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Buubaa to Join the Asmara Group ????

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^lol, Reer SL iyagaa kala ah miyaana? horta maxaan u arki waynay waxa aad kala taageertaan, wadankiinu soo malahan Xisbiyo kala duwan? Who supports UCID, KULMIYE and what was the other party?... is it only three or more? I have only heard of 3, which one is the rulling party? Riyaale's...

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^lol, Reer SL iyagaa kala ah miyaana? horta maxaan u arki waynay waxa aad kala taageertaan, wadankiinu soo malahan Xisbiyo kala duwan? Who supports UCID, KULMIYE and what was the other party?... is it only three or more? I have only heard of 3, which one is the rulling party? Riyaale's...

All that info in available on SOL ,,,,,,,,,,, just pay some energy to find out :D

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Allamagan , I can't read Somali, though I speak it.

I wrote my piece based on what, I could understand from the English title of what the poster wrote.


Jacaylbaro, You raised very good points, again.

The tfg must go and be replaced by a organic home grown solution. The political bloc that is being formed by Adan and Sharif, is the best hope.

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thanks peacenow ,,,,


It all depends on what ppl prefer and their choice ,, although that group is the only one existing against the TFG but they still seem to be one clan leaders and they lack the massive support of PL and some other regions in Somalia ,,,, Ali Khalif Galaydh and some of his crew can make some changes in the group but they not members of the group and they prefer to support them indirectly ,,,,,


The group is still lacking some political games that is essential to their existance and the future leadership of somalia if they can make it.

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Peacenow, Saxib you must be living in a different world, better learn how the structure of the Somali politiking works before you make any comment.


JB, I haven't noticed any such difference in SOL, all of you seem to be in one Box and simply are obsessed with the reconginition thing...


Puntland will have multi-party politiking soon, I bet there will be no love between me and Duke and many other Punt... ooh and Oday Baashi will let go the neutrality stuff, you may spot him wave the flag for his fav for the first time, the man seems not to be happy with the current leaders and policy, Xiin too awaits for a semi-Wadaad candidate lol, Cayaarta markaasay isku dhacaysaa...

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I'm worried for the poor buubaa ,,,,, xagu gebi xabu gebi guntu walac uun baan maqli jiray :D


dhan walba seeg baa ku dhacday ma is tidhi ,,,,, odayga dhulkay la dhaceene

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Buubaa denies his alleged crossing of the floor ---


“Weligey ilama soo xidhiidhin Wargeyska Al-Khaleej, waxayna iga sameeyeen xigasho been abuur ah, mana garanayo sababta ay iiga been abuuranayaan” ayuu yidhi Ismaaciil Buubaa.


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So he denied it ,,,,,,,,,, we have widhwidh reporting this.



As long as uu weli debedda ku maqan yahay then ka shaki inuu xaggaa ka dego :D

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Emperor - "Reer SL iyagaa kala ah miyaana?"

Show ma laha nin war hayaba ma ahid. Waar bal JB hoos u warayso oo weydii sida ay "habruhu" u kala taageeraan 3-da xisbi --- oo ka digtoonow Northerner oo jabane raadis ahi yaanu dhagta dhiiga kuu darine.



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hahaha ,, :D:D



Nin baa laga sheegayay "waar hal habar baan hayn l'a nahay ee sidee baad 3 u haysaan ? " :D:D



I don't think Emperor is lacking that information ,,

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JB - Buubaa is just a politician. He is here today, and over there 'row. No concrete political principles to abide by. And with the amount of alleged friction 'ween him and Gedi, and one would not be surprised if he were to join the Hargeisa stratocracy 'row.


See the knot here, if you dare?



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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

[QB] I'm worried for the poor buubaa ,,,,, xagu gebi xabu gebi guntu walac uun baan maqli jiray


dhan walba seeg baa ku dhacday ma is tidhi ,,,,, odayga dhulkay la dhaceene

Stop shedding crocordile tears adeer, take your hypcritical stances to somewhere else ka dhegaysta, and leave the man alone, Why u bother even when he left your somaliland years ago, Adeer nin waa kii kaca ee hadana kufa, dont think world is all milk and honey. striving is what matters, specially in the political jungle.


Munfaqada waad dhamaysay :D

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