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ONLA Gains Control Of shilabo and jeexdiin OIL Fields.

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Xilli magac lagu mashquulo kuma jirno adeer. Haddiii adiga uuna xanuun ku hayn rag baa haweenkoodii hortooda lagu kufsadaa! So, ama na taageer ama na mucaarad.


Academic debate wakhtigeedi kuma jirno! Somalinimadaas aad sheegina adigu magac baad sheegtee ANAGU waataan u dhimanaynoo. Why do think are the ONLF fighters dying? Waa inaan Somali soo raacno, adeer. We could have settled for less, and enjoyed a relative peace like NFD!

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Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe:

Paragon, In that case, you have my word to be an ONLF member.

Boloh boloh, I don't take blessings and permissions from any master :D .

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