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Is A/Yusuf YEEY the new Ahmed Chalabi of Somalia (used and Misused)???

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MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) -- Mogadishu's dominant clan said Sunday it has brokered a truce with Ethiopian military officials who are supporting Somalia's government, even as mortar shells continued slamming into the capital for a fourth day.


Ahmed Diriye, the ****** clan spokesman, said fighting in Mogadishu should end within hours. Ethiopian officials were not immediately available for comment.

With all this closed door talks, negotiations, meetings, ceasefires and truces taking place without the participation of the old guard stooges, without their knowledge and presence, are these new developments signals of YEEY the Vampires being dropped from the good old boys list into the used and misused list of the stooges???... Is it possible for him to have become the Ahmed Chalabi of Somalia?... offices being raided, accusations of double agentism. Collaboratorism to follow next??... Is Yeeyye the vampire going to lose his stooge medallion to some one new, perhaps Ahmed Diiriye himself????....


I could only speculate so much but a trained ear like mine could only predict a doom for ADeerKEEN by watching carefully of what is happening on the ground with the Habashis and REER HAMAR….


The masters are talking and signing deals with a whole new lot of Stooges RIGHTLY OR WRONGLY SO….Let’s patiently wait and see where this new wave of politics take us all….Wallee dad badani cadhuftooday dib u liqi kari waynayaan… When AdeerKEEN is being IDENTIFIED as the AHMED CHALABI OF SOMALIA…

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A whole new name is born for Ahmed diiriiye. He is now known as Nabadoon bililiqo. He is living on Xaraam homes and he wants to maintain the home. :D Peace keeper. NO. Bililiqo master. Yessir.



Nabadoon Biliiliqo!!!



Nabadoon biliiliqo oo lagu magacaabo Axmed Diriiye sheegtana afhayeenka beesha ****** Ma mudan yahay ninkaasi nin mudan magacyaduu la baxay nin u qalma? Bililiqo sida ka muuqata sifada magaciisa iyo taariikh nololeddkiisa oo aan wax yar ka dulmarayno.Markii uu dhacay burburkii wadanka wuxuu Axmed ka mid ahaa dadkii nafta ka dayey inuu xoog ku afdoobto afar ooryood oo labo kamidi yihiin dadka cadcadka ah.


Wuxuu sheegtaa inuu yahay Halgamaa weyn, halgankaas uu sheegto oo ku salaysan xasuuq aan meel loo dayin uu u gaysan jiray maatadadii ******* iyo dadkii masaakiin ta. ee cad cad ku noolaa muqdisho.Axmed wuxuu in badan ku soo caano maalayey qabsadayna guryo badan oo ku yaal if iyo aaqiro, wuxuu guryahaas intooda badab qabsaday dagaaladii muqdisho looga saaray Marxuum Maxamed Siyaad Bare (RABBI JANNADIISA HA SIIYEE), wuxuu degenaa Guri nin masaakiin uu lahaa oo uu isagu dilay , kaddibna uu deegaan ka dhigtay.




Sidoo kale, wuxuu lacago kuwaas la mid ah ka qaadan jiray guryaha Wasaaraddii hore ee Gaashaandhigga, halkaasoo dadka daggan ay isku beel ahaayeen isaguna uu dajiyay kirooyina uu ka qaadan jiray. Ahmed wuxuu dadka aan garanayn u sheegtaa inuu yahay Wadaad soomaaliyeed , Laakiin dadka Muqdisho ku nool waxay u yaqaan inuu yahay nin ******** ah oo aysan wadaadnimadu meel ka soo marin, maadaama uu yahay nin ay yaqaaniin, wuxuu kaloo ahaan jiray ******** wata kooxo ******** oo dadka dila´, siiba kuwa u ololeeya inay Xamar iyo Soomaaliyaba nabad ka dhalato.

 wiil waal

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This is about one else....and the question is:


wether he is going to have the same fate as that of Ahmed Chalabi.... while used to justify for the initial operation, is he going to matter now???

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This is turning out to be one heck of an action movie. First Villa Somalia was captured, then Abdullahi Yusuf was forced into hiding and was smuggled into Ethiopia/Kenya( I don't know which one, the stories keep changing every minute) and now he's being replaced as head of state by Mr.nobody Ahmed Diriye. What's next? I'm waiting for Steven Seagal to appear out of nowhere with his karate moves. :D

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All that sarcasm is unnecessary really...I am as a member of good standing in Tolka who pays his dues all the time, and fights the Xaq kudirir fadhikudirir fight for the Tolka, am simply worried here....Tha's all


These are the facts on the ground in Mogadishu right now as the AP reports...No one, none whatsoever is consultin with AdeerKEEN Yeey the vampire any seems he is sidelined for a reason which we can only speculate DEAR TOLKA Friends We better look ahead and see the future from what's taking place right now...Can the old guy really live with being The Chalabi of Somalia?????

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Oh! You were being serious?! :confused: And here I was thinking this Tahliil character should consider trying out for Last Comic Standing. Oh how the mighty have fallen..You cyber-warriors have been reduced to regurgitating gossip from the likes of waagacusub. Desperate times call for desperate measures, eh? Sad..sad indeed. redface.gif

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Axmed Jalaabi and Mareykanka at least mutually benefited one another. [And may I add he more did than they did.]


He misled the ignorant and arrogant neocons into Ciraaq and his nemesis, Sadaam, to be toppled, thus profiting financially in the immediate chaos that resulted.


For that, the guy was shrew and knew what he wanted, unlike the Stooge Father of Xabasho.


He was used before, discarded and imprisoned, and once again is being used and already being discarded since he does not even know where a fight is taking place. His Xabashi Master Sanlaawe said a few weeks ago, words to the effect of these: We went to Xamar [soomaaliya] not to get power [dowlad ku sheega] in Soomaaliya, but to get rid of Maxkamahada/i].


Such a dire circumstances and causing the wrath of overwhelming majority of Soomaalida, no mutual benefit xataa, aha? :D


That just certained what the vast majority of Soomaalis already knew. Used and discarded. That should be his nickname, in addition of Stooge Father of Xabashi.


That shortly upcoming day oo banaanka loo dhigo his hoosgundi and this time completely discarded [and Xabashida are already doing negotiating clan elders while Stoogeka oo meesha taagan], maalintaas ayaa rabaa ciyaal kuni kuniga ka daba dhareero Stoogekaas see u cabadi lahayeen. Don't say on this coming day Xabashi were our enemies awalba. No, don't ever try to do that.

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