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Medulla Oblongata

Islamic Trivia

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The game is simple. Ask questions regarding Islam; answer them correctly to move on to the next question.These sort of Islamic trivia games are beneficial to all. I hope you and I benefit from it. Let me kick off with a question! If possible give daleel inshallah! Have fun! Are y'all ready? Here it goes...


Question: Who were the first companions to believe in the messege of our great Nabi Muhammad (Salallahu Alayhi Wassalam)? Name the 5 sahabis (RA) in their chronological order. :D

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NICEY topic. inshallah i will be an observor and learn from it.


i can answer part of the 1st question:

1. Kadija (ra)

2. Abu-Bakar (ra)

3. Ali ibn' Talib (ra) ( i guess since he was young at the time

4. Was it Abdulahi something ( ABu-Bakar' freind.



My question once the 1st question is answered fully will be : Name the 1st three great battles of Islam with dates.

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