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Somaliland And Puntland Merging????

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Is this a possibility as as both entities have enjoyed stability and economic boom that which has not been seen by the southern entity of Somalia due to instability and on what terms would this agreement be accepted by both parts. Is this also an option to end the dispute regarding Sool,Sanaag and Cayn and also would also this hypothetical entity seek independence from the rest of Somalia or play a very active role in the newly formed Somali Government as they wouls surely have majority in Parliament and other senior posts in the government??

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This is not a new initiative, long ago Egal and Abdullah Yusuf discussed but they could not agree,


A union between somaliland and puntland will be a step forward for all somalia


I sure that puntland will welcome such initiative, since puntland still advocate the unity and territorial integrity of somalia


I assume somaliland current regime including opposition (the parties) will rejects anything to do with unification since they are obessed with brief colonial history, I don’t know why would rational somali person want the restorationof colonial era and maps. I am sure that somali people from northwest somalia have far better solution for somalia’ current crisis.


Puntland and somaliland both can become two great examples and pillars of united somalia, and other somali regoins might follow their lead. While each miantianing their autonomy adminstrations, since somalia will likely have federal government.


Regardless of somaliland and puntland views, the destiny of sool sanaag and will be decided by the people of sool sanaag and cayn, and we know the fact that the people of sool sanaag and cayn are staunch supporters of somaliweyn, thus sool sanaag and cayn will remian an integral part of somalia

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