General Duke Posted July 29, 2006 What in the world are you blaming Iran for? Iran? and Libya and Egypt, they do not even like each other...Geedi is mouthing of what ever he wants... Geedi::: Dalalka Masar, Liibiya iyo Iran ayaa taageeraya kooxaha... Last Updated::2006-07-29 16:34:14 Baydhabo:- Ra'iisul Wasaaraha DFKMG Somaaliya Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa ku dhaliiceyey dalal shisheeye in ay taageerayaan kooxo amni xumo ka wada gudaha Soomaaliya. Cali Geedi oo ka hadlayey warsaxaafadeed uu ku qabtay magaalada Baydhabo kadib aaskii Wasiirkii Dastuurka iyo Arrimaha Federaalka ee la dilay. Geedi ayaa maanta markii ugu horeysay dhaliiceyn dusha uga tuuray dalal cusub, Ra'iisul wasaaraha ayaa sheegay in dalalka Masar, Iran iyo Liibiya ay kamid noqdeen kuwa taageerada u fidinaya kooxaha amniga xumada iyo argagaxinta ka wada gudaha dalka Soomaaliya. Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa sheegay in dalalkaasi ay ummada iyo dowlada Soomaaliyeed u maleenayeen in ay yihiin kuwo saxiib la'ah danaha iyo rabitaanka shacabka Soomaaliyeed, balse ay nasiib daro ay tahay falalka ay wadaan. Geedi ayaa sidoo kale ku sheegay Dowlada Eritereya in ay si joogto ah u hubeynayso kooxo ku sugan gudaha Soomaaliya si markaasi buu yiri dalka Soomaaliya loogu horseedo dagaal horleh. Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa Beesha Caalamka ugu baaqay in dalalkaasi uu Carabka ku dhuftay ay ku cadaadiyaan in ay ka waantoobaan qorshahooda u gaarka ah ay ka wadaan gudaha Soomaaliya. Argagaxiso Caalami ah Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa sheegay dilkii Marxuum Cabdalla Deerow in ay ka danbeeyeen Argagaxisada. Wuxuuna sheegay in dhibaatada Argagaxisadan aysan ahayn mid ka socota gudaha Soomaaliya oo kaliya Balse caalamka oo dhan ay ka jirto. Hogaamiyaha Xukuumada Federaalka ayaa Sheegay in lasoo qaban doono kuwii falkaasi ka danbeeyey sharcigana la horkeeni doono, asagoo markaasi xaqiijiyey inuu weli socdo baaritaanka. Dhaliiceynta ka timid Ra'iisul Wasaaraha ayaa kusoo beegantay ayadoo uu Cali Maxamed Geedi ku dhawaaqay in dowladiisa ay sare u qaadi doonto sugida amniga madaxda Dowlada, kadib markii shalay magaalada Baydhabo lagu dilay Wasiirkii Dastuurka iyo Arrimaha Federaalka Marxuum Cabdalla Deerow ***** . Cali Maxamed Geedi iyo mas'uuliyiinta kale ee Dowlada oo ka qeyb galay aaskii Marxuumka ayaa dhaliiceyn weyn dusha uga tuuray kooxo ay ku tilmaamen in ay wadaan abaabul dagaalo sokeeye oo dalka Soomaaliya dib uga curta. Hadaladan lidka ku ah dalalkan uu Geedi magacaabay ayaa soo baxaya kadib markii ay Magaalada Muqdisho iyo Airporka Balidoogle kasoo degeen diyaarado saanad hub iyo raashin u siday Maxkamadaha Muqdisho, dayuuradahaasi oo ka kala yimid dalalka Liibiya iyo Eritereya. Hussein Farah Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted July 29, 2006 R/wasaare Geeddi oo sheegay in dilkii Deerow ay ka dambeeyeen kooxo Argagixiso ah Posted to the MOL July 29, 2006, 10:11 am Shir jaraa'id oo uu ra'iisal wasaare Cali Max'ed Geeddi ku qabtay magaalada Baydhabo ayuu ku sheegayin in dilkii shalay loogu geystay Baydhabo wasiirkii Dastuurka iyo arrimaha federaalka, C/dalla Deerow ***** oo ka mid ahaa wasiirada golihiisa wasiirada in ay ka dambeeyeen kooxo uu ku sheegay argagixiso ku sii xoogeysaneysa gobolka Geeska Afrika oo gacan ka helaya dalal Carbeed oo ay ugu horeeyaan, dowladda Liibiya, Masar, Ereteriya, iyo Iiraan oo ku soo biirtay mar dhow. “Falkan wuxuu ahaa mid lagu doonayay in lagu argagixiyo shacabka ku dhaqan gobolka Bay iyo dowladda federaalka, waxaan door weyn ka cayaaraya dowladdo ku caanbaxay qaribaada danaha umadda Soomaaliyeed†ayuu yiri Geeddi oo sheegay inuu maanta door biday inuu shirkiisa jaraa'id ku soo bandhigo dowladdaha sida gaarka ugu howlan duminta Qaranka Soomaaliyeed wuxuuna yiri. “Waxaan beesha caalamka ugu baaqayaa inay si deg deg ah uga hortagaan argagixisada isku dayaysan inay ku sii fido dalka Soomaalia iyo gebi ahaanba Mandiqada gobolka Geeska Afrika iyo weliba Qaarada, dhowr jeer ayaana sheegnay oo aan ku cel celinay inaaney aheyn arrin Qaranka Soomaaliyeed u gaar ah waana mid caalami ah oo dooneysa in si siman looga hortago oo gacan adag lagu qabtoâ€. “Waxaan si gaar ah farta ugu fiiqayaa dowladdaha ku caanbaxay dabka maanta ka kacsan Soomaaliya shidistiisa iyagoo soo maraya dalka Ereteriya oo doorka ugu weyn ka cayaareysa, waana dowladdaha Masar, Liibiya iyo Iiraan oo ku soo biirtay arrintaan, waxaana ugu baaqeynaa inay ka waantoobaan, waxaana si gaar ah ugu baaqayaa Qaramada midoobay, midowga Yurub, midowga Afrika iyo ururada caalamiga ah oo dhan inay deg deg wax uga qabtaan, dowladda Soomaaliyeedna waxay diyaar u tahay inay waqti kasta cadeyso arrimahaasi†ayuu mar kale yiri Geeddi. Maxamed C/qaadir Khalaf Galkacyo,Puntland,Somaliya Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Naxar Nugaaleed Posted July 29, 2006 I am starting to hope parliament to nreplace him even though i can honestly think of no better person in that barlamaan that would meet the tuff criteria of being from a specific clan and educated enough to lead a nation. He should really watch what he says atleast tel he can show the world what evidence he has for such accusations. Might not this cause the countries he just blamed who did not support the UIC militeraly to start supporting them now. Furthermore, asking for assitence to control the somali airspace, ports and borders would not voliate the embargo so why does he not do that instead accusing friandly nations. better yet, he could ask for actual implememtation of the embargo by the Un and nations patrolling international waters. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xoogsade Posted July 29, 2006 Duke, adaa si gaar ah ugu xiran dowladee, When are they gonna remove this dummy from his post? Any news towards that end saxib? He is making too many enemies for an already troubled government. Naxar-Nugaaleed. You have embarrassed yourself by what you just wrote about Geeddi being tough and the most educated. He is a loose canon and a thorn on the side of the TFG. They are all incompetent demagogues to begin with but Geeddi wins the medal for being the most incompetent spy and fool. Besides, clan concept is dead and Geeddi is nothing in Xamar. Smell the coffee and stop dreaming about clan bigotry. That is no more. We are all filed behind Sheekh Shariif irrespective of who we are clanwise, he is our president, our prime minister and our friend. Clan is dead. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Naxar Nugaaleed Posted July 29, 2006 some people here should really read before they respond: I did not say that geedi was tough. anyways, as for as Sharif being head of all the branchs of what imagenary government you are thinking of, he does not even claim to be the head of a single branch. You seem to forget that he has recognized the presidency primeirship of yusuf and geedi so seeflaboodnemoda iska daa. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted July 29, 2006 ^^^Xoogsade, I heard that it would have been today but the tragic murder of Marxum Deerow has put back the meeting. I like the comment regarding Shiekh Sharif lol. But back to the TFG, the obsticle is Geedi, for his fear of losing his post has made utter absurd and contradictory statements. I belive that most of the Parliment want to negotiate with the courts and bring them into the structure of the TFG and also move to Mogadishu. NN: Geedi has proven to be a weak and selfish individual who has undermined any efforts to create a lasting peace. He was against going to Mogadishu, he was against goung to Baidoa, he was aainst the warlords then for them. He is against the courts now without any reason, he was for the Range deal, then against it. He is the biggest mistake A/Yusuf ever made.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xoogsade Posted July 29, 2006 Naxar, I wasn't thinking of an imaginary government but responding to your line of thinking that Geeddi met the tough criteria of hailing from a strong clan and having enough education to lead a nation. Geeddi is neither the brightest nor the most dignified member of his clan. If such were the reasons he earned the position to begin with, today that has no importance. His power and influence died with that of the warlords of Muqdisho and there is new body responsible for Muqdisho, hence, all the three titles I gave to Sheekh Shariif. 4.5 formula and its by product has little merit today. Duke. You have observed him perfectly saxib. He needs to go if the TFG wants to deal with the courts on good faith. We shall see afterwards who else doesn't want peace. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Naxar Nugaaleed Posted July 29, 2006 duke, i understand most of what you say and I am not definding geedi but you must admit that the contradictions coming from geedi some times is an example of the old man strong-arming geedi. for example, geedi was not against going to mogadishu but yusuf was and is, for good reason if I may piont out. Give credit were it is do, the man went there even thow they tried to blow him up not once but twice. I don't know but I also believe yusuf had something to do with geedi going back on his word on the range deal, maybe yusuf believed he could get more out puntland. whatever the case, they were all wrong in the the way they dealt with that setuation, who ever heard of a speaker signing agreements for the government and why were agreement needed, puntland actions were either ligel or illigel. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Naxar Nugaaleed Posted July 29, 2006 xoogsade 4.5 formula and its by product has little merit today. maybe true but can you bring a better one. better yet, would you serously accept Yusuf and cade muuse as president and prime minister or Galaydh and Asha Cabdalle or Silaanyo and reyaale? Also, I hope geedi is not the best and "the brightest nor the most dignified member of his clan" but where are they and why are they not stepping up for the post of prime minister? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted July 29, 2006 Xoogsade: Saxib I will as ever disagree with you. While Shekh Sharif is everything to you and you belive in his perfect person. I do not I will never agree to empower anyone with those many titles. Shiekh Sharif is head of an 11 clan courts system. Each sub-clan hailing from the powerful [H], has its own head and its own millitias, Al-Furqan, Ifka Xalin, Chircoole, Sisi and Dayniile. They come under a very loose umbrella which has Sharif Axmed the carrot, as spokesperson or Parliment speaker, Xasan Dahir as President and head, and who can forget Inda Cade as the stick, security chief [Home secretery].. So even in you utopian idealised world of courts there is a delegation of power based on clans. I guess you were trying to hood wink us, huh..Nice try. The matter of the unarmed clans, occupation of lower Shabbele and the looted properties have yet to be addressed. Great things have been done but lets not get carried away. I would also like to add, that the TFG has the legitimacy but lacks the leadership, getting a competent PM would go along way to establishing power.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Duufaan Posted July 30, 2006 General The TNG policy is the old policy of odey Abdulaahi, when he was puntland president. Geedi is just confused, accusing Iran is the most regratable. In the beginig he hired number of advicers somehow they desappeared. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites