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Al-Shabab are mad man, who is bint hamid and what has Iraq to do with Somalia+more.

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This is a bayaan or in English press-release by Al-Shabab from its web-portal regarding the demolition of the graves in Northern Mogadishu and the explanation given.


23-3 Youth Mujahiden Movement//The demolition of tombs in the District of Kaaran in the Islamic Province of Benadir


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


The demolition of tombs in the District of Kaaran in the Islamic Province of Benadir


الحمدُ لله ربّ العالمين والصّلاة والسّلام على نبيّنا محمّد و على آله وصحبه أجمعين


It is the guidance of the Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him - and the footsteps of the Sunnah Khalilullah Ibrahim - peace be upon him - to eradicate the symbols of idol worship in the Lands of Tawheed. Thus on the 7th of Rabi' ath-Thani 1431, corresponding to March 23, 2010, the Lions of Tawheed were enjoined by Allah to destroy the tombs dedicated to the worship of any other than Him - the Almighty who is high above any associates - in the idol worshippng province of Karan in the Islamic State of Benadiir.


It is worth mentioning that one of the tombs was for the man named Mahi alDin alAli, who died at the end of the 70's of the last century. He was the author of many myths and innovations and idolatric principles with which he tried to deceive the slaves of Allah. But he lasted no longer in this world than any of the others who came before or after him.


Also among the tombs that were destroyed were the tombs of the crusaders who were killed in Somalia at the beginning of the last century. The Knights of Jihad stumbled upon a large cross in the cemetery and they demolished it in the name of Tawheed. Praise be to Allah the Almighty.


So we bring the Ummah the glad tidings that - with the permission of Allah - the operation to eradicate the idol worshipper tombs will continue in the Islamic State of Benadiir. And this operation will be the support to launch the "Fa'is al Khalil" Campaign that was announced by the Emir of the Islamic State of Iraq, the Emir Abu Omar al Baghdadi - may Allah preserve him and aid him, and grant the campaign the greatest of victories.


We also inform the Ummah that our Mujahidiin Brothers were able - by the grace of Allah Alone - to destroy 99.9% of the idol worshipper shrines in the areas controlled by the Movement. And in this they are following the footsteps of the Salaf who were true Believers and not the idol worshipper heathens. For Allah the Almighty said {Say. Surely, (as for me) my Lord has guided me to the right path; (to) a most right religion, the faith of Ibrahim the upright one, and he was not of the polytheists. (161) Say. Surely my prayers and my sacrifice and my lief and my death are (all) for Allah, the Lord of the worlds; (162) No associate has He; and this am I commanded, and I am the first of those who submit. (163)} {Al Anaam 161-163}




O God, Revealer of the book, Disperser of the clouds, Defeater of the parties, defeat the Crusaders, and their apostate allies!


O God, make them and their equipment easy booty for Muslims!


O God, destroy them and shake them!


O God, You are the one who helps us and the one who assists us, with Your power we move and by Your power we fight!


God is Great!


But honor belongs to Allah, and thus to His Messenger, and to the Believers; but of this the hypocrites are not aware

(Partial Koranic verse; Al-Munafiqun 63:8)



The Media Production Battalions

Shabaab Al Mujahidiin Movement

The 7th of Rabi' ath-Thani 1431

March 23, 2010


Source: Sada al-Jihad Media Center

Global Islamic Media Front

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And this operation will be the support to launch the "Fa'is al Khalil" Campaign that was announced by the Emir of the Islamic State of Iraq, the Emir Abu Omar al Baghdadi - may Allah preserve him and aid him, and grant the campaign the greatest of victories.

Delusional to say the least. Some qabuur demolished in Mogadishu will aid the Mujahideen in Iraq for their campaigns against the regime there plus the aides and supporters of the US.

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Who is bint hamid? :D


It reads and I quote:



bint hamid

Xubin dadaal badan

bint hamid, a member who is hard-working. Why is Al-Shabab relaying on a women in their media campaigns?


Answers please from the Al-Shabab brigade here.

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Ngonge great work there. You've really outdone yourself this time around. I was on the ground laughing when I saw that. Great investigate work, that one managed to pass my attention.


I'm still laughing though. :D:D

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