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Buubaa to Join the Asmara Group ????

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BUUBAA oo bacdii loo tuuray una sii Hadimalee dhankaa iyo Eriteriya..




Ismaaciil Maxamuud Hurre Buubaa oo ah Wasiirka Waxbarashada DF Somalia ayaa la sheegayaa inuu ku biiray xubnaha la magac baxay Baarlamaanka xorta ah ee ku sugan wadanka Eritrea .


Buubaa oo wareysi siiyay Jariirada Alkhaleej ee kasoo baxda wadanka Emaraatka Carabta ayaa sheegay in aysan suuurta gal ahayn in xiligan laga shaqaeeyo dalka Somalia oo ay haystaan buu yiri ciidamo soo duulay sida uu hadalka u yiri.


Ismaaciil Buubaa oo hore u ahaa Wasiirka arrimaha dibada DF Somalia ayaa hada u muuqanayo mid aan la dhacsanayn qaabka ay wax u wadaan R/wasaaraha Somalia Cali Max'ed Geedi iyo Madaxwayne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed.


Wasiirka ayaa la waydiiyay su‘aalo ay ka mid ahaayeen maxaad ku diidan tahay Dowlada aad kamid tahay waxa uuna ku jawaabay " waxaa la jebiyay sharciyadii lagu soo heshiiyay iyo dastuurkii u degsanaa DF Somalia oo meel layska dhigay isagoo hadalkiisa sii wata ayuu buubaa yri waxaan go'aan saday in aan ku laaban Muqdisho iyadoo aan laga saarin dalka ciidamada Ethiopia oo uu ku eedeeyay in ay xasuuq k agaysteen Somalia.


Wasiirka oo hada ku sugan magaalada Dubai ayaa intaa ku daray in ay xadhiidheen isaga iyo Gudoomiyihii hore ee Baarlamaanka Somalia Shariif Xasan Shiik Aadan kana wada hadleen arrimo dhowr ah, waxa uuna beeniyay Buubaa in uu ka qayb qaadan doono isbahaysi dhawaan looga dhawaaqi doono Asmara .


Si kastaba, waa wasiirkii labaad ee ka baxa DF Somalia horayna waxaa uga baxay Xuseen Caydiid oo hada kamid noqday xubnaha la magac baxay Baarlamanka xorta ah.




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Very good news. This would solidfy the political bloc, that is forming as the PINR report said last week. and the Somali diaspora should fully get behind it. Very positive about this.

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^^ Peacenow, how did you understand this news in somali? were you not the one seeking help for translation the other day? just curious!


Re. Buubaa, if this news is true, then it is a severe blow to this tfg. This guy was the most reasonable one in this team tfg and if they lost him, which they virtually lost him long ago when the vet man (dhaqtarka digaaga) Mr. Geedi showed him the door after Buubaa sacked Mr. untauchable Ali America, Geedi's brother-in-low.


This shows how this tfg, is clan-oriented business. split (share) between Geedi's & uncle wolf's, blukah! this TFG is a joke and it must GO now in its entirety before its late.

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But you don't have an alternative ,,, do you ??


You (somalis) said Siad Barre must go and never had a replacement ,,,,,


You (somalis) said Ali mahdi should go and never get another one ,,



You (somalis) said A/Qasim should move and never brought an alternative ,,,,,,



Now you say the TFG gangs must go and still don't have another choice ???

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Originally posted by Allamagan:


This shows how this tfg, is clan-oriented business. split (share) between Geedi's & uncle wolf's, blukah! this TFG is a joke and it must GO now in its entirety before its late.

Hang on Adeer, it was a non-existent from the begining the tfg thing, but I cannot remember his name someone was saying its the third republic, i think that guy is dreaming.


Adeerkay Mr. Ismail Mohamoud Hurreh made a wise decison to leave the buggers, they are non-starters, and sold somalia to xabashi-injirleey.

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But he was part of the deal before ,,,, as he was the one who took part the defeat of the iCU ,, and now it is funny that he wants to join :D



Only if this is true ,,,,,,,,,

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JB, yes they must go whatever the consequence! Each day they export learned people, the ulama to Melez and Co. TFG is led by by some selfish & nepotistic bunch of 1diots. Instead of wining the hearts & minds of the people they kill, rob and prison people they compete one another to Melez at expense of the somali poeple in the cauntry. They work for the amharo and not for the people so by any means they have to be toppled down and dealt with.

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I think it is better to organize and choose someone/group to take over when they go ,,, ppl suffered 17 years and don't deserve more ,,,

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Of course there is need for a plan and a strategy laid down by those already in the play, before challenging these stooges otherwise it would turn to kadaroo dib dhal.

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Waaryaa JB I have nothing to do with idamale adeer :D my fav website is and somaliaonline. try again please,. waad ku jirta :D

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