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US to donate 150 military vehicles to the TFG

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Mareykanka oo ugu deeqay Soomaaliya 150 gawaarida gashaaman ah .




Dowlada Mareykanka ayaa kaalmadii ugu horeysay ee dhinaca milatariga ah waxaa ay usoo direysaa dowlada federalka Soomaaliya,taas oo la filayo in sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan ay ku soo gaarto magaalad Muqdisho.


Dowlada Mareykanka ayaa kaalmadii ugu horeysay ee dhinaca milatariga ah waxaa ay usoo direysaa dowlada federalka Soomaaliya,taas oo la filayo in sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan ay ku soo gaarto magaalad Muqdisho.


Warar lagu kalsoon yahay oo ay heshay shabakada wararka ayaa sheegaya in dekeda magaalada Baltimore ee dalka Mareykanka haatan uu yaalo markab weyn oo lagu rarayo ilaa iyo 150 gaadiidka gaashaaman ah oo Mareykanku ugu deeqay Soomaaliya.


Wararka aanu helnay ayaa shegaya in deeqdani ay ka kooban tahay gawaarida ciidamada Xambaara ee loo yaqaano Hammer-ka oo Mareykanku u adegsada dagaalkii loogu magac daray Desert Storm ee dalka Ciraaq.


Gaadiidkan ayaa waxaa adeegsan doona ciidamada qaranka Soomaaliyeed ee tababrkii ugu horeeyay ku soo qaatay dalka Itoobiya.


Xafiiska war qabadka shabakada wararka ee Baydhabo. or


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^ The Al-shabaab are very industrious if they iraqi resistance was able to render these vehicles useless by home made IED's .. they should have a field day with this.


I can picture half a dozen tigre + tfg roasting in one of those ... too bad even vultures wont go near that filth :D

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^Saaxib you cannot compare Iraq to Somalia, Iraq was developed and sophisticated nation, the strongest nation in the Arab world in terms of military capability. All the Sunni resistance you heard fighting were fully organised, well trained and former Iraqi armed forces... you compare them with the Kabaabs, how naive?

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^ you have heard the news that the brave young men have imported anti-tank artillery these old pickups cannot afford any protection to the traitors


lakin seriously those look like ones parked in a used car lot near my home :D

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^Your booto is getting beyond the limit, who knows or cares whether you got some weaponry or not, or perhaps naming some Abu would scare anybody, marki hore yaa gacmaha idin haystay, ninkaan cusub ee wax lagu xuuxinaayo hadeer xagee kumaqnaa awal, dagaalba kuma jirin miyaa awal :D

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