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Somali Pirates Seize Somaliland Aid Trucks

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Gen Duke,


A tit for tat reaction is one of the many methods that can be employed to try and solve these kind of problems...


I am not threating anyone with the UN but just making the obvious. The truckers were employed by the UN and its them to get them back safely.

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It is not tit for tat .......



Mar shabakada Ramaasnews wax ka weydiisay Taliyaha hogaanka booliska ee gobolka Togdheer Md. Cabdiraxmaan Axmed Liibaan, sababta gaadiidkan looga qab-qabtay magaalada Burco, ayaa wuxu sheegay in ay u hayaan xaalad amni ayna qab-qabteenteen, ka dib markii ay ******** in ay dadkii Shacabka aha ee dadkooda iyo gaadiidkoda lagu qabsaday puntland isku dayi karaan in ay dadkan iyo gaadiidkan waxyeelaan.


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“The pirates hijacked five trucks with nine people onboard and took them to their base in Garaad.
They are demanding the release of their colleagues arrested recently by the Somaliland security forces,”
Abdullahi Mohamed, a security official in Galkayo, said by phone.

Maybe their colleagues are the ones that were sentenced in that unjust 1 week trial that happened in NW Somalia last week! Who know's?It's sad if it is true, violence breeds violence.

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Originally posted by Thankful:

quote: “The pirates hijacked five trucks with nine people onboard and took them to their base in Garaad.
They are demanding the release of their colleagues arrested recently by the Somaliland security forces,”
Abdullahi Mohamed, a security official in Galkayo, said by phone.

Maybe their colleagues are the ones that were sentenced in that unjust 1 week trial that happened in NW Somalia last week! Who know's?It's sad if it is true, violence breeds violence.
Well, this is not about the pirates making demands. It is about the Pirateland Administration which has failed its duty. The criminals where ever they are would do the same. But its the administration which claims to have control over where the criminals operate, that will be judged on what they do about it.


Will the Pirateland Administration tell the UN that they need the convicted Pirates which are sentenced in SL to be freed before the SL truckers get their release? That would be very interesting...

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

It is not tit for tat .......




Mar shabakada Ramaasnews wax ka weydiisay Taliyaha hogaanka booliska ee gobolka Togdheer Md. Cabdiraxmaan Axmed Liibaan, sababta gaadiidkan looga qab-qabtay magaalada Burco, ayaa wuxu sheegay in ay u hayaan xaalad amni ayna qab-qabteenteen, ka dib markii ay ******** in ay dadkii Shacabka aha ee dadkooda iyo gaadiidkoda lagu qabsaday puntland isku dayi karaan in ay dadkan iyo gaadiidkan waxyeelaan.

So the trucks and truckers will be held for their own safety. That is an interesting position taken by the Burco administration. A tit for tat by other name but officially under the "security" banner. hehehe Very clever indeed. :D

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^Not really-looks like they are retaliating either way-the general public might physically harm truckers and the local authorities are jeopardizing commerce.



But anyhow, how could one expect "pirate" administration to be held accountable-it is like the mob to arrest fellow mobsters :D

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From the article it says that the pirates are demanding their colleagues be released. I am saying that maybe thi sis the same colleagues that JB reported were sentenced to long term prison sentenced after a 1 week trial!


If this is true Puntland government better ensure that the trucks are released and hopefully NW Somalia's government will ensure that suspects are given fair trials.

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Originally posted by Suldaanka:

Well, this is not about the pirates making demands. It is about the Pirateland Administration which has failed its duty. The criminals where ever they are would do the same. But its the administration which claims to have control over where the criminals operate, that will be judged on what they do about it.


Will the Pirateland Administration tell the UN that they need the convicted Pirates which are sentenced in SL to be freed before the SL truckers get their release? That would be very interesting...

Your wrong to blame the government of Somalia's Puntland State. It was not the state whom failed anyone; rather it was state that the world food agency failed to inform of the convoy of WFP-chartered trucks headed their way. And thus, also disobeying the road laws in Puntland as well. Nevertheless, the government there gave the green light anyways, a move that was taken in consideration of the suffering people in Central Somalia.


As for the hostage situation involving the employed truckers, in my opinion all the state can do is mediate between the concerned relatives of the fishermen who remain prisoners in Harigesa after their boat wreck off Northwest Somalia and the world food agency whom employed the truckers. There are still many trucks from Northwest Somalia still in Galkayo, too afraid to return, and authorities there are said to be given them escorts. So rest assure the state is doing all it can to ensure the truckers safety.

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Faahfaahin kasoo baxaysa Gawaari laga leeyahay Somaliland oo lagu afduubtay Puntland

February 26, 2010


Kooxaha geystay Afduubka gawaari laga leeyahay Maamulka Somaliland oo lagu haysto degmadda Jariiban ee gobolka Mudug ayaa soo saaray Shuruudo ah in maamulka Somaliland uu sii daayo ku dhowaad 40-ruux oo ay sheegeen in ay ahaayeen Kallumaysato oo ay kusoo oogtay danbiyo la xirrira arimaha Burcad Badeednimo.


Ka dib markii ay Ciidanka Badda maamulkaasi ka qabteen meel ku dhow xeebaha ay maamusho xilli ay doonidi ay wateen oo ahayd nooca kallumaysiga ay kula cariday meel ku dhow xeebaha ay maamusho Somaliland sida uu ku waramay mid ka mid ah dablayda hubeysan oo lagu magacaabo Cabdi Warsame Jufe oo loo yaqaano Cabdi waal oo u waramay Horseed Media.


Ninkaasi u hadlay dablayda hubeyan ee gaadiidkaasi gacanta ku dhigay ayaa sheegay in gaadiidka oo ay weheliyeen ilaa iyo toban shaqaale ah xaaladooda ay tahay mid wanaagsan isla markaana ay yaaliin Saldhiga degmadda Jariiban isagoo sheegay in dadkaasi ay gacanta ku hayn doonaan inta ay Maamulka Somaliland kasii deynayo dadka lagu eedeyey Burcad Badeednimada.



”Waxaa aan u baahanahay waa in naloo sii daayo dadkeena kallumaysatada ah oo ay Somaliland ay gacanta ku hayso hadii aysan xoriyadooda dib u siin anaga ma si deyneyno waana ay sii socon doonta howshan aan wadno hadii naloo sii daayo waana si deynayna”,ayuu yiri Cabdi Waal.


Mar ay Horseed Media wax ka weydiisay waxaa ka jira ragaas lagu soo oogay dambiga Burcad Badeednimada oo ay Somaliland xukuntay waxaa ay ku xaqiijiyaan in ay ahaayeen kallumaysato oo aysan ahayn Burcad Badeed,ayuu sheegay in arimahaas ay yihin kuwa Been abuur ah isla markaana ay ahaayeen kallumaysato.


Dhanka kale maamulka gobolka Nugaal ayaa waxaa ay sheegeen in ay dadaal ugu jiraan si deynta gawaari nooca xamuulka qaada oo markii hore u kiraysnaa Hay’adda WFP kaas oo ay afduubteen rag hubeysan kana afduubteen meel ku dhow Buurtinle,waxaana ay arintaas tahay mid la xirrirta waalidin kasoo jeeda Puntland oo carrurtooda laga xaday oo lagu haysto degaanadda Somaliland.


Horseed Media

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The story is, somaliland locked up fisherman from puntland against charges of "piracy". Untill they release those fisherman, the gara'ad folks won't release these men.


Plus their is aenother incident where another truck was captured by the relatives of the young girl that was stolen from bendar bayla who is holding more snm hostages untill they release the girl.


You see the problem is somaliland has "child porn ring" after they have sold their children into this, they are now trying to expand the business into puntland. It is known as "burcad caruureed" where they are putting children in danger.


This is nothing like piracy, which doesn't involve endangering somalis in anyway, but is foreign beef. I prefer piracy at least they don't harm any somalis. But these snm rats are harming our children and they must be dealt with. All snm will be targetted inside puntland and seyfka wa bananka if they don't release those fishermen plus that girl they stole from bendar bayla.

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