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Naxar Nugaaleed

And what does the charter say

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lame, stop cheerleading.

Horn confusion is the only you understand, make your self understand before you try to make others understand. Meanwhile continue with your comparison of the queen and abdullahi yusuf.

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voicing my opinion is cheerleading? Taasi igama kaa qabato wallahi Frankow.


I READ the piece that says The President cannot dismiss the PM unless he has vote of confidence from the parliament. It's CHECKS AND BALANCES frank in plain and simple English.

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loool, we are talking about queens and presidents now, btw, politics is never in "plain and simple English".

the term "checks and balances" in this case would be referring to checks and balances between different branches of government. One makes the law, another interprets law and another one executes the law. What we have been arguing about has been the different roles in the same branch. Its has always been that in our system of government, we have a president who is charge of the long term affair of government and a prime minister who is charge of the short term affairs of the government. The constitution says that. Tradition says that. yet here we are, trying to change the charter into something it is not. You and the pm are not alone in this confusion. We also now have a parliament that wants to make, interpret and execute laws when its role is only one of those things.

More importantly, for all you people running around sol about the latest developments, you have been arguing for the better of five years that this government does not exist, what is to you which why its law should be interpreted?

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Horn, I do apologize in advance if somehow you took my waanis as a personal attack. I assure you, it was far from it.


Secondly, you are so consumed with getting one over LayZieG that you failed to notice your own contradictions, excitement does that to people.


Thirdly, eedo, I have to strongly advise you to re-read my earlier reply because you have seemed to have missed out on the part where I used specific quotes of yours before I even addressed you in any way, shape or form.


Therefore, my comments were valid. You probably asking how on earth that is possible? right?


They are valid because on your first post, the one I referenced, you misrepresented the role of the governor general in a parliamentary system based on the previous analogy you provided..(Simply put, you dismissed her role as nothing more than sitting on her office and nodding her head along with the pm)


However, I have to remain you, I was simply correcting you and it was not stick it to "horn" moment on my part.


You concluded that the role of the GG was a ceremonial role when infact it is part ceremonial and part a functioning role because they don't call the canadian branch as having dual executive power for nothing my dear. GG isn't simply someone who attends out of state funerals of head of state of other nations, etc.


In addition, you can not go back and forth with comparing a single executive power such as a presidential system to parliamentary system that has two functioning executive branches because their functions are different.


Am I really making myself clear, or should we go ahead and have a translator present?


I do not want to go back and forth with you, I know you are used to warlord squabbles, but rest assured, I am only interested in the true representation of facts and not fiction as you have the readers believing.


Finally, wiki search will not help you with your contradictions, you need to get hold of a textbook and quick.



PS: If you have no interest in the affairs of Canada and Australia parliamentary system, then you should not have used it as part of your so called "analogy". My dear, its best to stick to what you know and that should be the end of this discussion.

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

Naxar nugaaleed clearly you do not seem to comprehend much and while maybe it is a language barrier, I have learned my lesson. I do not think even if I clarified your misunderstanding that you would be able to comprehend.

LOl@language barrier. :D:D:D

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