniga Muqdisho ku tilmaameen arintan in ey tahay aalad cusub oo ey adeegsadaan kooxaha kasoo horjeeda dowladda maadaama isla markiiba la garan karo kooxahaas hadii ey isku dayaan in ey iyaga fuliyaan .


Gudiga oo arintan labadii cisho ee lasoo dhaafay xooga saaray lagana dareemay magaalada Muqdisho maadaama eysan dhicin wax qarax ah ayaa inoo sheegay in ey marnaba ka fileyn in ey kooxahan adeegsanayaan caruurta oo ey hada ku fahmeen.


Gudiga ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in qorshahan caruurta la adeegsanayo ey ka daba tagi doonaan guryohooduna ugu tagi doonaan cidwalba oo soo dirta caruurta una soo dhiibta waxyaalaha qarxa. - Isha wararka xaqiiqda

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Caruurti Somaliyeed xabsiyada Ethiopia baa lo guray. Xita gabadh yar oo afar jir ah baa lagu xidhay Kenya. Haadi aad dhab sheegaysaan taa wax ka sheega! Dumarka uurka le oo la xidh xihday cunto la'an xabasiya Muqdisho iyo Adiss Ababa bal wax ka sheega.

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Geeljire C'mon now you can do better than use Kids...


JB, Indeed expect anything from the desperate groups...

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Originally posted by Emperor:

Geeljire C'mon now you can do better than use Kids...


JB, Indeed expect anything from the desperate groups...

Emperor sxb what would you expected an thinking people. this is sad walaahi :mad:

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^Come back Sxb this is not about Xabashida neither anything to do with the TFG


Xabashida cid u barooranaysa majirto, Infact I believe they will die and many have died for this cause ....


Why are this children used for this dirty politics...

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^Argue with the reporter and not tell people what to believe and what not... Poeple have a right to even blind themselves from a real and clear truth as they wish, like you landers do...


Norf Sxb Woman and Kids weren't targets, the TFG cleared up this issue and should that have been the case then the shelling would have continued now... Still Woman and Children live there but only insurgents defeated..


Laakiin why do u love to compare two evil actions and look only whatever bad the other group did to justify this... Can't you be brave enough to conderm this action...

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My condemnation is not the issue but rather your new found concern for the people.


Norf Sxb Woman and Kids weren't targets, the TFG cleared up this issue and should that have been the case then the shelling would have continued now... Still Woman and Children live there but only insurgents defeated..

Hypocracy :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Emperor:

... Poeple have a right to even blind themselves from a real and clear truth as they wish,


Hmmmmmmmmm ,,, Now i now you ,,,,,,,,, Nice to meet you Mr.

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^Certainly sxb, I still stand by that... Remember Yahuuda sida ay udiidanaayeen nabagga SCW while they for a fact knew that he was prophet... Thats just a simple example, and what about SL they know that they are not a country but still deny that fact... marka runta iyadoo loojeedo dadku waa iska indha tiri karaan, who are you to force them...Im not saying sidaas aa sax ah ama Khalad ah.. but it happens, a fact...



Norf So now you care about me :D , your concern for me and the fact that Im good or bad have nothing to do with this shamefull action...


Thanks for your concern but don't warry about me Im fine, care a lot about the kids used for this dirty struggle...

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