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Ogeysiis to newbies

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First of all, salaams to you all. And welcome to the site.


Newbies and the not-so newbies who participate on this section, a few words of reminder.


  1. Post threads in their proper sections. Politics section is not the only section of the forum.
  2. This section is not a chat room, where random posts of rants or other unsubstantiated opinions is substituted as news sources. Please give proper sources, even the more unreliable Soomaali sites to give your threads credibility. If you want to state your own opinion just write so, don't report it as news.
  3. Remember, lest you haven't read what you had signed on, naming clan names are absolutely not allowed.
  4. Writing a simple letter to stand a clan name is not allowed either.
  5. Again, posting of dead, mutilated bodies is absolutely no-no.
  6. If you can, post clear and understandable titles so the readers will have a clear idea what the thread's topic is about.

Thank you for all your understandings. We all like to keep the credibility, cleanliness of the site and its members.


This topic will be featured in the next few days on the top for your benefit.

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