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Call Our Masjid MASJID! NOT Mosque!!!

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Call Our Masjid "MASJID"! NOT "Mosque"!!!



Allah used the word "MASJID" in Quraan. [Al_Quraan_002.187, 022.40]






The term "Mosque" is derived from the Spanish word for "Mosquito".



It was termed as such because during the Crusades, King Ferdinand said they were going to go and swat the Muslims "like mosquitoes". (Where else can they find Muslims in large number to be swatted if not in a Masjid?). So, they cheekily termed "Masjid" as "Mosque".



So dear Muslim brothers and sisters, refrain from using this term, which is obviously a disgusting slap in the face to the Ummah. Educate our brothers and sisters to the history and etymology of this word. And let us replace it with the word, which is MEANT to be used.


[Ref: The Complete Idiot's Guide To Understand Islam].

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it seems to me if you want to force the people to speak arabic rather than their own language,true God used the wrd 'MASJID' mut remember that is arabic word not english,and if someone from america become muslim and he does not speak arabic he can say mosque,by the way what is the importance of saying masjid not mosque,

please lets not be istrictors

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Suuban, they can always learn the word masjid without mastering the whole language---they have to know Al-Hamdu/fatiah by heart righ, to perform their prayers

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Hmm..I think this was posted here before. But thanks for informing us Sagal.

Ladiif- true.

Btw, it's good to see you around again :D

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