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SSC Militia Attack WidhWidh

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sida ay wararka naga soo gaadhaya Gobolka Sool sheegayaan waxa uu dagaal culusi ka socdaa deegaanka Widh-widh oo ka tirsan Gobolka Sool oo ay ku dagaalamayaan Ciidamada Somaliland ee degan jiidaasi iyo Maleeshiyo Beeleedyo laga soo abaabulay dhinaca Puntland


inkastoo aan wali shaaca laga qaadin khasaaraha Dhimashada iyo dhaawacu inta uu le’eg yahay hadana wararka hordhaca ah ee laga helayo dagaalkaasi ee aanu ka helayno masuuliyiinta ciidanku waxa uu sheegayaa in ciidamada Somaliland dagaalkaasi kaga dhintay sarkaal ka tirsan ciidanku iyadoo warku intaa ku darayo inay jirto dhimasho badan oo aan ilaa hada la cayimin


dagaalka ayuu warku sheegayaa inuu ilaa hada socdo, wasiirka Gaashaan-dhiga Somaliland oo aanu isku daynay inaanu wax ka weydiino sida uu dagaalku u dhacay iyo khasaaraha ka dhashay ayaa noo sheegay in goor dhaw uu saxaafada la hadli doono si uu ugu gudbiyo warbixinta dhabta ah

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No attacks! i have nothing in common with Alshabaab ,,,and to be honest i HATE them,,i was in HG Last week and every one i met there was telling me i reside in Xera Awr! that is the reason i asked Awoowe.

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u been hanging out with reer Xero Awr i guess ,,,



u should've get in touch with me ,,,, u would've seen different places ,,, :D

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War Deg Deg AH: Dagaal Ka qarxay Tuulada Widh Widh ee Gobolka Sool

posted by: Webmaster


WidhWidh( TogaHerer)Kooxda SSC ee Somaliland diidka ah ayaa xalay weerar gaadmo ah ku soo qaaday ciidamada Jamhuuriyada Somaliland ee ku sugan Tuulada WidhWidh .


Weerarka Kooxdani Soo Qaaday ayaa Ciidamda Qaranku ee Ku sugan Jiida Widh widh ay u jilib dhigeen isla markiiba ay jabiyeen dagaalka ayaa ka socda Hareeraha Tuulada Widhwidh.


Dagaalkan ayaa geystay khaasaare dhimasho iyo Dhaawac ba leh , ilaa hadda lama xaqiijin khasaraha soo gaadhay maleeshayada Somaliland Diidka ah ee SSC, dhinaca ciidamada qaranka ayaa la sheegayaa in uu ka dhintay hal Askari kana dhaawacmay hal Askari oo kale sidoo kale ciidamda Qaranka ayaa ka qabtay maxaabiis fara badan Kooxdan SSC.


Geesta Kale Cali Sabaray oo hogaamiya Kooxdan ayaa ku calaacalay in dagaalka lagaga baxay oo Koox ka tirsani ay uga fadhiistay Dagaalka Kooxdaasina ay saldhig ka dhigteen tuulada Dan dan.


Dagaalkan oo bilowday xalay ayaa hada waxaa xabado ka dhacdhacayaan Dhinaca Bari ee Widhwidh…


Ilaa hadda dagaalkan ayaanay ka hadlin Xukuumada Somaliland gaar ahaan Wasraada Gaashandhigu.


Wixii wara ee ka soo kordha wararkeena danbe kala soco insha Allaah.


Xafiiska Wararka TogaHerer





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Isu nacamleeye, It's worth no respond.. SSC destiny is the blue flag and free of SNM militia from their towns... While that destiny is achieved, feel free to post all your gags in here.

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Originally posted by A_Khadar:

Isu nacamleeye, It's worth no respond.. SSC destiny is the blue flag and free of SNM militia from their towns... While that destiny is achieved, feel free to post all your gags in here.


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That is another gag.. Again ssc is fighting to remove that clan flag from their town and raise the beautiful blue flag up again.

You're missing the point and jumping from topic to topic.. You seem very unstable man. I am waiting to see any stable and right mind person from your lot who consistent with his/her point.

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