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The President to liberate the National Port and Airport

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Madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf oo sheegay in Dakadihii iyo Erabooradii Qaranku ay u xiran yihiin Dad aan aqoonin sida loo istcmaalo.


Madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yusuuf iyo wafdigii uu hogaaminayey uuna kamid ahaa wasiirka Koowaad Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo caawa xaflad soo dhaweyn si heer sare ah loo agaasimay oo beelaha Digil iyo Mirif le ay uga sameyeen gudaha magaalada Baydhabo .


Ayaa waxaa halkasi qudbad xamaasad leh ka jeediyey Madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yusuuf asagoo ku dheeraday in wadanka lama huraan tahay in dalka ay soo galaan ciidamo ka socda Afrika gar ahaan kuwa Itoobiya oo aan leynaha xiriir soo jireen ah ,asagoo carabka ku adkeeyey in mudda 3 bil gudahood aan ku xasilin doona koonfurta Soomaliya gaar ahaan magaalada Muqdisho oo loo mara lahaa 14 sano ee la soo dhaafay


Madaxweynaha oo arintaas faafahinayey waxuu yiri Dakadihii iyo Erabooradii Qaranka waxey gacanta ugu jiraan dad aan garaneynin sida loo is ticmaalo kuwaasna waxaan ku qabaneynaa gacan bir ah .


Ma ahan markii ugu horeysay uu u hanjabo hogaamiyasha Muqdisho asagona horey u sheegay in la soo qaban doona ama daadku uu qaadi doona cidii ka hortimaado nidaamka hada socda



The President is working hard for his people by eradicating these obstacles to statehood...kudos to him. :D

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Are these “peacekeeping†forces or Airport utilising ones that Mr Yusuf is talking about?

I like his idea of peace though. Very simple and straightforward. Like someone trying to rebuild a wonky sandcastle, wipe it all out first and then rebuild a nice one to your taste. Tell me though, does the Mogadishu beach have any sea snakes? :D

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