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Hees Cusub Digniin Saado Cali warsame

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If she was cheering them back then, why is she against them now?

saado xaqdarada ayeey diidasay. way la jirtay sababto ah xaqdaro ayaa ku socotay mesha qabiil ma yaalo saado qofki dulmi lugu sameenaya ayeey waligeed tageersantahay. maantana yaga dadka dulminaya marka dhaafa ayeey leedahay. Saado blindly cidna ma u raacdo marba dadki lagu xaq that hard to understand? mise waxaad aminsantihiin koox la iska raaco xaq iyo xaqdaro waxay wadaanba ma daama dhiig kula wadaagaan. taasi ma xaqbaa??..saasna saado haday aheed may qaadi laheen land cruiser gado oo haday qabiil aminsantahay laakin saado waxaas way ka wayntahay wa qof qabiileeste aheen qabiileste wa ka maanta leh shalay wa la ii hadlay oo waan ku faraxsanahay laakin maanta xaqdarada hala igu tageero..kaas ayaa qabiileste ah marka dib hala isku laabto aya iga talo ah...



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Originally posted by Sacad *Ducaale:

A&T, of course she is an acitivist for SSC i understand if people said she is a SSC patriot but they shouldn't say somaliweyn patriot that is all lies sxb otherwise she would have speaked against Abdullahi yusuf and dozens of ethiopian troops invading and bombarding mogadishu, it seems she only cares about her clan and las anod now how is she somaliweyn supporter? that is the point people are missing.

You have issues of listening her songs/speeches to begin with so how could you know whom she went against and whom she didn't... Many time even as recent as when she was welcomed in Heathrow airport, she clearly mentioned that Somalis' #1 enemy is your so called close/lost cousins of Ethiopia.. Your argument just simply goes against you, so better for you not light on the spot on your own.

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Originally posted by Aalia:

quote: If she was cheering them back then, why is she against them now?

saado xaqdarada ayeey diidasay. way la jirtay sababto ah xaqdaro ayaa ku socotay mesha qabiil ma yaalo saado qofki dulmi lugu sameenaya ayeey waligeed tageersamtahay. maanta yaga dadka dulminaya marka dhaafa ayeey leedahay. Saado blindly cidna ma u raacdo marba dadki lagu xaq that hard to understand? mise waxaad aminsantihiin koox la iska raaco xaq iyo xaqdaro waxay wadaanba. taasi ma xaqbaa??..


Alia regardless of the facts, they won't buy them. They are stuffed with clan and cuqdad... So don't waste too much of your time making them understand.

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^you are right.But, somehow I couldn't help it but write that. Hoping that one day they will get it. I guess that wont happen ehhh...



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I think Saado Cali has the the right to support her people (SSC) or even greater Somalia..Somaliland musician do flaunt their support openly for their secession enclave...The question is what if she supports her people? Is their any separate rules she should follow different from her five minutes beats and two minute songs stars ? after all she is an artist and artist do parade their cause to their fans...She absolutely has the right to voice her opinion however pompous it may seem....Goodluck!!

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A.khadar, the woman is anything but not somaliweyn patriot enough with the fake cries if she was a somaliweyn patriot she would have speaked against abdulahi yusuf when he bought thousands of ethiopian soldiers to mogadishu, or when puntland was arresting wadaado and handing them over to Ethiopia.

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