General Duke Posted May 13, 2006 I will forward all the bodies, organisations and governments calling on the factions in Mogadishu to halt the fighting... Somalia: Annan Calls for Immediate Ceasefire in Somali Capital Mogadishu UN News Service (New York) May 12, 2006 Posted to the web May 12, 2006 United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan today called on the warring factions in the Somali capital Mogadishu to declare an immediate ceasefire, after days of fighting claimed the lives of more than a hundred people and displaced thousands of non-combatants in the worst violence to grip the city in almost a decade. Speaking to reporters in New York, his spokesman said Mr. Annan was "deeply concerned" at the increasing violence and "urges all parties to support the Transitional Federal Institutions in their effort to implement the Transitional Charter," referring to efforts to bring peace to the impoverished Horn of Africa country. The UN Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia, Ghanim Alnajjar, also backed calls for an end to the fighting, highlighting that "in situations like these, most of the victims are civilians who are caught in the crossfire, some of which are children." "I appeal to these militia forces to end these hostilities immediately, and I wish to remind all concerned of the need to fully respect humanitarian law during conflict and of the duty to protect the human rights of civilians at all times," said Mr. Alnajjar, who carries out his duties on an independent voluntary basis. It is reported that up to 120 people have been killed and scores injured during the past five days in what is the second round of fighting this year in Mogadishu, following violence in March that reportedly killed 90 people. Yesterday, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour told reporters that Somalia urgently needs international attention, saying there was frustration that "the international community was insufficiently engaged in a country that needed a huge amount of assistance and where a large part of the country still needed governance to take root." Relevant Links On Wednesday, the Security Council re-established for a six-month period the mandate of the Monitoring Group on Somalia, set up to investigate the 1992 arms embargo, and the top United Nations envoy to the war-torn country appealed for all sides to end the bloody violence in the capital and "step back from the brink." The latest report from the Monitoring Group highlighted that "arms, military materiel and financial support continue to flow like a river to various actors, in violation of the arms embargo," and the Group identifies the Transitional Federal Government, the Mogadishu-based opposition alliance, the militant fundamentalists, the business elite, pirate groups and feuding sub-clans as "the main actors" receiving the arms. Somalia has been torn by factional fighting ever since the collapse of President Muhammad Siad Barre's regime 15 years ago. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted May 13, 2006 Somali elders’ council in Britain call on end Mogadishu fighting. Brigham 11 May. 06 ( Sh.M.Network) Council of Somali elders in Britain issued a statement of nine articles towards to the rival sides fighting in Mogadishu for the fifth day. In their statement, the council based in Bringham asked militia of warlords and Islamic militiamen to end the hostility unconditionally which engulfed hundreds of lives of civilians. Also in the report, the Somali elders in Britain to abstain from serving to foreigners and encouraged the Somali government should collaborate with peace activities to stop the fighting. Elmi Burale Alale and Sheik Ismael Mohamud, both of them were the elders issued the statement said they have listed up the names of individuals involving in the fighting and are working on how they will put them on trail. Abdirahman Hussein Odawa, the deputy chairman of Somali elders’ council contained of 22 members in Britain told Shabelle radio that they would not be silent to the fighting in Mogadishu, asking the peaceful regions in Somalia to organise protest against the warring sides. . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted May 13, 2006 Ururrada Puntland oo baaq nabadeed u diray Muqdisho Boosaaso - 13.May.2006 Ururrada ay leeyihiin bulshada rayidka ah ee ka hawl gala deegaannada Puntland ayaa maanta shir ballaaran ku yeeshay xarunta hay’adda RMSN oo iyadu ka shaqaysa arrimaha maaraynta iyo hab sami u isticmaalka khayraadka dabiiciga ah. Shirkan ay ururada bulshadu isugu yimaadeen ayaa waxaa laga soo saaray baaq ku wajahan dagaallada muddada toddobaadka ah ka socda magaalada Muqdisho. Ururradan ayaa dhinacyada isku haya magaalada Muqdisho ugu baaqay in ay dagaalka si shuruud la’aan ah ku joojiyaan isla markaasna ay u turaan dadka rayidka ah ee lagu dul dagaallamayo ee dhiigooda macno darrada lagu daadinayo. Baaqa ka soo baxay shirkii maanta lagu qabtay xarunta RMSN ee magaalada Boosaaso ayaa halkudhig looga dhigay ‘Joojiya Dagaalka’, waxana ay dalbadeen in dadka maatada ah loo naxariistu isla markaasna dagaalkaas lagu joojiyo si shuruud la’aan ah. Ururradan soo saaray baaqa ayaa waxaa hormuud u ah ururka Nabadda iyo Xuquuqul Insaanka ee INXA, qaybtiisa Puntland, waxana ay ka kooban yihiin laba iyo toban urur oo ka hawl gala Puntland kuwaa soo kala ah; INXA, RMSN, RAMCO, OTP, PSA, AID, Horn Relief, TASS, Aid, VSF Swiss iyo Asal. Maxamuud Faarax Bile Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted May 13, 2006 Barre Hiiraale Oo Shir Jaraa'id Ku Qabtay Magaalada Kismaayo Shir jaraa’id oo uu wasiirka dib u dhiska iyo dib u dejinta dowladda federaalka ku meel gaarka ah Col. Barre Aadan (Hiiraale) ku qabtay xaruntiisa Baranwaa ee magaalada Kismaayo saakay ayaa waxa uu uga hadlay laba qodob oo kala ah baaq uu u jeedinayo labada dhinac ee a ku dagaallamaya magaalada Muqdisho oo uu wasiirku ku tilmaamay in aan loo baahnayn inay sii socdaan isla markaasna labada dhinac ee k u dagaallamaya uu ugu baaqay inay wada hadal sameeyaan, waxana uu wasiirku sheegay in dhankooda ay diyaar u yihiin inay wada hadal isku soo hor fariisiyaan labada garab haddii loo baahdo. Wasiirka ayaa waxa uu caddeeyay mowqifkooda ku aaddan dagaallada ka soconaya magaalada Muqdisho oo uu ku tilmaamay inay ka yihiin dhexdhexaad, waxana uu yiri "annagu qolana lama jirno ee waxaannu ka nahay dhexdhexaad sidaas awgeed waxaan diyaar u nahay inaan isa soo hor fariisinno". Waxa kale oo shirka jaraa’id uu wasiirku ku soo qaaday dhinaca burcad badeedda waayadan caadeysatay inay qafaashaan maraakiibta ganacsiga, waxana uu ku tilmaamay in isbahaysiga dooxada Jubba ay leeyihiin ciidammadooda badda oo u diyaarsan hawl gal kasta oo lagula dagaallamayo burcad badeedda soo haweysata gaadiidka jubbooyinka soo gaara. Waxana uu anacsatada meel kastoo ay joogaan u sheegay wasiirku in gaadiidkooda ay ku soo xiran karaan dekedda Kismaayo, isla markaasna sida uu wasiirku sheegay ay sugi karaan ammaankooda. Guud ahaanna waxa uu wasiirku sheegay in ay ka mas’uul yihiin degaanka Jubbooyinka isla markaasna aanay ka mas’uul ahayn degaammada kale ee burcad badeeddu ay gaadiidka ka afduubtaan, taasna ay mas’uul ka yihiin maamullada ka jira, annaguna aan ka mas’uul nahay degaanka Jubbooyinka oo aan u xaqiijineyno ammaankooda. Ahmed Timajilic Gedonet Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted May 13, 2006 Golaha soomaaliyeed ee caruurta oo baaq ka soosaaray dagaalada muqdisho [13/05/06] ( 70% waxaa qasaaruhu soo gaaray waa caruurta halka 90% dhalinta dagaalada ku jiraan ay yihiin dhalintii ku hana qaaday dagaalada) golaha soomaaliyeed ee caruurta (somali council for children) waxaa u ka digayaa dhibaatada la soo gudboonaatay caruurta soomaaliyeed,waxaa uu ka deyrinayaa dagaalada mudada lixda maalimooda ka socda muqdisho oo 70% dhibku soo gaaray caruurta iyo hooyoyinka, waxaan ugu baaqaynaa dhinacyada ku dagaalamaya in ay joojiyaan dagaalada, una suura galiyaan qooysaskii qaxay in ay ku soo laabtaan guryahooda,waxaan kaloo ugu baaqaynaa dhamaan hey,adaha in ay gargaar la soo gaaraan xarumaha caafimaadka oo dhibanayaasha yaala ay u badanyihiin caruurta ku wax yeeloobay dagaalada,waxaan ururad bulshada ugu baaqeynaa in ay meel uga soo wada jeestaan dagaalada soo laalaabatay, qasaaraha ugu badan ee dagaaladu waxaa ay soogaaraan caruurta da,doodu u dhaxeyso 6 bilood ilaa 13 jir, halka 90% dhalinyarada dagaalada loo adeegsadaa ay yihiin jiilkii ku hana qaaday dagaalada.. Golaha soomaaliyeed ee caruurtu waxaa uu dhawaan soosaari doonaa war murtiyeed ku saabsan xaalada caruurta soomaaliyeed... Golaha Soomaaliyeed ee Caruurta 14/4/1427 h _ 12/5/2006.. muqdisho....soomaaliya somali council for children Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted May 13, 2006 Masaarida oo ugu baaqday kooxaha Muqdisho in si deg deg ah dagaalka loo joojiyo Last Updated::2006-05-13 20:35:42 Cairo:-Wasiirka arrimaha dibeda ee dalka Masar Axmad Abul Qayd ayaa warbaxin uu maanta ka soo saaray xafiskiisa ugu baaqay kooxaha ku dagaalamaya magaalada Muqdisho ee xarunta Soomaliya in ay si deg deg ah dagaalka u joojiyaan. Ayna ka fogaadan waxkasta oo gacanka hadal keeni kara isla markana ay bilaaban wada hadalo iyo dibu heshiin baahsan taas oo horseed u noqonaysa taageerida barnaamijyada ay DFKMS ku doonayso sidii xasiloonida iyo amaanka loogu soo celin laha dalka Soomaliya. Waxaa wasiirku uu ku booriyay masuuliyinta dawlada federelka Somaliya iyo dhamaan masuuliyinta hay'adaha dawlada ee kala gedisan in ay qaadan wadiiqo dhamaystiran taas oo looga gol leeyahay isu soo dhawaynta kooxaha kale Gedisan ee Muqdisho iyada oo ay dheertahay xoojinta dadaalada lagu doonayo in nabad iyo xasilooni ku soo celinta Somaliya marxaladan aynu ku jirno. Warkii la xiriiray mawqifka masaarida sida ayay u qornaa: -- اعربت مصر اليوم عن اسÙها الشديد لتجدد الاشتباكات واعمال العن٠بين الÙصائل الصومالية المختلÙØ© ÙÙ‰ مقديشيو والتى Ø±Ø§Ø Ø¶Øيتها المئات. وذكرت وزارة الخارجية المصرية ÙÙŠ بيان ان وزير الخارجية المصري اØمد ابو الغيط اكد ضرورة الوق٠الÙوري لاعمال العن٠وممارسة الÙصائل الصومالية لاقصى درجات ضبط النÙس ونبذ العنÙ. وطالب ابو الغيط بضرورة لجوء الÙصائل الصومالية الى الØوار والمصالØØ© الشاملة والالتÙا٠Øول برنامج الØكومة الانتقالية لاستعادة الامن والاستقرار ÙÙ‰ الصومال. ÙˆØØ« المسؤولين ÙÙ‰ الØكومة الانتقالية والمؤسسات الانتقالية المختلÙØ© على اتباع نهج متكامل للتقارب مع الÙصائل المختلÙØ© ÙÙŠ مقديشيو وتركيز الجهود على اØلال السلام والاستقرار خلال المرØلة الØالية. (النهاية) Faysal Wakaalad HorseedNet.Com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted May 13, 2006 World calls for immediate ceasefire in Somalia 2006-05-13 16:34:28 Related: Somali speaker appeals for intn'l assistance to end chaos NAIROBI, May 13 (Xinhua) -- The United States, Somali leaders and United Nations have joined calls for a cease-fire in the Somali capital Mogadishu, following seven days of fierce fighting between rival militias. In separate statements received here Saturday, the Speaker of the Transitional Federal Parliament of Somalia Sharrif Hassan Sheikh Adan called on the warring factions in the Somali capital to declare an immediate cease-fire, after almost a week long of fighting claimed the lives of more than 130 people and displaced thousands of non-combatants in the worst violence to grip the city in almost a decade. "I urge the warring parties to immediately end hostilities and think about the damages they have inflicted upon the defenseless innocent women, children and other civilians who had been displaced by this barbaric action," said Adan in a statement issued in Nairobi. The UN Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia, Ghanim Alnajjar, also backed calls for an end to the fighting, highlighting that "in situations like these, most of the victims are civilians who are caught in the crossfire, some of which are children." "I appeal to these militia forces to end these hostilities immediately, and I wish to remind all concerned of the need to fully respect humanitarian law during conflict and of the duty to protect the human rights of civilians at all times," said Alnajjar, who carries out his duties on an independent voluntary basis. More than 130 people have been killed and scores injured during the past few days in what is the second round of fighting this year in Mogadishu, following violence in March that reportedly killed 90 people. The fighting has escalated steadily since Sunday, when Islamic extremists, who have alleged ties to al-Qaeda, and warlords, took up strategic positions in Mogadishu. Most victims in the recent fighting have been civilians caught in the cross-fire with several people having been wounded. Reports say mortar shells have been landing in the city center,as the Islamists move out of their stronghold in the northern suburbs. While the U.S. embassy in Nairobi called on all parties to stopfighting, Washington has been accused of backing the warlords, whohave fashioned themselves into an anti-terrorism alliance, fiercely fighting elements of al-Qaeda in their midst. But in a statement issued in Nairobi, the U.S. called for the immediate end to the fierce fighting between a warlord alliance itreportedly backs and Islamic militia that has rocked the fledgling government. "The United States notes with great concern fighting in Mogadishu that has claimed many innocent lives," Washington said in the statement. "We call upon all parties to cease combat immediately. We urge all parties to return to the path of dialogue and reconciliation and work within the framework of the Transitional Federal Institutions," the U.S. said. Many Somalis accuse the U.S. of backing the alliance of warlords and Washington has long viewed Somalia, without an effective central government since 1991, as a terrorist haven. The U.S. has not confirmed or denied backing the warlords but says it would "work with responsible individuals in fighting terror." A group of clan elders has been mediating with militia leaders to try to bring about a cease-fire but the warlords are reportedly demanding the Islamists withdraw as a precondition. Residents have been forced to flee or hide in storm drains amidan almost constant barrage of mortar shells and gunfire. The UN Secretary General Kofi Annan was "deeply concerned" at the increasing violence and "urges all parties to support the Transitional Federal Institutions in their effort to implement theTransitional Charter," referring to efforts to bring peace to the impoverished Horn of Africa country. The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour said Somalia urgently needs international attention, saying there was frustration that "the international community was insufficiently engaged in a country that needed a huge amount of assistance and where a large part of the country still needed governance to take root." "It's a well-established fact for the last few years that U.S. counter-terrorism officials and other intelligence officials have been working through Somali partners to fight extremists," said Suliman Baldo, Director for Africa policy at the International Crisis Group, a Brussels-based conflict resolution group. "From the little we know, the U.S. is not supporting the warlords with arms, per se," Baldo said. Instead, he added, American operatives were paying the warlordsto help track down and apprehend those in Somalia suspected of being members of al-Qaeda. On Wednesday, the UN Security Council re-established for a six-month period the mandate of the Monitoring Group on Somalia, set up to investigate the 1992 arms embargo, and the top United Nations envoy to the war-torn country appealed for all sides to end the bloody violence in the capital and "step back from the brink." The latest report from the Monitoring Group highlighted that "arms, military material and financial support continue to flow like a river to various actors, in violation of the arms embargo,"and the group identifies the Transitional Federal Government, the Mogadishu-based opposition alliance, the militant fundamentalists,the business elite, pirate groups and feuding sub-clans as "the main actors" receiving the arms. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
General Duke Posted May 13, 2006 /Midoobay, Midowga Yurub & Mareykanka oo baaqyo nabadeed ka soo saaray dagaalada Muqdisho Shariif Maxamed (Email: Iyadoo uu sii socdo dagaalka Muqdisho ayay iska soo daba dhacayaan baaqayada nabadeed ee dunida daafaheeda ka imaanaya, kuwaasoo dhiunacyada dagaalamaya loogu baaqayo inay dagaalka joojiyaan. Baaqyadii ugu danbeeyay waxay ka soo yeereen: Xoghayaha guud ee Qaramada Midoobay Kofi Annan oo ku baaqay in si degdeg ah loo joojiyo dagaalka Muqdisho, Afhayeenka Kofi Annan ayaa saxafiyiinta ugu sheegay magaalada New York in Xoghayaha guud si weyn uga welwelsan yahay dagaalada iyo qalalaasaha sii kordhaya wuxuuna ugu baaqay kooxaha oo dhan inay taageeraan dowladda Federaalka iyo Golayaasheeda si dalka looga saaro colaadda nabadna loogu horseedo. Dhinaca kale madaxda Midowga Yurub ayaa ugu baaqay kooxaha ku dagaalamaya magaalada Mu qdisho inay rasaasta joojiyaan, waxayna sheegeen inuu dagaalku qasaare ba’an geystay shacabka rayidka ah. Madaxa siyaasadda iyo difaaca Javier Solana iyo madaxa Luois Micheal ayaa baaq ay wadajir uga soo saareen Brussels ayay ku codsadeen in dagaalada Muqdisho degdeg loo joojiyo, waxayna dib u xaqiijiyeen taageerada buuxda ee Midowga Yurub siinayo dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya si loo xaqiijiyo nabadda iyo dib u heshiisiinta. Waxaa kaloo baaqa nabadda codkeeda ku biirisay Safaaradda Mareykanka ee magaalada Nairobi oo kooxaha dagaalamaya ugu baaqday inay dagaalka joojiyaan, waxaase la rumeysan yahay in Mareykanku taageero dhaqaale siiyo qeyb ka mida dhinacyada ku dagaaalmaya Muqdisho oo ah Isbaheysiga argagixiso la dirirka. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites