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Somalis Wait Anxiously for New Government

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Somalis Wait Anxiously for New Government

Alisha Ryu

Mogadishu, Somalia

20 Feb 2004



Late last month, a group of powerful Somali warlords and clan leaders reached a landmark agreement on forming a unified government in the Horn of Africa country. For many people in Somalia, the deal has raised hope that peace and order, which has eluded the country for more than a decade, could soon be restored. However, not everyone believes that creating a government run by warlords will end the suffering and bloodshed.



One of the best examples of how people in Somalia have learned to cope in a country without a government is the way Somalis obtain passports for travel. They go to the market and simply buy one.


In Mogadishu, anyone, including foreigners, can walk into one of several so-called immigration offices at the main Barakaat market and buy a passport. The passports, which were printed overseas and shipped here, can cost anywhere from $20 to $50, depending on demand.


But passport merchant Omar Ali Sheik said there is little demand for passports that only a handful of countries accept as valid travel documents, and which most Somalis, who earn less than a dollar a day, cannot afford to buy.


He said before Somalia's last government was overthrown in 1991, he was studying to be an immigration official. Mr. Sheik said he had a bright future in Mogadishu when there was a functioning government, and the Americans and Europeans had their embassies here. He said the war has destroyed society, driven out the foreigners and left the Somali people destitute.


Shaking his fist in the air in frustration, Mr. Sheik said, "We need a government, and we need the help of the international community, now."


Most, if not all, Somalis say they want a new government that can restore order and bring back much-needed international aid and investments. But there is little agreement on just who should lead that government.


Privately run Mogadishu University was founded five years ago by Somali intellectuals who were educated abroad, mostly in the United States and Canada.


They say they firmly oppose a plan, endorsed by the United States and other countries, that calls for a government formed along clan lines that would include the leadership of about 25 armed groups in Somalia. Details of that proposal are being hammered out among the warlords and clan leaders at a peace conference in Nairobi, Kenya.




Abdurahman Abdullah

One of the founders of Mogadishu University, Abdurahman Abdullahi, said he believes the plan would only legitimize the power of the warlords who have destroyed the country. "The warlords do not represent the Somali people. They were not elected by the Somalis," he said. "I think Somalis feel America should come forward on a different avenue other than the warlords because [somalis] do not like the warlords and they do not like anybody who comes through the warlords."


Mr. Abdullahi's colleague, Hussein Iman, agreed. "Why are the Somalis in this weak situation and destruction?" he asked. "Because of the warlords! They have demolished everything."


The educators argue the international community should make an urgent effort to help Somalis find their next leader among the many successful Somali businessmen and intellectuals living in exile.


Mr. Abdullahi and his colleagues said they do not believe a stable government can be formed in Somalia without a well-educated leader with a clear vision for the country's future.


But other Somalis in Mogadishu, like Abdullah Haji Diab, reject the idea of searching for a new leader, saying this would take too long. Mr. Diab is leading a grassroots campaign in Mogadishu to pressure the warlords at the Nairobi talks to quickly finalize an overall agreement for governing Somalia.


Mr. Diab said, while a government of warlords may not be the best option for the country, their talks in Nairobi offer the best hope. "We are tired," he said. "And you can see, all these young people who do not have a future, they are only [waiting for] the outcome of Nairobi."


There are signs the talks in Nairobi may drag on longer than many people had hoped. Several powerful warlords have threatened to withdraw because of a dispute in the wording of an agreement to form a government signed just three weeks ago.


Somalis who support the peace process say, if the talks unravel, they fear the country may plunge again into violence from which it may never recover.

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somalidu waa bilaa dhiig, ragan dhiigoodii oo dhan daadiyay, sida kubadana ugu cayaaraya ma nin isku dhex qarxiya oo jiidka rer falestine oo kale ku sameeya ayaa la waayey....ragyow toosa oo tuugtan iska qabta :mad:

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When it comes to warlords and the dubious meetings now held for them on a regular basis, I've learned not get to my hopes up. I for one won't hang on the edge of my seat this time, expecting something productive and long-lasting to come out of meetings patched together to appease competing tyrants. I have great hopes for Somalia and its future, but I refuse to believe the likes these warlords are fit to govern any country properly. Somalia and Somalis have much more to offer. We can find leaders who are smarter, braver, more capable, and definitely more honourable than these self-appointed "politicians". And until we do so, there's little sense in rushing into this process of establishing a new government. Everyone's had enough of anarchy and lawlessness, but the pillars of a future nation shouldn't hastily be rebuilt on weak foundations. In doing so, we can expect the entire structure to come down on us once again.


I'd hate to be a pessimist, but...

- 25 different armed groups (in constant competition)

- a clan-based government

- made by and for tyrannical warlords

... looks likes a recipe for trouble to me.



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- 25 different armed groups (in constant competition)

sis a year ago the peace talks started with 24 warlords and now they are 39 warlords and still the list is growing. you have every reason to be pessimist but don't forget Allah's power is there and it may intervene when all hopes fail. I think warlordism in somalia peaked and now its in dicline. One reason is that the civil society is growing and maturing. so i think its cause for optimism and hope of brighter future. as once singub said "dilaa in uu xukumo maya maya!".

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We Wait Anxiously for New Government, and we should not rush anything lets take ourtime to onclude the agreement, we should learn from the failures of the past 13 conferences that anything that is rushed and done for only time in mind will not succeed.


So far the federal charter has been passed. All thats left now is to name the MP's who will elect the president who will elect the PM and then thats it. However even if a national all inclusive government is formed it will take a while for it to control the whole country, to disarm the millitias and build infustructure it will be a difficult taks as the country is bankrupt and has been for a decade.


So we wait and by the grace of Allah we will make it through.


Horn Afrique thanks for the post mate

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