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Sheikh hotel arms his sub clan + warlord M. Dhere led the war today

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In a meeting about 2 weeks ago, the clan of north of Mogadishu vowed to fight and defend their terrorities (or their son Sheikh hotel) in some parts of Mogadishu against Alshabaab while on the same note Sheikh hotel started mass distribution of arsenal to the sub-clan...


Today warlord M. Dheere and Musa Yalaxow started the offense for Sheikh hotel's side against Alshabaab, so what has warlord M. Dheere got to do with this and on what bases is he fighting for the government, he has no position. Xiin-ow as a supporter of Shiekh hotel, let me know if your caravan leader have thought well about this, why is warlord M. Dheere leading the war and fighting for Sheikh hotel, tell me anything, anything, if not clan...


One wonders is this a government or a clan(including their warlords) using all they can to mobilize and incite its members to defend the parts of Mogadishu they ruled for thepast 2 decades of the civil war.... Loool


The other foolish move of Sheikh hotel is that, he really thinks a clan will and can defeat Alshabaab and root them out of Somalia by giving ten days ultimatum :D

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^Remember they had a week to think over this, get M. Dheere back into the country and prepare for one hech of a knockout, if all they did was only kill many innocents as the result of the war and not move an inch what do you except when they weaken after few days of fighting, bearing in mind Alshabaab's boys are all over the country and can send reinforcements as and when they need it...


Only the clan ayuu loggoynaayaa oo uu dagaal ku baabin dooonaa

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Your nightly wet dreams of Shangoole bringing Hip Hip Jihad to Garoowe sums up an old somali saying that goes......Waxaadan heyn uu hanqaltaaga(Garoowe) waxaad haysidna yuu kaa habsaamin (NW of Burtinle). I word of advice brother.

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^No one solicited your advise, and now go get Duke, otherwise stop wasting my time.


Emperor...Do you actually support Sharif's government barring their shortcomings?

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^One can support a man Saaxib, a strong man, not a axmaq...


As to the crazy boys and Hassan Dahir, you know my stance...

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SOL Amisomites are a bunch of braindeads.


look who they support now.


- amisom occupation

- selling of kismayo coast to kenya

- killing of civilians by AMISOM shelling

- ethiopian occupation of hiiraan

- warlord maxamed dheer, qaybdiid running things

- NGO and antarnashanal komyuuniti holding us hostage again



what is their true cause? Worshipping personality (shareef)? dadkaan maba fekerooyaan.


how is that support different from those who loved Yeey despite all his mistakes?


they are the only confused bunch ee ani ila tahay.

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Ciidamada dowladda oo isugu jira kuwii Maxaakimta iyo kuwii hogaamiye kooxeedyada ayaa maanta galinkii horay waxa u suurto gashay inay si dhib yar ku qabsadaan ilaa warshada Caanaha, suuqa Bakaaraha, saldhiga wardhiigley iyo maxkamada Xararyaale, Towfiiq ilaa wadad soddonka, laakiin sidii lagu yaqaanay maleeshiyaadka beelaha ayay markii la gaaray galabnimadii usoo laabteen meelihii ay ka duleen, taasoo keentay inay si dhib yar xoogaga mucaaradku dib ugu qabsadaan goobihii laga saaray saakay, marka laga reebo saldhiga Wardhiigley iyo agagaarka warshada Caanaha oo ay wali ku sugan yihiin.



Emperor was spot on. Clan militias are leading the charge for "FREEDOM" braveheart Mohamed Dheere and Sharif the Bruce Ahmed are liberating from Jowhar to Mahaday is the new war cry. :D

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Sol's own battlefield, keep it up boys. I am enjoying it so far. It's a hell of a good read. :D Don't forget to laugh and enjoy yourselves

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