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Sheikh hotel arms his sub clan + warlord M. Dhere led the war today

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Originally posted by Aw-Muuse:

Sol's own battlefield, keep it up boys. I am enjoying it so far. It's a hell of a good read.
Don't forget to laugh and enjoy yourselves

^^ :D:D


Meeshatan JB uun baa k maqan isna hadduuna dhalda hor fadhiyin ,,, Adis ayuu u hub dontay!!!

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Emp, awoowe lets cut to the chase, and tell us what is your stance in this conflict.


which category do you fall in the following groups:


1- alshabaab supporter

2- tfg supporter

3- wait and see, but open to support the winner


keep your answer concise awoowe


i know duke's stance, he supports sharif :D .

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We all support Sharif, but the problem is that we are not certain to where he will take us.


Ninku armuu Jigjigana gataa? :D

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Duke not reading your mind but that is what you told us before. forget what you said before tell us where you stand today?


Francab, if you are a supporter of sharif, you report to me in sol.


if you didn't get that memo yet, you are new recruit :D


Seriously, where is the king?

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This actual thread could for once separate the Duke and Xiin and stop all this. The floor is all yours. Hala kala baxo, oo kale saf hala kala noqdo. Waxba ha isu reebina ilmaadeerayaalow, kuwa soo gurmadayana anaa idin ka qabani inshallaahu.


Hal mar uun kala hara fadlan.

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[Edited]*** Awoowe Xiin for once what I can't get is nin Ibraahiimada ah oo nin Cali Cismaan u durbaano tumaaya. Kol horrana maxaad wiil-hoog iyo geesi marrada qabatay.


Aniga koley ninkaa Shariif ishaa uun baa ka arkii, laakiin isaguu iyo kuwa dagaalamaaya ba, waxba nagama gelin ee hadaad sidaa taageeri u ahayd, Adeerkaa baad taageeri lahayd oo luggaha maadan ka qabateen.

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Xiin, anu sida ninka kaa koreeya eed ilmo adeerka tihiin cadaawaha kugu

dawan maayo laakiin shilinka in aad hurto ayaa horaysa.


Sharifka waa la taageeri laakiin af maran lagu taageero maayo.


Boqorku yuu ahaana?

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Farancab, ma lacag baad rabtaa? knowing what i know there is only hal qolo oo maanta lacag loo ogolyahay :D . sheeg ciddaad tahay waryee


The King= Emperor.

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Originally posted by Aw-Muuse:

Aniga koley ninkaa Shariif ishaa uun baa ka arkii, laakiin isaguu iyo kuwa dagaalamaaya ba, waxba nagama gelin ee hadaad sidaa taageeri u ahayd, Adeerkaa baad taageeri lahayd oo luggaha maadan ka qabateen.

:D wallee tanoo kalena way dhinayd.


waxaad ku hadashay raga ugu qabyaalad badan SOL waxay ay ka xishoodaan inay la soo shirtagaan.


lakin Kudos abti ... Im tired of all the code-words being thrown around ... Duke iyo Emperor (my apologies gents i blv inaan dhinac ka soo wada jeedno hada ), iyo sxbkay our very own Mr. "Mugdisho society" sidaadoo kale inay u qaawiyaan bahasha ayaa loo qaatay.


dont mind me asxaabta .. as you were

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Lol, Xiin. War inta aad wax ogoshahay waxba isla diidi mayno.


Ka reer ahaan, reer Geed ku hoos kore. :D

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